Hello !
Since PHP 8 the plugin is not working, have you a solution to “patch” the wp-pdf-template.php.
The problem seems to be the link to file
PHP Warning: file_get_contents(https://localhost/fiches-produits/test/?pdf-template): Failed to open stream: Connection refused in /srv/data/web/vhosts/my-website-url.ext/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-pdf-templates/wp-pdf-templates.php on line 243
Have you any idea…
Thank’s for your help/
]]>Plugin is giving this issue
The plugin generated 328 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
This plugin is amazing and easy to use.
When I tried using the pdf with permalink settings in plain mode(?p=1&pdf). It shows “The site is experiencing technical difficulties.” this error.
Thanks for your help. And great plugin once again.
]]>Hi when i activate the plugin i have this error:
The plugin generated 356 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
The generation of pdf give me a generic error, what i can do?
My php is 7.0
WordPress is Updated
This is a great plugin – thanks so much for developing and sharing it.
I’m getting the message :Error – Failed to Load PDF Document” whenever I visit a /pdf link. The /pdf-template link works fine. I’ve tried disabling all plugins and child themes and resetting permalinks but it did not help.
There is a reload button on the error message dialogue button. When the plugin is in a localhost environment this works and once the pdf is in the cache the message goes away.
However when I migrate the plugin to www, hitting the reload button just brings up the same error dialog box.
Thanks for your support.
]]>PDFs do not render while using HTTPS on mobile. When I remove HTTPS from URL, works again.
Other notes: Multi site environment with Domain Mapping is present.
is it possible to use a different url to create pdf?
for example, https://www.example.com/?pdf=1
instead https://www.example.com/pdf
I have a conflict with WPML permalink with GET parameter /?lang=it
]]>Hi there,
I have a function that let users read a post only if is logged in.
Now I’d like to permit users logged in to generate the pdf starting from the protected post.
At the moment all users logged in or not can generate the pdf, it seems the funtion is ignored!
is there any way to pass the function to the pdf template?
We’ve create a PDF template using the instructions you’ve provided and just cannot seem to get an image to work in the pdf.
The image displays as expect in the pdf-preview endpoint, but does not show up at all in the pdf endpoint.
Interestingly there is another image in the template that is displaying without issue.
We’ve tried the following:
– Change images
– RE-size images to smaller, exact dimensions, smaller dimensions, larger dimensions
– Tried using relative paths in place of absolute paths.
– Move the images outside of the wp-uploads directory.
I got issues with the plugin, css is not working in PDF. The PDF is generated but CSS is not exported in PDF even if I use the same classes as the webpage.
Is there a configuration to enable CSS ?
Thank you for your help
how do you load custom fonts? I have tried including them in the CSS using @font-face and adding them using the load_font.php but neither approach works.
Any help would be very much appreciated as I’ve never tried to create a PDF from HTML before and I’m out of ideas…
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi, first of all, really great plugin! I’d like to know if it’s possible to change the pdf template (index-pdf.php) based on my custom type post category… some kind of index-pdf-cat1.php, index-pdf-cat2.php etc etc … thank you.
I′m using WordPress PDF Templates for a while and it was working fine.
But since last week, the pdf only shows a blank page.
Below error_log…
[02-Feb-2017 14:19:31 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(https://localhost/db/database/sow-idy/?pdf-template): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
in /home/aclidb/public_html/db/wp-content/plugins/wp-pdf-templates/wp-pdf-templates.php on line 243
[02-Feb-2017 14:19:31 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(https://localhost/db/database/sow-idy/?pdf-template): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
in /home/aclidb/public_html/db/wp-content/plugins/wp-pdf-templates/wp-pdf-templates.php on line 247
[02-Feb-2017 14:19:31 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(https://www.xxx.ext/db/database/sow-idy/?pdf-template): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
in /home/aclidb/public_html/db/wp-content/plugins/wp-pdf-templates/wp-pdf-templates.php on line 254
[02-Feb-2017 14:19:31 UTC] PHP Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/aclidb/public_html/db/wp-content/themes/acli-joints-microtag/single.php on line 533
[02-Feb-2017 14:19:31 UTC] PHP Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/aclidb/public_html/db/wp-content/themes/acli-joints-microtag/single.php on line 533
[02-Feb-2017 14:19:31 UTC] PHP Warning: array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/aclidb/public_html/db/wp-content/themes/acli-joints-microtag/single.php on line 534
[02-Feb-2017 14:19:31 UTC] PHP Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/aclidb/public_html/db/wp-content/themes/acli-joints-microtag/single.php on line 534
Can I generate a PDF document compiling all repeater fields from all posts/pages?
Basically we need do get all info contained in ACF fields from posts/pages and put it on a PDF downloadable file, like a printable catalog of the website.
Is it possible by editing the template php file?
Thank you,
]]>Hi, I am getting hundreds of errors in my log every day that look like this:
PHP Warning: _wpe_old_file_put_contents(/path-to/wp-content/uploads/dompdf-fonts//dompdf_font_family_cache.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /path-to/php_prevent_flock.php on line 58, referer: MY-WEBSITE.com/my-account/current-month/gyms/
The above referer path is a page that my members often export to PDF using the WP PDF Templates plugin (i.e. /my-account/current-month/gyms/?pdf
). I contacted my server administrators (WP Engine) and they informed me that the FLOCK() php function is disallowed on their servers, which is why this error is being produced. The problem I’m having is that I cannot find where the FLOCK() function is being used in the WP PDF Templates plugin.
Can you tell me where to find this in the code please?
Also, as I mentioned in another support thread, as you can see in the above error, the requested path to the dompdf_font_family_cache.php
file is incorrect, with two forward slashes after the font directory, i.e.: uploads//dompdf-fonts/...
