I think hackers have found a way to cause a 404 error to be returned and then captured by the cache and served up from then on.. I had all my pages showing as 404s and I couldn’t figure it out (menus were fine and the pages were all published and I republished a few and I still would get the error when I viewed the page.
I deactivated all plugins and restarted them a few at a time. Now all pages are working again but your plugin is turned on but as of a few hours later, it’s not causing any problems.
I have been noticing a lot of 404 errors in my security software (hundreds) and didn’t know why but maybe there is a linkage between these issues
Jeff Folger
I started using WP Green Cache and it works well but my stats for Jetpack no longer load. If I deactivate they work again. I cannot see the Graph for the stats.
]]>I have had a problem with the Android app, which uses the XML-RPC protocol, and also with InfiniteWP admin panel <www.infinitewp.com> and the root of the problem seemed to be that the plugin broke the functionality of the XML-RPC protocol, which works through xmlrpc.php in the root WordPress directory. I have not tested, but it is possible that the plugin also impairs the Atom publishing protocol.
I’ve just installed WP Green Cache and looking about how it works I’m quite impressed with the easiness and simplicity of it but unfortunately, when I accessed my homepage a few hours later, I could see my mobile version of my website, made with the WPTouch plugin.
Hope the owner of Green Cache can add support for mobile devices as well.
]]>wp-content/plugins/wp-green-cache/cache/options.dat is referenced and does not exist.
]]>Hi Mr developer, just thought I’d mention that you need to add to your installation notes that wp-config.php should be made non writable once the plugin has been installed or the necessary edits made ??
The wp-config file contains a blog’s database username, password and db name. Leaving it writable is a security risk. I think 640 is safe setting on most servers (?).
]]>WTH is that???
]]>Of late the WP plugin repository is getting more crappy by the day. Half baked plugins with broken links.
To the plugin developer:
Cache plugins are hot for WP users. If you could provide more information and link to actual working pages, it would be of benefit to all.
Also what about compatibility in regards to WP Minify?