I am wondering what is wrong with wp payer 2.0.9 because it is treated as vulnerable. When will the update to 2.0.10. I myself use version 2.0.8 and I am very satisfied. Will there be an update and if not will wp prayer 2.4.8 update me from version 2.0.8. Or do I have to delete everything and re-download the new version.
Thank you and all the best, God bless you
]]>Hello Team,
WP-Prayer is suxh a great plugin ; I’m using it on my site in France. All is working fine but I’m coping with a light issue and can’t fix it : at the end of every prayer posted on the prayers list, I read “ago x days/hour” and this word “ago” should be translated in french but is n’t.
It seems to me that it is hardly coded in some php page without linking it to a po/mo file entry.
Could you please tell me how to fix it ?
Thanks & regards,
Hello, I have a question, can Wp prayer work with Antispam bee plugin. It doesn’t work on my pages. Thank you and God bless you
]]>I recently got an automated notice from my hosting provider that a file in your plugin is an indication my site is compromised.
The following file(s) specifically have been identified as attacker-added malware. We have DISABLED these files by … You will need to audit these files and either replace them with known good versions or remove them altogether:
The existence of this known attacker content indicates that your website or user password has been compromised. You or a trusted webmaster will need to determine the attack vector and then take actions to mitigate further exploits.
Is this a false positive or is it a correct identification?
]]>Getting an error when I add the prayer request form. It appear above the shortcode container with elementor.
HTML 4:01 Transitional//EN”>
]]>In Settings, I can see a field to add a Carbon Copy (CC) email. How do I add a Blind Carbon Copy (BCC).
]]>Thanks again for the great plugin. My question is if you can help us out, How to not make NAME not required? For example, is it possible if person dont put any name (they like to post prayer anonymously) and still they can submit a prayer and it would be just a blank space?
]]>Hello I am using the onair2 theme and although the request prayer works and someone can leave a prayer, i’m unable to see the prayers on my site using [upr_list_prayers]. Am I suppose to use a different line for the text? I might be installing it wrong ty.
]]>I am currently running WP Prayer version 2.0.3 on WordPress 6.2.2 and PHP 8.2.5. I also have a plugin WordPress Version Info version 1.2.1 installed. This other plugin provides detailed info in the footer of my admin page. However, there is a conflict I cannot locate as when your plugin is activated the details in the footer disappear. This does not happen with any other plugin. I tried to deactivate all settings without deactivating the plugin but that does not help. I have to deactivate your plugin.
In addition, each time I try to access the “Export” tab for your plugin I get an “HTTP2 Protocol Error” and the site fails.
]]>Hello there, can someone help out. I dont want to show email field, only name and comment box. What do I need to delete in order to achieve this? Thanks
Edit: I found how to disable true/false email required but I like to delete the complete email field ..
]]>We have reached out to the devs before about this issue. Thankfully – thanks to reCAPTCHA – the spam never gets to the front end.
However, it astounds me that they haven’t implemented any further spam prevention methods. One I’d like to see is based on a sort of “bot capture” whereby almost all the bots will fill inputs with name ’email’ or ‘url’. Imagine an extra hidden field which is added to the prayer request form. This field is hidden for the user and user will not fill it. But this field is visible for the spammer. If the spammer will fill this trap-field with anything – the prayer request will be blocked because it is spam. This blocks automatic spam messages (sent by spam-bots via post requests). This does not block manual spam (submitted by spammers manually via browser).
I’m really tired of seeing spam in our admin. Other forms I’ve built take care of this issue. Please take care of this one. Thank you.
]]>Hi team,
Many thanks for this great plugin I did need for a while …
I’ve submitted this topic on the WP-Prayer II support forum and Kim fixed it up by improving the code of the 2.4.0 version. But I’m using the not II 1.9.7 version so I post my request here on the right forum ??
