We have used the WP-github plugin on our website to get the file content from our repository. I have created a public github report and I can able to access the content for any given file path. But I cannot able to access the private repository content.
Could you please guide me. How can able to achieve this.
Hi – This is an excellent plugin on wordpress compare to other plugins.
I had installed and it is working well but I had a observation like if the repository doesn’t says something like “Latest Release” on github then the plugin can’t read the info. Means if user wanted to get a release info based on tags then it wont work. Any idea how to get this happen ?
SeleniumHQ/selenium – this repo has releases but your plugin can’t get the info as they didn’t mention like “Latest Version”
]]>If I activate any of the widgets I can′t see the content of the widget and my navigation bar of the admin panel and my footer is hidden.
Other installed plugins: Disqus
Tested themes: MaterialWP, Spacious
Any idea?
]]>Hey, seems like a great plugin!
Just wondering if it’s possible to show commits from a specific branch, or all branches combined even, in this case I have a dev branch which the commits don’t show up from.
I tried not entering a repository but it only shows commits from the main branch.
]]>Instead of displaying the checksum hash, can you instead make the commits widget list commit message instead, or at least make it an option? Here’s a sample image: https://i.imgur.com/hwTNmo1.jpg One repo has 200 commits I want users to see updates frequently, so it’ll tease users at our website with the latest descriptions, but checksums just don’t do it, ya know? It would be appreciated. Also if the text of the title can be controllable of just saying MY GITHUB COMMITS that would be great, i.e. displaying the users’ name. I’m thinking to embed several users above each other, and I have no way to precede or follow widgets with text. Thanks
]]>Hi there,
Thanks for the great plugin! I was wondering if it would be possible to show recent commits/issues from more than one repository OR from all repositories from a user.
something like
[github-commits username="seinoxygen" repository="wp-github,wp-repo2" limit="10"]
I’m not sure if the GitHub API would allow this?