does it supports wp 4.6.1 ?
]]>Has anyone spoken to the plugin author to ask him to provide a ZIP file containing the 2.0.3 Pro version
]]>I’ve authorised it a few times now, and I keep getting the same error on just 1 particular site. It works on other sites that I’ve installed this on. But here’s the error just in case:
Last Error: 2015-08-24 23:26:44: exception 'Google_Auth_Exception' with message 'Error fetching OAuth2 access token, message: 'invalid_grant: Code was already redeemed.'' in /home/yoursmarterhome/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp/tools/src/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php:126
Stack trace:
#0 /home/yoursmarterhome/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp/tools/src/Google/Client.php(133): Google_Auth_OAuth2->authenticate('4/iElsFQuVSQvUo...')
#1 /home/yoursmarterhome/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp/admin/settings.php(725): Google_Client->authenticate('4/iElsFQuVSQvUo...')
#2 [internal function]: GADWP_Settings::general_settings('')
#3 /home/yoursmarterhome/htdocs/wp-includes/plugin.php(503): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#4 /home/yoursmarterhome/htdocs/wp-admin/admin.php(236): do_action('toplevel_page_g...')
#5 {main}
Any ideas how I can fix it?
How to anonymize Google Analytics for the EU Cookie Law through your plugin?
Is this supported under WordPress 4.2? Has anyone tried it? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your time and efforts.
]]>I couldn’t get it to work.
]]>“Log outgoing links as events” option prevents links target=”_blank” opening in external windows – which is best practice. Important one to fix.
]]>When i put code on Editor Header.php file and update my all coding is blank and my site look wired
]]>I can’t seem to figure out where to put the extra code to enable the Demographics and Interest reports. Please help!
]]>Finally! This plugin actually seems to do the one thing I really need – to create custom tracking of Tag, Category, Author etc…
Trouble is I stupidly upgraded to Universal Analytics and there’s a different system for tracking this custom stuff.
Any word on when this will be upgraded to work with Universal?
]]>I nearly had the shock of my life after installing this plugin.
Assumed it was all working, then wondered why my traffic had dropped in Google Analytics. Seems the tracking codes wasn’t added on any of my pages!
Not sure why, but I’ve had to uninstall and revert to my previous plugin.
Is this compatible with Universal Analytics? My tracking profile is universal, but surely the code would have still appeared in the HTML code?
]]>Great plugin.
Instead of being locked down to selecting a specific class or ID, I’d love to be able to use more advanced selectors like:
body.stats .buttons a
This way, I could target elements in specific sections and on specific pages more easily.
]]>Is it possible to use the Universal Analytics upgrade with this plugin? Looks like the plugin currently uses “ga.js” while the upgrade would utilize “analytics.js”. Any thoughts of implementing this in the future?
]]>On new years at midnight, it stopped working…no data collected anymore
]]>Not inserting anything into the served-up site. Was working until recent versions.
]]>Unique Tracking ID’s for each 3 sites. Any advice or direction? Thanks!
]]>I have my analytics and adsense account linked but the data does not show in analytics account. Any special options need to be selected or procedure to ensure this plugin works with linked adsense account?
Website it
]]>I was just going through and solving my SEO problems with Bing’s SEO analyzer and I realized my page descriptions were showing up on every page except the index page. The description is there but the code is not. Anyone ran into this?
]]>Anyway to get rid of the fact that when you add this to your site, the pages where you View All (pages, posts, whatever) are now really spaced out and huge. It adds columns to the table and looks awful…
I’m looking for a Google Analytics plugin that will track downloads as events. We have two Excel files on our site and we would like to know how many times they are downloaded and where the users who download them are located.
I have installed the Google Analytics for WordPress plugin, which does do this job, but it conflicts with another plugin we are using (MetaSlider) and so I am hoping to find an alternative.
I’ve developed a small patch (against current trunk version) that allows you to use shortcodes (both in articles/pages and text widgets) to create custom Google Analytics events for links (both internal and external). Using the shortcodes you can specify any of the Google Analytics events’ details: category, action, label, value and noninteractio) with the following syntax:
[wga_event category=”My Event Category” action=”My Action”] an html link [/wga_event]
If you don’t specify the category and action values, default values are used (as Google Analytics consider them mandatory).
I can’t find the wp-google-analytics component in Trac when I try to create a new ticket. So my question is, how can I contribute the patch?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I noticed recently that all the outbound links are logged incorrectly. All of the my event labels are logged as followed “https://”. is my website.
Any idea why this is happening?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi, recently install the plugin and visit my site using another browser (without been logged) and check the html code and i can’t find anything about google analytics on the home page of my blog… I check a internal page and there i could see the code… i think my home page is not been tracked…
Is there and issue or something???
This is my site whit the plugin enabled
]]>I just set up google analytics for my site. I have the tracking code but I don’t know where or how to install it.
Any help appreciated.
]]>Will this plugin allow me to input a global analytics UI code snippet in as well as snippets for each of my individual multisites so that my customers can track their own results?
*I use the wpmu plugin which allows tracking of both global and individual sites, don’t want to loose that ability as my users love it.
]]>…but my google analytics code (UA-XXXXX-X) was being displayed on my site while I was using this plug-in. Not sure if anyone else had this problem. I had two analytics plug-ins activated, however. That was my boneheaded mistake. But I couldn’t figure out what the code was that showing up on all my pages (I didn’t remember the format of the analytics code) so I thought I’d post this just in case anyone is stumped by a mysterious code appearing on their page. I removed the plug-in and it disappeared. As this plug-in was rated as compatible up to 2.9.2, I kept the Google Analyticator plug-in installed, and deemed WP Google Analytics the culprit. But the plug-in could still work fine if you’re smart enough to have only one analytics plug-in activated. Apparently, I’m not. ??
]]>I enabled plugin for the network and get the following error when I try to configure it for a individual site:
You do not have sufficient permissions to modify unregistered settings for this site.
I also allow the network to configure their own plugins and activate it that way with the same result.