Trying to be efficient in prayers management I put a link in the admin mail template leading to the admin pannel management page but the html code is kinda sanitized (e.g. quotation marks are modified as /”) so the link doesn’t work.
By the way, this is also true for apostrophes in the text wich become /’
How to fix it please ?
Thanks ! Best regards,
I am wondering what CSS I might use to change the word “prayer” on the form simply to “request” and the word “pray” on the button to something like “amen” or “it is done.” And is there a way to add an image upload field?
]]>Please integrate Akisment – and other anti-spam services – to your plugin.
Even though Google’s reCAPTCHA does a decent job of filtering out spammers and scammers, it does NOT prevent that spam from being sent to the admins – along with the actual prayers and intentions.
By integrating the above anti-spam services with WPPrayer, all spam will be sent to the site’s spam box, while the actual prayers and intentions can be held for moderation.
This is the most common-sense approach.
]]>I am wondering what CSS I might use to change the word “prayer” on the form simply to “request” and the word “pray” on the button to something like “amen” or “it is done.”
]]>prayers limited to 14 days on wp-prayer-engine but not on manage prayers
]]>Would it be possible to add a “share prayer with community” checkbox option? We’d like to use your plugin, but would like an option that allows the person leaving the prayer to indicate whether or not the prayer should be added to the prayer wall. Some may be private or confidential.
]]>I tried to install the plugin on my staging site, but it shows a bunch of error code when I test the submission form.
]]>The label on the praise report form is “Prayer Request”. Should be “Praise Report”
]]>**Service Ticket number in Title is for IT Dept. Reference**
Having issues opening Manage Prayers site. Site takes 5+ Minutes to load or does not load at all. Contacted my IT department.
– Assisted Clearing Cache / Cookies on browser Chrome Edge
– Checked for Updates on Chrome / Edge
– Closed Down Browser, Restarted PC.
– Issue still persists
– Contacted WordPress Support Chat
– Recommended Deactivating MonsterInsights
– Deactivated the following Plugin Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
– Tried on a separate device, Same issue
– Was able to open page in Incognito Window from Chrome.
Looking for any technical assistance Regarding this Issue.
]]>Hello Support,
I have the version 1.8.9 installed on ,my website. A prayer was entered and defaulted to pending as set up. However, when I go to the admin page “Manage Prayers” and try to disapprove the prayer or delete the prayer all I keep getting “You are not allowed to save changes!”
How do I proceed?
You have add the sharing buttons: great!
But it would be even better if you could add sharing buttons for every single prayer!
Thank you so much
I’m using Loco to local translation, but nothing found for {request_type}
So, as you can see in this screenshot, there isn’t way to translate {request_type}
little suggestion: add way to share prayer on social, adding social network share button.
Thank you
I have received spam messages with links to websites through our prayer requests. How do I filter the text box to not accept hyperlinks? Messages with hyperlinks are usually spam or phishing messages.
]]>whatever the setting, comments on prayers are always allowed, they are never linked to status pending.
]]>email sento log show me error when sent email to admin:
To: [email protected],1
Why add ,1 to admin email?
]]>Coem can I have this plugin fully translated into Italian? from here https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/wp-prayer
I downloaded the Italian language file, but where to insert it? can i continue to translate online on https://translate.www.ads-software.com/locale/it/default/wp-plugins/wp-prayer/ ?
Thank you
A great plugin but lately I am getting inundated with spammers (porn spammers).
I was trying to figure out what to do and noticed the reCaptcha is NOT showing up.
Is there anything you can do to help?
We are having issues with the “Pray” button not showing up for some site visitors, particularly those who visit the page on a Mac using Safari or Chrome, and on the Chrome mobile app on Androids. Its almost as if the Pray button isn’t acting responsively or is completely disappearing on smaller screens. Could someone help us figure out the issue?
If someone includes and emoji in the text of their prayer request, the plugin sends emails but the request does not show up. It fails silently. you simply cannot find the request listed in the backend.