Hi there
I cannot see the mindmap in my post. Browser ist OK. I see the buttons. Path of the mindmap is in Dropbox.
Where is the problem?
THXs Magnus
I make extensive use of freemind notes (freemind : mark the node, then “insert” -> “notes”) but the notes displayed in the wp flash plugin have an ugly font (something with serives). is there a way to change/configure the font of the notes?
will there be an html5 version without flash?
p.s.: the plugin works fine with wordpress 3.5 and although it is not brand new, it fits best to what I want to accomplish.
thank you for the great idea.
Hi everyone,
I can see this flash player with Mindfree files displayed on others sites but not on mine.
On mine, I have this error message:
JavaScript or Flash plugin need to be activated in your browser.
So I suppose that I should change something in the wp-freemind.php file (plugin folder).
I replaced the “/wp-content/plugins/wp-freemind/flashobject.js” by my “https://mysite.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-freemind/flashobject.js”.
Unfortunately, nothing changed.
For those who have the latest version of WordPress, did this plugin worked right away for you? I really need these mind maps to do some strong collaborative work ??
Thank you in advance if you can give me some of your time. I’m sure this issue shouldn’t that big, but you may have guessed that I’m not a programmer… :p
]]>I have patched a version of this plugin to work with WP 3.2.1 and wp in a subdir.
Index: wp-freemind.php
--- wp-freemind.php (revision 469913)
+++ wp-freemind.php (working copy)
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
function freemind_init() {
//Register the flashobject JS library
- wp_enqueue_script('flashobject', '/wp-content/plugins/wp-freemind/flashobject.js', array(), true);
+ wp_enqueue_script('flashobject', plugins_url('flashobject.js', __FILE__), array(), true);
-add_action('plugins_loaded', 'freemind_init');
+add_action('init', 'freemind_init');
//Function to replace the [mindmap] shortcode
function handle_freemind_shortcode($atts, $content) {
@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@
//Generate unique id for DIV to be replaced
$id = 'wpf'.time().rand(0,1000);
-if ($content == '') $content = '/wp-content/plugins/wp-freemind/wp-freemind.mm';
+if ($content == '') $content = plugins_url('wp-freemind.mm', __FILE__);
$a = shortcode_atts($defaults_array, $atts);
$height = 'height:'.$a['height'];
$width = ($a['width'])?(';width:'.$a['width']):'';
return '<div id="'.$id.'" style="'.$height.$width.'">JavaScript or Flash plugin need to be activated in your browser.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
-var fo = new FlashObject("/wp-content/plugins/wp-freemind/visorFreemind.swf", "visorFreeMind", "100%", "100%", 6, "#9999ff");
+var fo = new FlashObject("' . plugins_url('visorFreemind.swf', __FILE__) . '", "visorFreeMind", "100%", "100%", 6, "#9999ff");