Hi there! This plugin has worked great until recently. Now whenever we try and edit widgets or use the Customizer functionality, the normal functionality doesn’t appear to work. Using Query Monitor we see there is a PHP error regarding a possible issue on line 280 of the carousel-widget-class file – it expects an array but it’s getting a boolean response.
]]>Hello, I installed this plugin to create the latests post slider. It is created on my local server and on the main site. On the local srever the slider works normal, but when I added it to the main site and open it in Google Chrome it doesn’t works. But it is works normal in Opera and mobile Safari. I don’t know what was wrong
]]>I am working on a project where I need to filter the custom post type using the custom taxonomy.
Custom Post Type : Articles
Custom Taxonomy : Topic
Topic Name : Sustainability
I tried to create the short code for this but it is not working. When I try to show only Articles, it works fine. But when I apply the filter on “20755”, carousel does not show anything. The short code is:
[wp_posts_carousel template=”simple.css” post_types=”Articles” all_items=”100″ show_only=”newest” exclude=”” posts=”” ordering=”desc” categories=”20755″ relation=”and” tags=”” show_title=”true” show_created_date=”false” show_description=”false” allow_shortcodes=”false” show_category=”true” show_tags=”false” show_more_button=”false” show_featured_image=”true” image_source=”medium” image_height=”100″ image_width=”100″ items_to_show_mobiles=”1″ items_to_show_tablets=”2″ items_to_show=”4″ slide_by=”1″ margin=”5″ loop=”false” stop_on_hover=”true” auto_play=”true” auto_play_timeout=”1200″ auto_play_speed=”800″ nav=”true” nav_speed=”800″ dots=”false” dots_speed=”800″ lazy_load=”false” mouse_drag=”true” mouse_wheel=”true” touch_drag=”true” easing=”linear” auto_height=”false” custom_breakpoints=””]
Please help me in understanding what I am doing wrong or missing.
Hope to hear from you soon.
version 1.3.7 of the plugin is incompatible with the latest WordPress core update, where the jQuery version is updated.
I would be happy to provide a PR, although it’s only a single line of code that needs to be changed.
If anybody else has the problem of the carousel not loading anymore with the latest WordPress version (>5.5), in wp-content\plugins\wp-posts-carousel\carousel-generator.class.php
line 449 change:
jQuery(window).load(function(e) {
jQuery(window).on("load", function(e) {
until an official patch is released.
Kind regards,
]]>A plugin called WP Posts Carousel
I tried to install the plugin because it is possible to make a normal post or a custom post into a carousel.
The setting screen appeared on the widget and was displayed.
However, when I try to put a carousel on a fixed page, the icon button is displayed on the post editor screen, but even if I click the button
The pop-up (setting screen) does not appear.
How can I display it?
↓ This is the post editor screen.
Since I am Japanese, I posted on this page using the Google Translate function.
I’m sorry if there is any English that is difficult to understand.
I would be very happy if you could answer.
On this page, I can’t get the scroll arrows to display correctly https://dev.teampolice.uk/
Can anyone help?
Many thanks in advance.
]]>Hello everyone!
I have a question about the plugin, the problem is cooperation with SEO. On one of our pages there is a menu that is updated every day (new items are added for the next day) in the code of the page you can see a lot of hidden links like event_id1=8669, which are in the header h3 marked in css as display:none
The point is that when we use screamingfrog, it goes very far in these links, it turns out that there are several thousand of them and that’s all I want to index.
Is there any chance to turn off the display of these links?
]]>Seeing errors when upgrading to PHP 7.2+.
Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/wp-posts-carousel/carousel-widget.class.php on line 382
Looks like you need to adjust the function to be as follows on line 382 of carousel-widget.class.php:
function yourmodifier_register_widgets() {
register_widget( 'WpPostsCarouselWidget' );
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'yourmodifier_register_widgets' );
The function you used is anonymous and it really should have a name, as described above, so the plugin can be extended and so it complies with PHP 7+.
