this is exactly what I was looking for. Is this going to be reactivated or is there an alternative plugin doing just the same?
What do you put for the PayPal link? What do you put for the IPN on PayPal?
Thank you
]]>Hello I love your plugin but it needs to be at least updated to the latest version of WP… When I have this plugin active on my site it will put 2 lines of white space on every page of my site messing up my sitemap xml and a few other pages? Also I don’t know if it has any thing to do with the 2 blank lines of code or not, But when you scan the qr code to redeem the cert there are a few errors that come up when you get to the page after you scan?
Please let me know if this can be fixed i would be willing to donate to help with the time to make this plug in work.
You can email me with any questions at: [email protected]
]]>Hello, I have someone who purchased a certificate but used an incorrect email address. Is there anyway to resend a new certificate without having to completely delete the transaction and have her repurchanse? Hope so. Thank you to the developer of this plugin. It’s about the only one out there suprisingly.
]]>Has anyone used the WordPress Printable Plugin with the Twenty Eleven theme? I am looking to sell gift certificates for my professional service on my Twenty Eleven site. Thank you!
]]>I installed the plugin for one of my client’s websites and it seems to be working perfectly up to the paypal payment. But the gift certificate is not being emailed to the buyer.
I tried the resolutions in the https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-wordpress-printable-gift-certificate-plugin-wp-gift-cert-certificate-email-not-being-sent?replies=10, but didn’t work.
Can anyone please tell me how to solve this issue?
]]>Hi! I had a client successfully purchase a gift certificate from my website (https://metropolitandetail.com) but they were charged $18.95 shipping in paypal.
How do I remove shipping on this app? Thanks
]]>Hi. Has anyone had issues with Sold Certificates not working? Also, the emails aren’t getting sent out either. It’s as if the module isn’t recognizing that anything is getting sold.
I’ll do a Paypal transaction and it goes through and I get the Paypal email, and I even get sent to the Confirmation page generated by the Gift Cert module, but there seems to be some disconnect in the module registering that the transaction actually took place.
Any thoughts?
Is possible to add the cash sale option for offline? Greatly appreciate it.
]]>In the settings it asks for your paypal link, where do you find this? Thanks.
]]>Looks like the SMTP email header that your plugin is generating is not 100% correct.
The WP system email address (General > Settings) is still being included in the SMTP email header.
This is resulting in some email systems marking it as SPAM.
Can you please resolve this.
I added a comment about this on the support forum at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-wordpress-printable-gift-certificate-plugin-wp-gift-cert-certificate-email-not-being-sent?replies=10
We’re getting the following error when trying to purchase a gift certificate:
HTTP Status 405 – Request method ‘POST’ not supported
type Status report
message Request method ‘POST’ not supported
description The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource (Request method ‘POST’ not supported).
Apache Tomcat/5.5.15-150
Can someone send me in the right direction to find out what’s wrong?
]]>On the following page the Value is white, as is the background?
What file do I edit to make the background black and all text white?
Also I am confused by the option Paypal URL: I’ve put https://www.paypal.co.uk but I get :
Access Denied
You don’t have permission to access “https://www.paypal.co.uk/” on this server.
Reference #18.6f2645f.1348415752.af30fce
This is by far the best option I have found for selling gift certificates on wordpress. Only problem is that my client wants to use Authorize.net and not paypal. Any chance you have the ability to make that work with your plugin? Thanks!
]]>I posted this on the wp gift cert FAQ section in hopes the author will add it to the plugin. In case he never approves my comment I will post it here for a backup.
Hey, I need you to add the ability to set quantities to the certificate form. I need you to add it to your plugin so that in future updates, I won��t have to rehack the plugin. I will include the code below��
I know that wordpress will not format this very well, so you can email me if you need me to send you the code. All my changes are surrounded in the following tags��
/* oasis hack */
/* end oasis hack */
The three files edited are:
1.) Inside of wpgft_processOrder.php
Around line 118ish change this
if(isset($_POST['wpgft_purch'])) {
to this
if(isset($_POST['wpgft_purch'])) {
/* oasis hack */
$error_qty = notBlank($_POST['quantity'], ��Quantity��);
/* end oasis hack */
2.) Inside of wpgft_processOrder.php
Around line 266 add this code
/* oasis hack */
$post_content .=��*Quantity:��;
$post_content .= ��;
if($error_qty) $post_content .=��.$error_qty.��;
/* end oasis hack */
3.) in wpgft_ipnHandler.php
starting just after $data = explode(��~��,$_POST['custom']);
change it to
/* oasis hack */
$data_array = array();
$send = false;
$qty = intval($_POST['quantity']);
for($i=0;$i $_POST['txn_id'] . ��-�� . $i, //cert_nums are new
��recipient�� => $data[0],
��cert_amount�� => $_POST['mc_gross'] / $qty, // division is new
��sold_to�� => $_POST['first_name'] . �� �� . $_POST['last_name'],
��sold_to_email�� => $data[1],
��sold_to_phone�� => $data[2],
��sold_to_address�� => $_POST['address_street'] . ��, �� . $_POST['address_city'] . ��, �� . $_POST['address_state'] . �� �� . $_POST['address_zip'],
��sale_date�� => $_POST['payment_date'],
��status�� => ��Issued��,
��secret�� => sha1($comboString),
��button_id�� => $data[3]
$ipn_format = array(��%s��,'%s��,'%s��,'%s��,'%s��,'%s��, ��%s��, ��%s��, ��%s��, ��%s��, ��%s��);
if($ipn_business == $paypal_email) {
$wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix.��wpgft_data��, $ipn_data, $ipn_format);
$ipn_data['currency'] = $_POST['mc_currency'];
$send = true;
$send = false;
$data_array[] = $ipn_data;
/* end oasis hack */
4.) in wpgft-loader.php here is the new send_cert_email2 function. Add it just after the original send_cert_email function. You will have two now.
