I am having error on this plugin. See below:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WPGCWidget has a deprecated constructor in ../wp-content/plugins/wp-gcalendar/admin/partials/widgets.php on line 2
PHP Version: 7.3
Wordpress Version: 5.0.3
SQL Version: MySql 5.7
Please, how do I activate the Czech calendar translation? In lang-all.js, I see that the Czech translation is there, but not in the language selection menu in the plugin settings.
Thank you for your help.
“This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.”
Any plans to update this plugin or is it dead in the water at this point?
]]>Apparently the website and, therefore, the instructions for setting up this plugin is currently down. And the plugin itself doesn’t have instructions on the WordPress admin panel. Any idea when the website will be back up?
]]>I just installed this and the calendar looks nice but none of the events on my google calendar are showing up. Does it a take a bit of time after hitting sync?
This is the calendar that should pull in. Events start in April/May
]]>When synchronizing WP GCalendar says: Your events have been synchronized with your google calendar! – but there are no events shown in WP GCalendar. Tried with diffrent Google calendar ID’s and PRIMARY. Doesn’t work at all.
Best, Jens
]]>I have noticed that none of the google calendar plugins have a search bar, only the bigger event manager plugins. Also the Google embedded calendar does not have a search bar. It might be a good feature for you.
I installed the plugin and placed the widget on the starting page.
The date and time format are displayed like this: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM am (resp. pm). I’d like to change the format to DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM (24 hours) – the way date and time are written in German.
I cannot find a place to do that…
Any help is appreciated – thanks in advance!
i have problem with Greek characters ..display as ?????
can you see the problem here https://demo-site.gr/diving/programma-scholis/
]]>hi there,
i have a question before install the plugin. is possibile to hide or show some event?
I mean … for example if tomorrow i have a personal meeting from 13-14 i don’t want to show it on google calendar … but in google calendar for my customers i hope that they see that tomorrow form 13-14 will be busy …
do you understand?
]]>Does this plugin have the option to show multiple calendars? We would like to have a master calendar that shows multiple calendars that we can filter.
]]>So I am building a site for a client who wishes to have a calendar. They have clients, staff, and managers. So the calendar they want needs to be able to apply to all of these people. They want a calendar that the Staff can login into their admins and see the calendar. This calendar will have the current month and all events that have been applied for. For example, it will say Oct.11 “Car Show at 11pm”. This would not be shown on the public website to the clients, just in the Admins of the staff. Then the Managers will log into their admins and would be able to accept the events. Once they accept the event, it would pop up on the public calendar so that clients could see it. Can your product do this task? Also, it will need to connect with Outlook and Facebook
]]>Hey folks,
I have a problem with WP Google Calendar Manager” and I beg you to help me:
– Installing plugin: OK, no Problem
– Creating a Google Client ID: OK, no Problem
– Google Calendar ID: OK, no Problem
– Import existing Google Calendar in the admin-page: OK, no Problem
On the admin-page I can see all my events,
but if I use the shortcut [wpgc-calendar] on a page i get this error message in the front end:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/21/d13535598/htdocs/app670129389/wp-content/plugins/wp-gcalendar/admin/partials/shortcodes.php:44) in /homepages/21/d13535598/htdocs/app670129389/wp-admin/post.php on line 197
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/21/d13535598/htdocs/app670129389/wp-content/plugins/wp-gcalendar/admin/partials/shortcodes.php:44) in /homepages/21/d13535598/htdocs/app670129389/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1210
What to do?
try shortcode [wpgc-caledendar] in a page, but the calendar is not correctly displayed.
try : https://www.ancplongee.fr/?page_id=1990
Any help ?
]]>Will this sync with my google calendar every few minutes? Hours? Days? Or do I need to login and hit synchronize every time I add an event?
]]>Using WP GCalendar Version 2.0 | By Eurocizia team
When define( 'WP_DEBUG', true);
in wp-config.php`
I have the following error (which prevented me to log in to my site):
Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in WPGCWidget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
instead. in ..../wp-includes/functions.php on line 3892
To solve this, the following code in widgets.php
function WPGCWidget() {
$widget_options = array(
'classname' => 'wpgc-widget',
'description' => 'WP GCalendar widget'
parent::WP_Widget('WPGC_widget', 'WP GCalendar Widget', $widget_options);
should be replaced by
function __construct() {
$widget_options = array(
'classname' => 'wpgc-widget',
'description' => 'WP GCalendar widget'
parent::__construct('WPGC_widget', 'WP GCalendar Widget', $widget_options);
Hi, I would like to know if there is a long or short code for the calendar to be seen as a list, in the WP Gclarendario version for free?
I was looking into the setting. It is not possible to translate strings in the documentation.
And the other thing would be interested in a transfer strings PRO version?
Hello, can you please add to the selection languages Czech? Thank you
I’m having an issue when syncing my google calendar here, I’ve follow the directions (I think) by adding in the client ID and calendar ID but I still keep getting the blow error…its something I’ve missed or over looked.
401. That’s an error.
Error: invalid_client
no registered origin
Request Details
That’s all we know.
I got the following message during activation:
]]>The plugin generated 626 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
Whenever I hover over an event in month view, it seems like it is trying to display something, but all that shows is a thin black bar. Any ideas?
]]>Hi, I really want this to work for me as I love the way the calendar displays, I have created the key and followed the directions but the calendar is not syncing, it is showing none of the events that is on my google calendar. I have entered the client Id from the api and the calendar id and double checked. Please help. Thanks
I installed your plugin, create creddentials, all ok, but when i click in syncronise, show error…
Copy here:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/26/d572197108/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-gcalendar/admin/partials/ajax-callback.php on line 130
]]>Events not display.
Entered Client ID
Entered Calendar ID
Not sure what is wrong with the setting
Please help
Hi we recently purchased a pro version of the plugin but events that needs approval dont show up
]]>Hey friend! I LOVE this plugin. Exactly what I needed. Just gave it 5 stars.
Is there a way to change the format of the time on the tooltip to match how it displays in the widget? So instead of 14:00:00 it would say 2pm?
Also, is it possible to add a button or link to an external website for more info? Even in the PRO version?
]]>Hello Support,
I’m currently trying to get my WP GCalendar Plugin to sync with my google calendar. It was working correctly until I just updated it to the 2.0 version. I reinstalled the plugin on WP site and made a new Google API project for the GCalendar to try and start from scratch; however when I try to input the Client ID and the calendar ID in the WP plugin menu, it doesn’t import the calendar & whenever I click synchronize in the general calendar menu (In WP) the refreshing circle doesn’t appear. Any advice moving forward?
]]>I have gone through all of the directions to setup my calendar on this plugin. But when I hit the synch button, all it does is circle (in progress) for hours without actually synching anything.
I use MacPro and Firefox browser if that makes a difference.
]]>The calendar on this page in list format: https://slcevanston.org/2016newsite/ and on this page in calendar page format: https://slcevanston.org/2016newsite/slc-families/calendar/ includes many events I would like to delete. In the back end of the site, however, there is no way for me to delete those items. They don’t appear on the calendar list within the WordPress dashboard. How do I get rid of them?