Custom fields not displayed on donation form. I already enabled form fields and also set on donation form page.
I’m not able to post any updates on campaigns. I receive the following error after pressing submit button:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
POST https://fundmymission.be/wp-json/xs-update-form/user-update/ 404 (Not Found)
send @ jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2
good day fundengine, thanks for developing such wonderful plugin, when i first used it for test running of a charity website, i was able to select woocommerce payment gateway and apply it,, but now after updating the plugin, am not able to select woocommerce payment gateway anymore. if you click on the radio radio button of woocommerce gateway,it does not select it…
I have also used previous versions,still same problem, i also tried it in other sub-domains, still same problem..
please how should i solve such issue??/
]]>Hi, I want to ask you: are there in this plugin automatic email notifications (a sort of SMTP system) to the admin, campaign organizers, backers, or other members or customers, for the actions on the website that will use FundEngine? For example: a campaign organizer will submit a campaign and it will be on pending. Will the organizer receive any email notification for it or after the campaign will be approved?
]]>Is there any way , CSS whatever to remove the mumbled text below the campaign title in this?
The hide feature doesn’t work, DELETING the text doesn’t either…
We added the PayPal email but when you click to donate it takes you to a blank page.
]]>Can you edit what the heading is for Rewards to call it Pledges?
]]>Trying to view the preview or visiting the page directly using the URL throws a 404 error.
]]>Hi, I want to customize the login registration page (popup lightbox). I want to change the image for example. So, how can I do it?
Thank you
]]>Hi, I can’t figure out where and how to configure the ability to request a withdrawal after the company ends. Could you please tell me how to do this?
And one more thing: is it possible to add a payment method using Mycred?
]]>Hello, We have detected some errors:
“An active PHP session was detected
A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.”
in wp-fundraising-donation\apps\wfpwoocommerce.php : 7
]]>We want to be able to add pledges to the fundraising page manually (if people contribute with donations without using the WP Fundraising page payment portal) Sometimes people want us to process it for them. What is the best way to do this?
If we add it using our own website it gives my admin name as donor on the recent pledges list, even if I use their name in the checkout. Can we edit this name?
]]>Dear WP Fundraising Donation and Crowdfunding Platform Team,
Recently, I encountered an issue where, upon making a payment, the system did not redirect me to the success page as expected. Instead, it continuously displayed a “Processing” message. Additionally, the backend of Stripe Test Mode did not show any record of receiving the payment.
I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter. Please find below the details of my issue:
I would greatly appreciate your help in resolving this issue and providing any guidance or support necessary. If you require any further information from me, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Thank you for your assistance!
The campaign title needs 10 characters to submit, and only shows a red background, no error code. Not friendly to Chinese, because 10 characters title is too much for Chinese.
]]>What is the difference between Fund Raised, Total Backed, and Pledge Received?
]]>Hi, I’m writing again because I don’t get any replies to my emails.
How can I update woocommerce transactions with WP Fundraising Donation and Crowdfunding Platform plugin, at the moment if person not go back to woocommerce checkout page then transaction in WP Fundraising Donation and Crowdfunding Platform is not recorded, I don’t know how can I refresh them to progress bar and payments showed the correct values.
At the moment I have 544 payments, of which WP Fundraising Donation and Crowdfunding Platform registered only 211 payments. How to update it and make it work properly? When is an update scheduled. Until the bug is updated, do you have a solution that will allow me to update woocommerce donations to WP Fundraising Donation and Crowdfunding Platform, e.g. via the functions.php code?
Let me know because I don’t know whether to run a business on this plugin, what to give up, I’ve been waiting over a month for an answer.
The problem is getting back to the woocommerce order summary page from the payment gateway page, your plugin is not registering the transaction and not passing information to the WP Fundraising Donation and Crowdfunding Platform plugin.
This code is probably responsible for it.
* This invokes when clicked on checkout button...........
