api key missing error
]]>Isn’t it possible to use the shortcode multiple times on the same page?
I have a single “Locations” page with a shortcode in it: [locations]
Within that shortcode I list every location (CPT) registered and show a map for it, but only the first location gets a map, the second one doesn’t get any output.
Would it be possible to call the function within the single.php file of WordPress. I’m using a field location and zipcode and i would like it to work something like this:
[google_map address=”location” zoom=”15″ desc=”Wp Google Map ShortCode” icon=”https://google-maps-icons.googlecode.com/files/sailboat-tourism.png” ]
Obviously the above won’t work. Can you push me in the right direction?
Since this morning the plugin stopped working. I think google updated the way they format their coordinates for PHP and Javascript. Or something changed for me locally..
Anyway your google_map_get_coordinates function returns the latitude and longitude coordinates with a comma: 53,213451 but google requires it to be seperated using a period. Like: 53.213451.
To fix this I replaced the following lines in wp-google-map-shortcode.php lines 160,161
$cache_value['lat'] = str_replace(",",".",$coordinates->lat);
$cache_value['lng'] = str_replace(",",".",$coordinates->lng);
I hope you can add this to the new update. Thanks ??
]]>Thank you for the plugin, great stuff.
I just wanted to point an issue I had with the title of the marker on the map not rendering certain characters properly.
The solution was very simple (in case someone has the same issue):
Replace all instances of title:”<?php echo $desc ; ?>” on the plugin (I think there are two) with title:”<?php echo html_entity_decode($desc) ; ?>”
Perhaps something to add to the next update of the plugin ??