I have a requirement to use this plugin and so I’m currently rewriting it to fix all the bugs.
If I can track down the author of this plugin I’ll be have to contribute or manage it going forward. If you’re out there please get in touch….
– Ben
]]>First of all I want to thank you for this fantastic plugin.
Then I want to post my request… I think the plugin would be more attractive if it’s possible to translate it to different languages.
I have added this feature to the source code and added the general English translation and a Danish translation.
Is there any way that I could contribute this feature to the project, and if so, how?
Best regards
Frederik Svarre
Your plugin generate a notice in admin panel because you are using an old param in the add_options_page hook.
You just need to replace the 39th line :
add_options_page('mailfrom plugin', 'wp mail from', 9, __FILE__, 'site_mail_from_option_page');
add_options_page('mailfrom plugin', 'wp mail from', 'manage_options',
__FILE__, ‘site_mail_from_option_page’);`
Our WP install is configured for multi-sites. Not sure if that matters, but anyway, I get this error when trying to save a new name/email address in the configuration for this plugin, under settings:
Error! Options page not found.
]]>It is not supporting BuddyPress is it? If it is, what do I need to do to make it work?