]]>Hello, I am making an inquiry if your still use the GitHub repo for contributions, I would like to submit some PRs to the issues raised.
]]>Is there a way to display the category related to that post?
when i active plugin get this massage only if take option show image Notice: Undefined variable: thumbnail_size in wp-content/plugins/wp-most-popular/system/widget.php on line 143
Unfortunately this plugin does not work with the latest version of wordpress. I need something to do this job with a custom post type. Does anyone know of another plugin? I have been searching for an answer for almost a week on and off.
It would be great if WPgeeks updated it. Please!
I’ve noticed that when the plugin is active, I can’t edit Elementor Pages. Classic error:
“Sorry, the content area was not found in your page. You must call the_content function in the current template, in order for Elementor to work on this page.”
I’ve got the_content() function in my theme. If I disable WP Most Popular, everthing works fine. Please make it compatible.
Who knows how I can show views count under the post? (single.php)
I would be very grateful!
]]>Our site,, is hosted by wpengine. We were having issues recently with users being unable to login to the wp-admin. WpEngine was able to make several updates but also said this:
I can also see that the server is under a lot of strain from the wp-most-popular plugin, which is known to produce a high number of admin-ajax calls, and overwhelm servers. Reducing the number of ajax calls from this plugin would not only ensure
fewer 504 errors, but also speed up your server’s response time tremendously. I would suggest contacting the plugin developers, and working with them to reduce the number of admin-ajax calls made by the plugin
With that being said, I’m hitting up the support board to see what can be done to address this issue. I don’t know why the wp-admin would be getting ajax requests via this plugin but any advice/tips would be great.
]]>We have moved all our jQuery to the bottom of the page to decrease page load time. This plugin is the only thing still requiring jQuery to load at the top of the page.
Is there any way to move the ajax call to the bottom of the page? Or have the ajax call happen on window.onload?
]]>In the list_item()
method in widget.php
, the glue parameter is not specified, so this causes the array of post classes to be combined into a string without spaces.
This change fixes the issue: $post_class = implode(' ', get_post_class());
Is it possible to show the Current Page Views of All Time ?
]]>I need to change the layout of the widget (meaning: the way it shows the posts on the web site) as there’s no space between the posts, so it’s hard vor the reader to check where one post ends and where the next begins.
So I simply would like to add some
‘s in the code but don’t know where.
Could anyone help me please by letting me know in which file, which function and which position I can do this?
Thanks in advance!!!
]]>I’m trying to use WP Most Popular to pull in popular posts from a number of Custom Post Types. If I select one from the drop down menu in my widget settings, I get the posts. However, if I select All Post Types, I get no posts at all. Huh? Isn’t there a way I can pull from all or many of my CPT’s?
]]>Can you make a filter to exclude certain posts?
Some writers click very often at their posts to get to the top of WP Most Popular
]]>Love the simplicity of this plugin. Many thanks for creating it! I tried about 10 others until finding this one and this one is definitely the best.
Any chance you might add any other features like adding an excerpt from the post text as well as the post date?
Also, I am having a problem changing the thumbnail size. I have tried adding various different sizes like 150×150, etc as well as just adding the word “thumbnail” top the setting and nothing changes. I still get some default sized thumbnail which is on a 2:3 aspect ratio like the featured image photo and I can’t seem to get any of the square thumbnails that my site has created to be used.
]]>I’d like to be able to specify one category the plugin pulls the most popular posts from using a custom function. Thanks!
]]>of display
]]>I have installed the Edition theme on a development site for a client ( It uses your plugin for a ‘breaking news’ feature at the top of the page that lists the most popular posts.
I would like to filter the listings to include just the ‘class’ post category. Is this possible? If so, please provide instructions.
Thank you!
]]><?php wpp_get_mostpopular(“range=all&limit=10&cat=art”); ?>
i use this code but whenever i refresh the page even when i’ve already visited the already posted posts in this category and the same message appears..
Is there a way to exclude an array of specific categories from the results of WP Most Popular?
I need to insert another plugin inside this one.
As in my client wants to show the 5 most popular posts in a sidebar, then show another plugin and then show the next 5 most popular posts (i.e. 6-10).
I figured the easiest way to do this was probably to use the plugin twice and tell the sencond one to miss out the first 5 posts.
How would I do that? Or a better way of achieving the result I want?
I really love this plugin and has it working splendidly on my site. I only have one problem. I’m trying to make pagination work, but so far without any luck.
Any ideas how to make this work? Is it even possible?
Would be awesome, otherwise I might have to look at another plugin.
// Jens.
I deactivated the plugin to try something, and all my stats then just got removed! I wonder how I can get the stats back.
I have a completely copy of my site since 2 days ago with all posts on a separate server, this separate server still have all statistics for my site. I wonder, what files will I need to move from my copied site to get all the statistics back? It looks very weird when some of my popular articles had 50,000 views, and now they have 0.
Please help me. Thank you.
]]>Hi I have just installed WP Most Popular Plugin, activated and added it to the sidebar however nothing has happened. whats to do? best ashar
]]>Hi I have just installed WP Most Popular Plugin, activated and added it to the sidebar however nothing has happened. whats to do? best ashar
I am looking for a plugin to track popular posts and I am currently also using the Polylang plugin to have different language websites.
Because of this, with the most popular post plugin I will need to call the polylang custom taxonomy, for example “lang=en” in order to display only the english posts.
Do you guys have a way of working with all this?
Suggestions and comments appreciated.
Is there a way to exclude categories from results? I was able to do it in other plugins/widgets but can`t find a way to do in this plugin
]]>Even though the author has not bothered to show up for a year on this forum, maybe we can figure it out anyway. It’s a functionality that should have been default in this plugin.
I want to have my stats CURRENT. See, WMP will not update the 1 day, 7 day and 30 day stats unless a post gets a hit. So when you want to display ‘weekly top 5’ then it will still show a post that was hot 3 weeks ago and has not received a single hit since. It will still show as the ‘current weekly top 5’, which is big flaw in the code.
My thoughts behind solving this is to use a cron job that will refresh the stats. However, how to ensure it display stats for any last 7 days not just from Monday to Sunday? I’m not quite sure about the logic used in WMP the way it stores serialized dates and their stats. Any ideas how to go about this?
]]>I recently installed version 0.2 of this plugin. I use HTTP password authentication as an added layer of protection for my admin area. I had to deactivate the plugin because it is causing the password dialogue box to pop up every time a post is loaded for viewing on the front end.
]]>It doesn’t work for me on 3.5.