If ever anyone still uses this. I have a problem where this plugin works when you are NOT logged in. You can see the cloned stories from the mirror site you specified.
The problem is whe you are LOGGED IN. When you browse to your site. You cannot see the cloned/mirrored stories.
Can anyone help with this?
I have tested the mutisite-mirror plugin with my 3.5 multisite install.
Bellow the issues:
– Not compatible with domain mapping of subsites
If mms is enable domain mapping doesn’t work
– Not compatible with Appearance > Menu items
Isn’t able to create or managing menus. In fact, the pre-existents menus got disappeared
– All content of subsites disappeared.
Disable the plugin fixes the above problems.
This plugin is awesome, but I need the compatibility with 3.5 AND domain mapping of subsites.
I’m looking for a solution for easy cloning and updating posts from local machine to live site, so my suggestion would be to have one “clone/update options” page, where administrator can select what to clone to another site/db.
settings page:
db-host, user, pass, etc…
clone/update selection:
custom fields
clone now button (or cron option for hourly, daily cloning)
the main reason is that I work with allot of plugins while processing posts (this slows down my live site). it also a pita to correct/revise them online etc…
But when posts are processed and are ready on a local machine, I would just clone only POSTS (with exactly the same permalinks) to the live WP-site with zero plugins installed.
(this way live site would be much faster and would be also more secured,etc etc…)
]]>I want to have a publisher program for users to publish our content on their sites or as a stand alone site for them. Is this the plug in for my needs? Would the mirrored sites be able to have their our urls? I would love any info you can share.
]]>Its only an admin page, 3 functions,
the links to github give 404 errors and trac, just has a read me and a single file
either the plugin has some missing files, and/or was never completed and has been abandoned