Hi there,
I’m a developer of the Independent Analytics plugin. We found that your plugin is loading a bootstrap.css file on all admin pages, and it is adversely affecting the styles of modals in our menu page. Could you update the plugin to only load this stylesheet on the pages where it is needed?
Thank you!
]]>When I rename a file that has 8 different wordpress generated sizes (150, 300, 768, 1024 etc), all these extra wp sizes remain on the file system with the old names.
So I start with a media test.png, with additional test 150×150.png, test 300×300 etc (total 9 files).
But after renaming it to yo I have:
Yo.png, yo 150×150.png etc (total 9 files) as well as test 150×150.png etc (total 8 files), for a grand total of 17 files on disk.
The only file that’s really renamed (or deleted afterwards) is test.png.