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_create_order_line_item', 'wfp_checkout_create_order_line_item', 20, 4 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_data_stores', 'wfp_woocommerce_data_stores' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_get_price', 'wfp_woocommerce_product_get_price', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'wfp_woo_callback', 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect', 'redirect_checkout_add_cart' );
* After checkout completed page
function wfp_woo_callback( $order_id ) {
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
$order_status = $order->get_status();
$donation_ids = array();
foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) {
if ( $item->meta_exists( Woc_Conf::MK_DONATION ) ) {
$item_total = $item->get_total();
$item_id = $item->get_meta( Woc_Conf::MK_DONATION );
$tmp['total'] = $item_total;
$tmp['type'] = $item->get_meta( Woc_Conf::MK_TYPE );
$tmp['pledge'] = $item->get_meta( Woc_Conf::MK_PLEDGE_ID );
$tmp['uuid'] = $item->get_meta( '_wfp_pledge_uid' );
$donation_ids[ $item_id ] = $tmp;
Hi, the email field when someone make a donation is not showing. In the backend, if i add new custom filed in forms and i add new fields, when i save, the fields not save and not add. And in the frontend checkout only see the predefined fields, not the new fields and the email is not there. Is stupid because then you dont know who donate to the campaign. In admin reports you see list of donations but you dont know the user that makes the donation, because the fields not register (not name, not email, not adress…). And then if you click in view more invoice the page not working….
In the other hand, i found some other errors:
-Dont see in frontend terms & conditions in the campaign single
-The list of campaigns in carrusel not working, it is a console error (swiper):
-The gallery lightbox in project, not working properly
-I cant change the slug of dashboard page. If i change, logout button not working…
And other questions:
-Can i change the url of single page (now its fundraising/campaignname)?
-How can i translate the plugin to my language?
-Is there a pro version with other functionality like suscription payment or email notifications to admin when someone donate or create a campaign?
How can i translate the plugin strings to my language?
In other way i ask if there is a paid version of the plugin or other plugin compatible to allow:
-Send email notifications to admin when someone create a campaign or to the users when someone donate in their campaigns.
-Recurrent donations
]]>Hi, I wrote to you at the e-mail address I do not get any response that will specify the solution to the plugin’s problems with:
Please let me know because it’s been a few weeks now, I have a fully functioning website that collects donations and I may have problems with their withdrawals because I can’t update them. Half of the deposits are missing from the plugin and this cannot be refreshed.
Automatic status update is the least of the problems.
]]>Hi, I have a problem with your plugin.
I have it connected via woocommerce and the problem is that when a person makes a donation, it only shows it in pending in your plugin when they return to the woocommerce_thankyou page. Statuses cannot be changed via Woocommerce, even from the back office, this is a serious problem because I already have over 120 payments, of which 70 are registered.
I checked the code of your plugin and this php code is probably responsible for sending information from Woocommerce to wfp:
add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'wfp_woo_callback', 10, 1 );
* After checkout completed page
function wfp_woo_callback( $order_id ) {
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
$order_status = $order->get_status();
$donation_ids = array();
foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) {
if ( $item->meta_exists( Woc_Conf::MK_DONATION ) ) {
$item_total = $item->get_total();
$item_id = $item->get_meta( Woc_Conf::MK_DONATION );
$tmp['total'] = $item_total;
$tmp['type'] = $item->get_meta( Woc_Conf::MK_TYPE );
$tmp['pledge'] = $item->get_meta( Woc_Conf::MK_PLEDGE_ID );
$tmp['uuid'] = $item->get_meta( '_wfp_pledge_uid' );
$donation_ids[ $item_id ] = $tmp;
if ( ! empty( $donation_ids ) ) {
global $wpdb;
$order_key = $order->get_order_key();
$pay_method = $order->get_payment_method();
$woc = new Woc_Conf();
$donation_status = $woc->getOrderStatus( $order_status );
$payment_type = $woc->getPaymentType( $pay_method );
$email = $order->get_billing_email();
$fnm = $order->get_billing_first_name();
$lnm = $order->get_billing_last_name();
$country = $order->get_billing_country();
$currency = $order->get_currency();
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$userId = get_current_user_id();
} elseif ( email_exists( $email ) ) {
$userId = email_exists( $email );
} else {
$avatar = new \WfpFundraising\Utilities\Avatar();
* Lets check if pro plugin is active or not
if ( did_action( 'wpfp/fundraising_pro/plugin_loaded' ) ) {
$avatar = new \WP_Fundraising_Pro\Utils\Avatar();
$info['f_name'] = $fnm;
$info['l_name'] = $lnm;
$info['email'] = $email;
$userId = $avatar->create_account( $info );
$userMata['nickname'] = $fnm;
$userMata['first_name'] = $fnm;
$userMata['last_name'] = $lnm;
$userMata['_wfp_email_address'] = $email;
$userMata['_wfp_first_name'] = $fnm;
$userMata['_wfp_last_name'] = $lnm;
foreach ( $userMata as $k => $v ) {
update_user_meta( $userId, $k, $v );
Please tell me how can I make the status pending before the customer returns to the woocommerce_thankyou page, it would be great if it works by order status fetched from woocommerce and not from going to woocommerce_thankyou page. Some customers do not wait for the payment gateway to be automatically redirected to woocommerce_thankyou, but immediately disable the browser tab.
