How can I replace the Twitter social icon with the correct X icon?
Can the plugin not be updated to reflect this? The X logo has been out for some considerable time!
]]>As soon as i update de WP Maintenace plugin to the latest version(2.13) i’m having issues with the pluging. If i make any change to the textbox en click save settings alle HTML code is disappeared. So hyperlinks and formating are gone.
I was able to fix this issue by reverting to the previous version of the plugin.
]]>Had an issue while doing maintenance. The issue resulted in my admin session getting terminated; after that any attempt to access the login page displayed the mainenance screen.
Is this expected behavior? Because it’s kind of dangerous.
Fortunately I’m not afraid to open up phpMyAdmin & change database values, but if I didn’t know to try that, I’d have been up a creek.
We have two problems:
1) Editing texts and disabling Frontend Login doesn’t work. Changes are not saved.
2) The Uploads folder was filled with hundreds of copies of the default background image. Despite that, the background is not displayed.
As another user previously noted, the choice of font and color doesn’t work. Everything remains stuck on the Times New Roman and the color black.
every time I set a date for the launch and click save, the fields are restored and show only the current date and time. The plugin works and keep track of the time I input, but it would be ideal to see the actual scheduled time and date.
Thank you
I’m trying to enable the mailpoet’s (newsletter) registration form inside the under construction page via shortcode. The form appears, but when I click “register”, nothing happens. What can I try? It seems to work in a normal page
]]>I have added my phone’s IP address to the “IP AUTORIZED” list, saved the page, cleared the browsing data, but still land on the maintenance page when trying to access it with my phone. On the other hand I have access to the website with my laptop, on which I am running wp-admin, without having to whitelist it’s IP. I guess that’s normal (?)
]]>This a change request. Is it possible to add the option to deactivate the xmlrpc calls when the site is put in maintenance mode.
If you want, I can provide help to implement this feature. How I could push the code for that ?
Is the removal of the IP address option definitive?
Or is it just temporary until the vulnerability is fixed?
]]>I was able to use this plugin to successfully create a coming soon page but for some reason I have a warning banner at the top of the page and i can’t figure out why. Can someone please help with this? Sharing a link and screenshot.
The maintenance page is working perfectly on my desktop. Unfortunately, on the mobile (iphone with Chrome) the images are not loaded properly.
]]>when setting a font style in the settings and saving the setting, doesn’t get applied to the maintenance page, not to titles, text or the countdown. It looks like Times New Roman is used as the default font?
found the badguy in the HTML:|Allerta+Stencil|Calibri|Allerta+Stencil|helvetica”
the font family get’s added multiple times, breaking it and preventing the text to be displayed with the right font
Tout d’abord, merci pour le partage de votre travail.
Pouvez-vous m’indiquer comment rendre la page WP Maintenance responsive svp ?
Where is the best place to put a Google Analytics code, in WP Maintenance plugin?
I have a problem since an update a while ago.
In my form is:
[checkbox checkbox1 use_label_element “Bevers (gemengd 4-7 jaar)” “Welpen (jongens 7-11 jaar)” “Kabouters (meisjes 7-11 jaar)” “Esta’s (gemengd (7-11 jaar)”]
[checkbox checkbox2 use_label_element “Scouts (gemengd 11-15 jaar)” “Explo’s (gemengd 15-18 jaar)” “Roverscouts (gemengd 18-21 jaar)” “Stam (gemengd 21+)”]
And in my form Send PDF is:
Speltak: [checkbox1][checkbox2]
This has been working.
Le site que je con?ois actuellement est en maintenance et je souhaiterais autoriser mon client à voir son site en lui activant les droits via son IP.
Sauf que cela ne fonctionne pas… Avez vous vous aussi ce problème ? Comment puis-je le résoudre ?
]]>Bonjour, d’abord merci pour ce super plugin que je vais conseiller à mes élèves !
Je decouvre la fonctionnalité de selection par Id Page, et je souhaitais activer uniquement l’Id 348, mais en fait toutes les pages sontt accessibles, et non uniquement celles ci.
La selection par IP marche tres bien (c’est le premier filtre).
Et bonne année !
Social Networks, Email, when type in email address like, click SAVE, the value will be prefixed with https:// automatically. The value will show
Tested with plugin version 6.1.2 & 6.1.3, both with WP 6.1.1
Maybe, I missed the option, but is there a way to disable the admin bar menu?
]]>I installed the WP Maintenance plugin, and everything worked well. I switched the plugin off as a test and then re-enabled it. After I re-enabled the plugin, I could no longer get to the Home page after I log in with the admin account. The Home page displays the Maintenance Page. I have cleared every cache that I know of (I am new to WordPress). I have tested in other browsers and in a private window.
I can navigate to sub-pages, and the original content is displayed. If I manually change the Home page to “latest post”, I can see the Home page content within the editor window. If I save the settings, they are immediately overwritten by the plugin and the page will only display the Maintenance page. I believe this is expected behavior.
How do I resolve this? I need to be able to edit the home page while in maintenance mode.
]]>For reasons of GDPR compliance, I would love to see an option to deactivate Google Fonts in this plugin alltogether.
thanks for your plugin!
I have a little problem.
When the site is under maintenance, I would not want users, even high-level users, not to be able to log in, so that they can work on updates.
I created an additional role starting from the administrator role, to this role I deselected some abilities using AMM and I set maximum level_8. But he still manages to log in.
Can you tell me what capacity I need to disable to prevent this role from connecting when the site is under maintenance?
Thank you
Need to remove your plugin and the companion otter plugin.. can you list the tables that were created in my db by the relevant plugins, so that I can drop them.
I installed your plugin, it’s really great, thanks.
However, there seem to be a major issue. Once installed, the links I have in my footer don’t work anymore, they all lead to the maintenance page.
Can you please help solving the problem ?
Thanks !
I can’t reconect to my website as admin stay as “maintenace.
1. I tray to delete the cahe but https/ allways goes login home and the page maintneance
best regards
la dernière version 6.01 crée des problèmes après mise a jour avec la dernière version de WPress!
j’ai été obligé de la desinstaller
Tout est dans le titre :
Depuis la MAJ, impossible d’insérer du HTML dans le texte de la page. La balise “code” ne marche pas du tout, dès que j’enregistre, toutes mes balises html s’effacent….
]]>Bonjour Florent,
je n’arrive pas à intégrer dans le texte descriptif (ni en bas de page)un lien vers un renvoi d’une page accessible comme le formulaire de contact.
Est-ce possible ? et si oui comment ?
Autre problème mais je n’arrive pas à modifier la police et la taille du texte de la newsletter, l’option ne se débloque pas.
Et dernière question : est-ce possible d’ajouter un code html (script vers un module externe ?).
Merci d’avance et encore merci pour ton travail.
a voir ????