Rating: 1 star
I could have built this plugin in about 15 minutes..it’s just an iFrame with the hootsuite url in it, and it STILL redirects me to the Hootsuite dashboard.
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This plugin, if you could even call it that, is nothing but a redirect to the hootsuite dashboard, regardless of if you’re logged in or not. Absolute waste of my time.
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Keeps redirecting me to their own site regardless.
its not a plugin that seems to work within wordpress.
Agreed with ‘focus pulling’ comments.
Don’t waste your time.
Rating: 1 star
It’s inconceivable to me why anyone would benefit from this plug-in. It reminds of those sham Android apps that actually just use the operating system’s Web browser, and put it into a shell with a shortcut to a site.
Rather than bogging down your WordPress install with yet another plug-in that doesn’t do anything, here’s an idea: open another browser window! Exact same functionality as this (seriously).
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Now I can administer all my client’s Social Media, right from the WP Admin Panel.