/* oasis hack */
function send_cert_email2($data_array) {
$wpgft_options = get_option(��wpgft_options��);
//include the user supplied message
$message = $wpgft_options['email_message'];
foreach($data_array as $payment_data)
$current_button = get_current_button($payment_data['button_id']);
if($current_button['company'] != ����) {
$company = $current_button['company'];
$companyinfo = nl2br($current_button['coinfo']);
} else {
$company = $wpgft_options['company'];
$companyinfo = nl2br($wpgft_options['company_info']);
$urltoEncode = get_option(��siteurl��) . ��/?verifyGft=true&�� . ��cert=��.$payment_data['cert_num'].��&amount=��.$payment_data['cert_amount'].��&data=��.$payment_data['secret'];
$url = urlencode($urltoEncode);
$imgCode = ��;
$wordAmount = convert_number($payment_data['cert_amount']) . �� and �� . substr($payment_data['cert_amount'], -2) . ��/100 ����;
$currencySymbol = get_currSymbol($payment_data['currency']);
// email stuff (change data below)
$to = $payment_data['sold_to_email'];
$from = $wpgft_options['admin_email'];
$subject = ��Your Certificate Order��;
//Build the Certificate out
$message .= ��
Issued: ��.date(��m/d/y��).��
// a random hash will be necessary to send mixed content
$separator = md5(time());
// carriage return type (we use a PHP end of line constant)
$eol = PHP_EOL;
// main header (multipart mandatory)
$headers = ��From: ��. $company . �� ��. $eol;
$headers .= ��MIME-Version: 1.0��.$eol;
$headers .= ��Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\��".$separator.��\��".$eol.$eol;
$headers .= ��Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit��.$eol;
$headers .= ��This is a MIME encoded message.��.$eol.$eol;
// message
$headers .= ���C��.$separator.$eol;
$headers .= ��Content-Type: text/html; charset=\��iso-8859-1\��".$eol;
$headers .= ��Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit��.$eol.$eol;
//$headers .= $message.$eol.$eol;
// send message
$sendit = wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
//Code to troubleshoot email problems.
/* if(!$sendit) {
$tempOptions = get_option(��wpgft_options��);
$tempOptions['admin_email'] = ��EMAIL FAILED��;
update_option(��wpgft_options��, $tempOptions);
/* end oasis hack */
I have tested the ordering process in paypal sandbox as well as the Resend process from the back end.
[Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. Or better still – use the pastebin]
]]>I have the plugin working except for one critical detail–it won’t send the actual certificate. I am able to sell them and get the paypal transaction completed, but the email with the certificate does not ever arrive. I’ve also tried the Resend link in the sold crtificates area, with the same lack of results.
The email for this site is hosted somewhere else, but my contact form is able to send email, so it doesn’t seem to be that.
Anyone else run into this and find a solution?
]]>wp-gift-cert 1.1.1
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_option() in /path/to/wprdoressroot/wp-content/plugins/wp-gift-cert/wpgft_ipnHandler.php on line 4
This plug-in seemed to load okay, and let me go ahead and configure it with gift card denominations. However, when I tried to include a short code in a post, it gave me the following error message.
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/bestfo12/public_html/joesquared.com/wp-includes/functions.php:1988) in /home/bestfo12/public_html/joesquared.com/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 866
Any ideas?
Robert Ford
]]>Great plugin! The only problem I see with it is that in Explorer after selecting “Purchase” the next screen to fill out information sends the site layout out of whack. It works fine in all other browsers. From what I can tell the issue is that the following is inserted before the <!doctype> of the coding
<input type=”hidden” id=”_wpnonce” name=”_wpnonce” value=”67e840a456″ /><input type=”hidden” name=”_wp_http_referer” value=”/test/” /><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”>
This can be seen when viewing the page source. I have copied the page source, removed the input text and the layout is fine. Any suggestions as to why this is happening and is there a resolution? Here is the gift certificate page – https://www.raleighbodymaxx.com/personal-trainer-gift-certificate/ Select purchase to see the layout messed up. Thanks.
]]>I’ve uploaded and activated the plug-in but can’t see the “settings” link under the plugin. only “deactivate” and “edit”.
]]>My certificates list does not appear like the samples on the plugin page. Is that something I have to do? I don’t know how to code that.
]]>Certs embedded fine with shortcodes, however, when I press the Purchase Cert button I just get a Page not found error.
I Don’t know if this helps, however I am being directed to a page, ID