Make it so.
Cba the pixabay one.
]]>I can’t find the add Pexels button in the Gutenberg editor. (Further reason to hate GB!)
]]>I’ve just installed the Pexels plugin on my WP site and was wondering if you can grab photos from the collections you’ve created in Pexels? Is this a feature that’s available in the premium version of Pexels or not available at all at this time. Seems like this would be a very good option to registered Pexel users who create collections in their account.
I noticed a bug. When you use 2 words as a search term for example “people smiling” your scipt is not replacing spaces with “+” as per api instructions here:
I suggest you do something like this:
– function wppx_search_ajax
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, ‘’ . esc_attr( str_replace(” “, “+”, $_POST[‘key’]) ) . ‘&per_page=12&page=’ . $page );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, ‘’ . esc_attr( str_replace(” “, “+”, $_POST[‘key’]) ) . ‘&per_page=12&page=’ . $page );
and then it should work. (works for me)
]]>Hi, before I download the plugin, I just want to ensure that the images I would find within the plugin would be optimized for web, as currently, I download the images, run them through optimizilla and there is always a reduction in file size before I upload them to a site I’m working on ??
small question.
can i download a photo to my computer, and upload to wordpress, and not serve it from it’s origin? (like: “……”)
]]>great idea, is a fantastic resource
however you could make WP Pexel more useful with a few tweaks
I think they use imgix (just guessing) and it would simply be a matter of changing the src subdomain and appending the URL with various attributes (long term you might be able to add cropping etc)
is 14.2MB
I’d also suggest using the resizing tool with a ‘keep aspect’ option
Google Page Speed Insights is giving a ‘0’ score… so this is definitely worth looking into
saving unnecessary bandwidth makes us all good internet citizens