I wrote to you by e-mail but you did not reply, I am asking for help.
]]>Dear support, thank you very much for your support.
As the quantity sold target goal for campaign is not possible we redesigned the process how we would like to create books publishing fundrising campaigns and we have little question before we buy the plugin:
Is it possible to charge all backers only if the goal is reached at the end of the campaign using stripe payment?
Is it possible to set fixed amount for offers, disabling the possibility to back a free amount? maybe set steps in amount fields(just an idea) or just options to select? Example 20$=1 copy of the book, 200$=10 copies etc…
thank you sir
]]>[21-Mar-2023 11:56:20 UTC] PHP Warning: ?session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /home/******/serwer******/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-fundraising-donation/apps/wfpwoocommerce.php on line 7
Orders are saved in woocommerce, some go to be confirmed in the WFP plugin, and some in gl. they don’t exist… I can’t confirm them in the system and donors don’t see themselves in the list of donors and I don’t have confirmation of these people in your plugin’s system.
One of the users wrote about this problem over a year ago, do you have any solution for this? Can you attach the finished code here or send it to an email address so that I can fix it somehow? I have deposits and the system does not record them.
I have a small problem when a person pays money, the WP Fundraising Donation and Crowdfunding Platform plugin does not automatically change the status from pending to confirmed. The payment process is done by woocommerce but I want it to be possible to automatically change the status after the donor’s payment, so the donor counter would then work automatically and immediately on the front end of the site, at the moment I have to manually accept payments in the WFP plugin.
Maybe the developers of the plugin have a code for functions.php that will quickly automate the payment status?
I would like to understand how to enable the function of uploading photos to a post via tinymce editor or some other plugin. I wanted to do this by editing the file located in:
$post_content = isset( $post_data->post_content ) ? $post_data->post_content : '';
$editor_id = 'campaign_details_editor';
$settings = array(
'media_buttons' => false,
'textarea_name' => 'campaign_post[post_content]',
'drag_drop_upload' => true,
wp_editor( $post_content, $editor_id, $settings );
I found there the code responsible for disabling the button to hide adding media, I changed it to “true” and the button showed up, however, it shows all photos in the wordpress gallery, including other users, and I can’t add a photo. I want it to be easy to add photos to a fundraiser.
Alternatively, it can be replaced with gutenberg, in which case please give instructions on how to do it ??
I would appreciate any help or code to help me do this.
]]>user defined recurring shows on form, but admin defined does not. Not checkbox for recurring option. Confirmed bug.
]]>I like the plugin but it seemed to have so many bugs and one of them is this one. it shows the title and description even if it is desabled in the settings. https://bit.ly/3qfGEJQ
but if viewed directly the to the fundraising link without using the shortcode it is displaying correctly https://bit.ly/3RzKCII
]]>I have the donation shortcode on a standalone page.
After someone clicks the Donate button, I want him to be automatically redirected to the checkout page.
How can I do this? At this time, the contact is getting directed to the Cart page. The Woocommerce setting “Redirect to the cart page after successful addition” is NOT checked.
Thank you.
When I set a default amount, the button is highlighted. But the default amount doesn’t actually appear in the amount field. So if someone clicks the donate button – there is an error to enter the amount. How can I set the default amount to automatically populate in the amount field?
Also, the system allows someone to donate amounts lower than the amount set as “minimum”
How can I fix these two issues?
I have several campaigns running in my website for past few years. Now the fund amount collected shows 0 for all campaigns suddenly. I am using Crowdfunding and Easy digital downloads for my website. Not sure what happened? Can any one help me to solve this issue?
]]>after create a campaing when I click on it, go to the page “page not found”, how to fix it?