Grate plugin!
I got a problem with it.
When answer is wrong i getting:
Warning: Illegal string offset 'comment_type' in /wp-content/plugins/wp-no-bot-question/wp_nobot_question.php on line 138
Warning: Illegal string offset 'comment_type' in /wp-content/plugins/wp-no-bot-question/wp_nobot_question.php on line 138
Error: Please fill in the correct answer to the question.
Can anybody help me with it?
Nice to find a good plugin as this one, it works well.
Can you add the CAPTCHA to the contact form too ? And also Woocomerce registration as someone said there:
Thank you anyway !
First i want to say it is great plugin.
I want to ask, is it possible to implement spam question in diferent pages than comments and register?
I am using Ultimate Member Plugin (https://pl.www.ads-software.com/plugins/ultimate-member/), and want to implement spam question in UM register form. Is it possible? How to do it?
Adding this to line 58 will protect the WooCommerce registration option on /my-account/
// Check if WooCommerce is active and if so, protect it's registration form
if(in_array('woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters('active_plugins', get_option('active_plugins')))) {
add_action('woocommerce_register_post', 'wp_nobot_question_filter', 10 ,3);
Would be useful if it were added to the next version.
]]>Hi, I am getting the following line in my error log. Can someone assist with this?
[03-Nov-2014 14:33:15 UTC] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset ‘comment_type’ in /home/******/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-no-bot-question/wp_nobot_question.php on line 132
Any ideas?
]]>Installed it successfully, enabled, created the questions, but when I try to test the register page, I can’t see the security question.
I’ve posted a comment on your site a while ago but I’ve no news.
Clearly I run this plugin on MULTIPLE wordpress installs, with different questions and i DO get spam comments…
The questions I’m using are all but standard, they aren’t even in english…
How comes these bloody spambots are able to comment ?
PS : I don’t even know how they found the page to post comment on as I don’t have the generic comment form footprint…
]]>I would like to know if there’s a way to enable this plugin to work only on the registration page and not the comment section.
]]>Great plugin. I’d like to ask if there is anything I can do to style the question, make it bold, add some color etc.
]]>I’m using this plugin in WP351 as an additional feature to block spam registrations. Everyting works fine, thank you! ??
I would like to translate the plugin in the Greek langueage. I think I know what to do with the file wp_nobot_question-fr_FR.po but I have no clue about wp_nobot_question-fr_FR.mo. Could you please explain?
My translation will be made available for everyone.
]]>Can this be turned off for registered and logged-in users?
Is there a shortcode which could be inserted in a simple contact form which would use your your anti-spam measures?
Cheers and thanks for this great plugin.
]]>I have a plugin which is a fancy Membership Management system, named Magic Members. They use a captcha, which I kind of hate, as I imagine most people on the planet do. I’d much prefer to use your “WP No-Bot Question” process, which works fine with the standard WP registration page, but … for the Magic Members registration page, I might need a custom installation. Would you be willing to coordinate with them to get your plug-in to be Magic Members friendly? If I need to pay a technical support fee or make a donation, that might be fine. I would just really prefer to use your method to stop the bots.