I am using the following shortcode on a WP page to display a random post
The term id 1993 is my recipe category ID… doesn’t seem to work;
[wp_post_of_the_day post_type=”post” taxonomy=”category” terms=”1993″ show=”title, image”]
What am I doing wrong?
]]>I want to show only post (not pages) that are in specific category (eg ‘daily card’)
How do I do that?
Your documentation is too general, It is not answering this question.
]]>Hi there, this looks like it could be very useful… but having tested it, it’s not operating as it should. I can’t see to get it to work with custom post types, and several of the other shortcode restrictions/filters aren’t changing things as they should.
Your plugin is not working. Default shortcode won’t produce results, any attributes added displays the shortcode in the page.
All the shortcodes that I try are returning:
Sorry, no matching posts were found. Your query may be too restrictive. Please check your shortcode implementation.
I tried [wp_post_of_the_day post-type=”category”], [wp_post_of_the_day author=”1″], [wp_post_of_the_day post-type=”category”], [wp_post_of_the_day taxonomy=”category” terms=”8,10″]