Hi people!
Is it possible to save the {{cart_recovery_link}} variable in the custom field?
My intention is:
I have a conditional with 2 possibilities, one creates a 10% coupon and the other a 20% coupon.
Right in the email that will be sent to the customer I want to use the variable {{cart_recovery_link coupon='{{wc_dynamic_coupon id=”xxx”}}’}}, so that the link already loads the included coupon.
So, I thought about saving the link in a custom field while it is still inside the conditional, so that it saves the link with the corresponding coupon, and then sends the value of that field in the email. This would allow me to not have to create 2 email templates while still inside the conditional. That way, just 1 email template would be enough.
But I tried everything and the {{cart_recovery_link}} variable is not saved in a custom field.
If you have any guidance, I would be very grateful.
Hi, when i activate the Checkbox Consent (set to appear Below the Terms of Service) in woocommerce the option disappears after a few seconds the page fully loads. This issues doesn’t occur instead when i set the Checkbox to appear below the Email or Phone.
I tried to disable some plugins that may cause conflicts with no results. Is it a known issue or do you have an easy fix?
]]>Good morning!
I want to send the abandoned cart recovery link {{cart_recovery_link}} to my client via WhatsApp.
I’m using Uncanny Automator for this, but I haven’t been able to do it yet. This topic reflects exactly what I’m doing: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/get-cart_recovery_link/
The point I’m not able to resolve is: How do I use the {{cart_recovery_link}} variable in Uncanny Automator to be able to send my automation?
Uncanny doesn’t offer this variable to be retrieved and sent.
Do you have an idea?
Very grateful!
]]>Hi guys,
How to clean fName, lName and mName [middle name] when some subscriber enters their name with local keyboard, and we get into DB the letters not in EN but with foreign ones like AE stuck together, E/A/O/U with umlauts and other pastroffs etc.
Is your plugin sanitizing this, or is there some available custom function to clean submissions [be it in your form or Elementor’s]?
]]>Hi, I have a problem when creating an automation.
It shows NaN and I can’t create any Step (because it always returns “Step not updated” whenever I save the Step).
]]>ola meu querido amigo. Eu precisa saber como informar o código de rastreamento do pedido no e-mail de automa??o. Poderia me informar qual seria a TAG para exibir essa informa??o? Uso o AST para inserir o código des rastreamento. Obrigado
]]>Hello, support team.
I am form CleanTalk inc.
We have been informed by one of our client, that some of the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin settings drops to “off” state on settings save, even the client set this to “on”.
During the investigation, we have found that your solution change the $apbct (Cleantalk\ApbctWP\State instance) object to set the option off.
The issue related to the option “forms__general_contact_forms_test”
Look at the photo.
This way your solution makes changes that does not allow Anti-Spam plugin to protect a lot of kinds of user forms. And there is no obvious way to manage this behavior.
If you could tell us, why do you need to perform this action, we will try to help you to solve the problem with another way.
If you prefer to discuss this in private contact, please, contact us via [email protected]
Looking for your answer, thanks.
I think there is a bug in the plugin. I’m testing the plugin on a local machine and imitating a customer order that I successfully complete on the site, but still it gets logged in “carts” menu and sends a reminder email about a abandoned cart, and it’s already completed…
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/C69dYfy
In an trigger(action) – order created, how can I add another status like pending?
because this is my default status for new order…
Thank you!
]]>Hello there,
thank you very much for offering this great plugin for free!
I wanted to set up an automation, after a specific product is bought, but i cannot search for any of my products, because the search has an error.
I already deleted and reinstalled the plugin without changes.
Hope you can help!
Anyway to sent an email to customer to verify email address is correct upon confirm after the customer input an email address?
]]>Hello! Firstly, I want to congratulate you on the wonderful plugin.
I have a question about the mobile layout in the cart recovery email.
The product description is very small in width, making the cart data layout ugly.
Is it possible to adjust the width of the abandoned cart data fields?
Please see the image below.
]]>Error: Unable to import Recipe, while importing/ Adding Automation
Check the screenshot – https://prnt.sc/gBznTIkfboQO
After many tests I decided to write to you. I have a problem. When I activate your plugin – my site starts to lag 12 seconds after placing an order before going to the thank you page, when I stop the plugin the number drops to 6.
I did a lot of testing, changing themes, stopping plugins, etc., but the problem is there. How can I solve it?
How do I get the {{cart_recovery_link}} of a given abandoned cart? I would like to get the customer cart link and send it by Whatsapp manually. Thanks!
