Hi there,
In Buddypress emails, it seems there is pre line (called by the function bp_email_the_salutation( $settings ) in bp-single-email.php) that is added to the content that disappears when using your plugin :
Hi {{recipient.name}},
Here is an example without your plugin
Bonjour {{recipient.name}},
Vous avez été promu comme {{promoted_to}} du groupe “{{group.name}}“.
Here is an exemple with your plugin, great for the logo but we lost the recipient value :
Vous avez été promu comme {{promoted_to}} du groupe “{{group.name}}“.
Any way to fix this without changing all the contents?
Best regards
It appears when BP sends an email, this plugin sends HTML content without the newlines replaced with paragraph tags.
The issue appears to me to be in the plugin_actions_and_filters() method.
My current workaround is:
// Filter
add_filter( 'bp_email_get_content_plaintext', [ self::class, 'autowp_templated_bp_email' ], 100, 4 );
// Function
function autowp_templated_bp_email( $value, $property_name, $transform, $email ) {
if ( $transform !== 'replace-tokens' ) {
return $value;
if ( ! str_contains( $value, '<!-- [IS BUDDYPRESS EMAIL] -->' ) ) {
return $value;
return wpautop( $value );
Hope I’m posting this to the right place, I had posted in the main plugin forum but got referred to the addon…so it’s posted two places.
I’m finding that for some BuddyPress emails, the header is missing. Fortunately, the content and footer are there, but I’m perplexed as to why many of the member communication messages get sent without the header. Testing the email works fine, and some messages get the header.
For instance, I use Events Manager. Emails to let people know their event was listed or notification emails via Publish Press about content end up with the header. It’s just some of the BuddyPress emails. I do have the header switched on in settings.
This plugin helps me a lot. I was wondering if it is still mantained ?
This plugin is awesome and we really like how it’s helped us manage the look and feel of BuddyPress emails.
The one thing that is causing us a headache is that the emails sent from BuddyPress Group Email Subscription are losing line breaks and some of the formatting.
There are a few screenshot examples here:
Our thread with them led us to review some of the code in your plugin such as the bp_email_get_content_plaintext filter.
We also use Post SMTP to send emails, and that plugin seems to look for a “content type” like this:
$contentType = $this->getContentType();
THat made us wonder if somehow the email content from your plugin are coming through with an emtpy string for the content type request, where Post SMTP would then use plain smtp according to the smtp plugin code.
We’d really appreciate any help to resolve this including the possibility of paid pro support.
Please let us know what you think, thank you!
You got nice plugins.
I’ve used WP HTML Mail plugin for WordPress, and add BuddyPress extension to customize BuddyPress emails accordingly too. everything works well in WordPress email but, the link color within email content in BuddyPress emails still is red and didn’t change to pink color. How to solve this issue? Thank you.
My template colors:
Body, header, footer: Blue.
Content text: white.
Links (URLs): pink.