. This is due to the incorrectly “redefined” font directory in wp-pdf-templates.php
on lines 95 thru 102.
Please let me know where the FLOCK() function is being called so I can attempt to stop this error from filling my logs every day.
Thank you so much for your assistance.
]]>Hello and thanks for the good job for this plugin.
I’d like to ask you if is possible to change the default size width and height of pdf pages and ratio like in this pdf: https://vetrospace.com/wp-content/uploads/vetrospace-eng-small.pdf ?
Is there also a way to load google fonts?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Is there an option to hire you to get this running on my remote server? I’ve got it running locally on a MAMP install and I am using the same DNS name via editing my hosts file, but when I commit the changes to a remotely hosted version at the same URL, and test it out using a different computer — I get a blank page when I attempt to get the PDF.
I’m really not entirely sure what the issue is. I’m of the opinion it is likely how my remote host is configured differently from my localhost. It’s just to a point now where I could use the expertise you have on this.
The pdf preview works great, however when creating the pdf the stylesheet and images fail to load.
To pull the stylesheet I’m using
<img src='<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/pdf-logo.png' />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/css/pdf.css" media="screen, print">
and some images created using ACF (ACF data loading fine, again it's the images that aren't)
<?php $attachment_id = get_sub_field('image');
$size = "pdf-main";
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, $size );
<img src='<?php echo $image[0]; ?>' />
The text is working great including some complex loops pulling data from various sources and performing scripts on those, it’s just those pesky images and stylesheet letting me down.
Any ideas?
]]>Is it possible to cache the created pdf and serve this cached version untill the oringal page/post has changed?
Thank you for you plugin. I have a multisite where I have activate your plugin on a per site basis. When I try to go to mypage/pdf/, I have an error in my log files and a 500 page :
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘Dompdf\Dompdf’ not found in …
What’s wrong ?
Thank you in advance !
]]>I guess my ticket did not successfully get submitted last time, I can’t find it anywhere.
Anyway, this issue has been going on for over a month now. PDFs won’t generate on Safari.
The same PDF links work on both Chrome and Firefox, but on Safari the native PDF viewer initiates but a blank grey screen is all that’s there when it finishes loading, there isn’t even a blank PDF page. I’ve tried it with multiple PDFs and templates, and none of them work.
I’m using Safari Version 9.1.1 (11601.6.17), on Mac OS El Capitan version 10.11.5
Thank you in advance for looking into this.
– Colin
[Moderator note: Please, no bumping.]
]]>Upon activation in WordPress 4.6 (local install, MAMP, PHP 7) I get this error message:
The plugin generated 410 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
When I try to access a generated PDF, I get a notice about the use of an undefined constant DOMPDF_DEFAULT_PAPER_SIZE
in wp-pdf-templates.php on line 350, followed by “headers already sent” warnings, and the PDF cannot be displayed.
Temporarily changing that undefined constant to a valid value (“letter”) fixes the behavior for me. Edited line 350 to this:
defined('DOMPDF_PAPER_SIZE') ? DOMPDF_PAPER_SIZE : 'letter',
Is it possible to add PDF support for archive pages and taxonomy pages? I have a custom post type where I list posts in a table and it would be valuable to make a PDF of this list for my clients
]]>Hi, Great plugin and works very well. I have created a custom template querying a custom db table with a query string. It works as expected without a query string but when a query string is added the page shows the correct content but the pdf shows with out. i.e /?var=value&pdf. It is like the GET can not be used. is there any way to pass parameters?
Many Thanks
]]>Hi !
A way to add pagination ?
Thanks !
]]>This is my second project where I get to use this plugin. Love this plugin.
This website has a static front page (example.com) and a blog page (example.com/blog) for posts.
Pages are working fine. They have no category in the url (eg example.com/page). Posts do not work. They have categories in their url (eg example.com/blog/category/post). Posts just return the html post when you add “/pdf” to their url.
Posts work fine when I change the post permalinks from /%category%/%postname%/ to just /%postname%/ (ie. example.com/blog/post).
Any help appreciated. Thanks for a great plugin.
]]>I noticed that every pdf download had an extra .pdf appended to it, for example myfile.pdf.pdf.
In the wp_pdf_templates.php file on line 334 and 335 you have:
$filename = get_the_title() . ‘.pdf’;
$cached = PDF_CACHE_DIRECTORY . get_the_title() . ‘-‘ . substr(md5(get_the_modified_time()), -6) . ‘.pdf’;
I removed the .pdf from line 334 and the problem was solved. I just wanted to let you know.
special characters (like “/”) in page titles could lead to failures while writing cache-files and result in empty pages.
A possible workaround is to replace all “get_the_title()” calls with “sanitize_title(get_the_title())” in “wp-pdf-templates.php”.
Would be great if you could fix it in the next versions.
Thanks & best regards,
Hi, this plugin used to work fine but since the latest WordPress update, or the plugin update, it has stopped working, giving blank pages instead of pdfs.
There are a lot of people with similar issues in this support area; blank pdfs/pages, file_get_contents(), failed to open stream warnings etc.
Error logs shows:
file_get_contents(https://localhost/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/?pdf-template): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
in /home/xxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-pdf-templates/wp-pdf-templates.php on line 243
Adding these lines to wp-config.php fixed it for me: (as suggested by the plugin author – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/warning-file_get_contents-13#post-8195915)
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', false);
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('log_errors', 'On');
Hope this helps others ??
]]>Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/www/vhosts/mydomine.com/httpdocs/wp-blablabla/wp-content/plugins/wp-pdf-templates/wp-pdf-templates.php on line 347