Hello there. thank you for this plugin. Is it possible to resize the icon? I would like to make the messenger icon a bit smaller, thanks.
]]>There is currently a console warning about an upcoming change in the chat plugin URL:
sdk.js:52 ##########################
# The CustomerChat plugin will soon be removed from the main Facebook SDK.
# To continue using it please use the correct SDK URL.
# For more details see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/discovery/customer-chat-plugin/sdk
Cheers for the plugin. Makes it very easy to add.
Could you remove the unnecessary css/js files that load on the frontend and the js file from the admin?
If you have the plugin on GitHub I’d be happy to contribute.
I got this plugin working ok on a test site. Now I am doing exactly the same, but it just will not accept the FB Page ID. It keeps telling me that the field is empty. I have deactivated and reactivated the plugin, but that does not help. What is going on?