]]>Hi, I saw on my rankmath account the Communication preferences section where each user can choose preferences from their account. The plugin that does this is automatewoo.com. is it possible to add this function in the future on funnelkit?
Hello, I’ve just encountered an issue with your plugin that was stopping my clients from buying upsells
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function as_has_scheduled_action() in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-marketing-automations/woofunnels/contact/class-woofunnels-db-updater.php:1163
Stack trace:
0 /home/710205.cloudwaysapps.com/kcctzesgcr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-marketing-automations/woofunnels/contact/class-woofunnels-db-updater.php(1135): WooFunnels_DB_Updater->schedule_order_reindex_action()
1 /home/710205.cloudwaysapps.com/kcctzesgcr/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WooFunnels_DB_Updater->bwf_update_cancel_order()
2 /home/710205.cloudwaysapps.com/kcctzesgcr/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
3 /home/710205.cloudwaysapps.com/kcctzesgcr/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
4 /home/710205.cloudwaysapps.com/kcctzesgcr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-order.php(397): do_action()
5 /home/710205.cloudwaysapps.com/kcctzesgcr/public_html/wp-content/pl in /home/710205.cloudwaysapps.com/kcctzesgcr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-marketing-automations/woofunnels/contact/class-woofunnels-db-updater.php on line 1163
I added a check on this file wp-content/plugins/wp-marketing-automations/woofunnels/contact/class-woofunnels-db-updater.php
to make sure the function exists before it runs, and now my error is gone
if (function_exists(‘as_has_scheduled_action’)) {
if ( ! as_has_scheduled_action( $hook, $args, ‘funnelkit’ ) ) {
as_schedule_recurring_action( time(), 60, $hook, $args, ‘funnelkit’ );
But I think this is worth looking into, my site has virtually no custom development and it doesn’t seem to be a plugin conflict, so IDK why that function is not available on my install, any help is appreciated.
Hey, can this plugin serve as a full on email marketing solution for Woocommerce or is its use only for abandoned carts?
]]>Can anyone tell me what this costs for the pro version?
I can see that I can use the opt-in form only when I am building a funnel (opt-in funnel). But I want to insert the form into other part of the site, just like any other WP block. So, can you please add opt-in form as a global or sitewise block?
Best regards,
]]>I have this problem after click on the button “add to cart”
Your plugin is really amazing
I am using it on my website But its not working properly , Its not capturing abandoned cart on my website. and it slows downs my website alot. when I decativate plugin everything works fine.
I really want to use this plugin it has great features.
btw my site is multisite and multivendor and also have cache plugin
How can I translate the relevant strings in the product table we email?
]]>Hello and good day.
I am following your documentation for Contact Form 7 WordPress Integrations for Autonami.
Your screenshot shows mapping the email field along with first, last, phone and mark contact as subscribed.
However, It is only allowing me to add one field.
It is not giving me the options to add more fields.
Contact Form 7
My screenshot
Can you please help?
Is it compatible with loco translate plugin ?
Use this plugin to translate languages – 2,071 fields, the translation progress is 100%, but after the translation is completed, only 1% are displayed in the translated language, and the other 99% are still displayed in English even if they are translated.
Have a nice day,
It does not work.
Create automations and it does not save, there is no save button.
I delete a created one, but it doesn’t delete, I already uninstalled the plugin and follows that automation. It shows that it does not exist but it continues to appear and does not allow anything to be created. It does not work
]]>Hello ??
I have a problem sending emails and most of them (about 50%) fail.
I can’t understand why this is happening. I have a problem only with emails sent by autonami. Those who were sent by WordPress itself for a check-up and so on to Dad, have no problem.
]]>Hi guys,
what about adding a timer as condition to send reminders for failed payments?
Something like:
+ 7 days from order date –> Send first mail
+ 14 days from order date –> Send second mail
+ 21 days from order date –> Send third mail
If someone bought an item via bank transfer the order will always stay in “Pending”. If we don’t change the status to “in Progress” the buyer should receive the first reminder email after 7 days of the order and so on…
Are you planning to implement this? Would be a huge benefit not to rely on other Woocommerce plugins.
]]>hi there
i have no success so for when using automation condition with exact match with the free plugin. yes condition always not selected.
]]>I just installed the 1.3.1 plugin yesterday then, after tinkering with one automation, I upgraded to 2.0 and see the following message on my plugin list page and within the Autonami plugin:
Warning! Old version of Autonami Pro is detected. We strongly recommend to update the latest version of Autonami Pro to unlock all the features.
Editing the automations also look like there’s a styling or other issue so I don’t believe there’s a way for me to create or edit any automations.
Is this something you are aware about?