Let us know if you do that, because we’d love to use your plugin instead of our edited version.
Recently I realized this plugin is not working with the latest version of the WP.
Could anyone confirm whether or not this isn’t working?
Just wondering if it’s possible to change the text of the ‘read more’ button?
]]>Hey guys,
I’m seeing this error in my live site:
Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in /home/*****/public_html/*****.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-posts-carousel/includes/utils.class.php on line 155
My WordPress and plugin is up to date.
Appreciate any help.
]]>Is there a category filter within this plugin?
I’m using the widget currently and dont seem to see the option?
]]>When i selected auto height in widgets. overflow is hidden at bottom of the page in 1st slider on mobile
how can i translate to a different language?
For example: “read more” button; hover on the button its ok but the “read more” text below does not change.
I have tried showing posts and configuring the plugin with a number of options but no posts are ever displayed.
On the home page, under Possibility Posts it should be displaying all posts for this post type but none appear.
Could it have something to do with the Page Builder by SiteOrigin that I am using?
Guys or anyone else has anyone found a way to sort your post after you changed the publish date. I have 13 episode show. but they are coming up all random even tho they are modified publish dates in order, and have descending option on the widget.
Any help would be appreciated. I did see a trick with short code, But I am using widget.
]]>I’m trying to customise the carousel with the wpc_item_description filter in functions.php, but it seems like functions like get_field won’t work there – the page stops rendering at the point where I call it. What am I missing?
function my_wpc_item_description( $description, $params ) {
$post_content = get_the_content();
$topic = get_field('topic-name');
$description = '<div class="wp-posts-carousel-desc">
<div class="main-content"> ' . $topic . '</div>
return $description;
add_filter('wpc_item_description', 'my_wpc_item_description', 1, 2);
The last image of the carousel dont show up when using custom post types and the carousel widget.
]]>WP Posts carousel is working well for showing recent posts, but when I tried to show twitter feed there is nothing showing up. I can’t see where I can input the twitter handle or access codes for it to connect?
It’s my first time using WP Posts Carousel, but unfortunately it doesn’t work on my website… It doesn’t slide and the console says: Uncaught TypeError: s[y] is not a function
Do you know what I am doing wrong?
I’m trying to create an image carousel for my wpForo Forum to display the latest images uploaded by members in the forum. So basically it needs to pull images by post date from the forum image directory and not from the media gallery or blog posts. Is this possible with WP Posts Carousel?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi, The first div that is output by this plugin is insanely huge.
The div is <section id=“carousel-num” class=“wcp-slick ……
The computed size is 711250×228171 !
The WordPress version i’m using is WordPress 4.7.4
The Carousel version is Version 1.3.6
Any help would be hugely appreciated as this plugin otherwise seems to be just what I was looking for, thank you
]]>Hello guys,
Is there any way to truncate titles?
I need to show only one line of the title if is too long.
Would be a great feature to appear this option in the widget too ??
]]>How could I filter the query to use a custom query for a specific taxonomy.
Is there a way to hook into the carousel query?
]]>Dear all,
I need help for change the color of the dots. How can I do this?
]]>On initial load of page, the widget is not sized properly on page to show full item box (auto height is set on). The widget height is too small and content clipped at bottom. When browser is resized, then widget height sizes properly. Can be seen at https://enneagram.life
]]>Is there a way to create a custom layout for the slider rather than the default one?
I would like to loop my items. Unfortunately I’m having a gap between the last and the first item, which means, I’m not having a real loop.
How can I solve this?
Thanks, Cara
I would like to show 2 items at once and let them slide 1 by 1. It kind of works, but for the beginning it is just showing the first item (instead of the first two).
How can I two items, just at the beginning.
Thanks for your help!
I like the plugin but it seems to be a bug somways because the featured image not always seem to show up in the carousel feed. Why?