I cannot set up new private user pages anymore. When saving I receive: Private content update failed. Please assist. IS there a limitations as to how many private pages? I tried to contact the support at https://www.wpexpertdeveloper.com/wp-private-content-pro/ – nobody responded.
]]>Hy guys, I need a site that show content just for specific user this plug in do the porpouse, but i cant find the user page?
Where is the user front-end page? many thanks.
]]>Hello, a whole bunch of these are now showing up in my error log (snippets provided for reference) – are these fixable or should i ‘ignore’?
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Private_Content_Plus::$site_lockdown is deprecated in? {{hidden for security}}/wp-content/plugins/wp-private-content-plus/wp-private-content-plus.php on line 113
Other examples:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Private_Content_Plus::$post_attachments is deprecated . . . . .
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Private_Content_Plus::$ip_restrictions is deprecated . . . . .
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Private_Content_Plus::$site_lockdown . . . . .
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Private_Content_Plus::$woo_tab_manager. . . . .
Okay to ‘hide’ or is this going to become a critical issue on my website?
]]>Nachdem das Plugin nun aus dem WP Archiv geschmissen wurde, die Liste der nicht behobenen Fehler genauso wie die Abwesenheit eines Supports immer l?nger wird – sollte man sich nach Alternativen umsehen.
Nur wo finden?
Dazu kommt, es ist eine Menge Arbeit, das Plugin zu ersetzen – Denn:
Man muss mal alle damit versteckten Beitr?ge usw. finden. Ich muss das nun f��r eine Website machen, welche > 18.000 Beitr?ge hat. Davon etliche hundert versteckte Beitr?ge.
WPPCP zeigt einem ja nicht, wo und was die damit behandelten Elemente sind. Man wei? nur wie viele Elemente – aber nicht, welche und wo die sind.
Das geht scheinbar nur mit eigenen SQL Statements in phpMyAdmin. Was aber f��r die Integrit?t der Datenbank nicht besonders f?rderlich sein k?nnte. (Daher notiere ich das hier auch nicht)
Wenn man die alle gefunden hat, muss man diese Elemente anders verstecken, also evtl. Beitr?ge auf Privat schalten. Oder eben mit einem ?hnlichen Plugin – doch bisher Fehlanzeige.
Ergo eine Menge Arbeit, weil ein tief integriertes Plugin nicht mehr tut, was es soll, sondern sogar zu einer m?glichen Gefahr werden kann.
Klar, ich verstehe auch die Autoren von Plugins: Wenn so ein Programm einmal in den Umlauf gebracht wurde, wenn es mal ein paar tausend Leute nutzen, hat man eine Verantwortung, es weiterzuf��hren, zu supporten.
Mag es der Autor eines Tages nicht mehr pflegen, dann ist das f��r die Nutzer mehr als ?rgerlich. Egal ob bezahlt oder nicht.
Also falls jemand eine Alternative kennt, bitte um Hinweise, Danke.
]]>how do I translate the plugin to Dutch?
and especially You don’t have permission to view the content
Our host is reporting this plugin as a security issue without a known fix. https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/8cb7dfa3-1570-499f-93bb-18751d835868
Has the issue been fixed?
]]>what mean “Allowed URL’s”?
Allowed URL’s In what format should I enter this field?
I used that plugin and it works fine but recently, I saw that always show me the File Attachments at the final on my post even if the post had (only) a title and a few words into the content.
That is a example. I tried to remove it from the admin but is impossible, always appear again.
What could be the reason?
Es scheint unn?tig, hier noch eine Supportanfrage zu stellen.
Denn der Plugin-Autor Nimeshrmr wurde hier zuletzt im Jahre 2021 gesehen, seither bekam keiner eine Antwort.
So auch beim Problem mit den unerw��nschten Dateianh?ngen ab PHP 8: Seit Wochen keine Reaktion.
Auch der Support unter https://www.wpexpertdeveloper.com/support/?ref=wporg1 antwortet nicht.
Konsequenz: Alternative suchen.
I tried to upgrade my wordpress website to PHP8 but when doing it, strange things appears on the page : icons with a number inside brackets {6}, inside a grayed div, with links to download the actual page as an html file…
The link on those icons looks like : https://www.website.com/page-name?wppcp_file_download=yes&wppcp_file_id=0&wppcp_post_id=855
What happens ? How to fix it ?
]]>I am trying to embed PowerBI reports on the Private User Page section.
I can add the iframe code and I can see the report display, but when I click save it completely dissapears?
]]>Hi Support
I need to offer each user a document that is unique to them and can only be accessed by them.
Is WP Private Content Plus a neat solution?
]]>Hi, How it’s possible to translate the plugin WP Private Content Plus in French Language with PoEdit?
I sent both files (*.po & *.mo), nothing happened!
Thank you
NB : I still have “You don��t have permission to view the content” in English in Front French page :/
]]>Can this plug-in show content to unregistered users that pay to see the content?
]]>Hi there
I am trying to have the commission data on this page, private with a message for users to signup to. It uses another plugin to display the data tables using a shortcode. Is it possible to have your shortcode, contain this shortcode and then your plugin only to display to registered users?
I have been trying all sorts and cannot find a solution to this issue.
]]>hello, with this plugin I can restrict topics from the wpforo forum?
]]>In General Settings I’ve added a relative path for this setting: Post/Page Restriction Redirect URL. On this page I have a link for the user to login/register.
The issue I’m having is that if a user clicks on a link from the homepage that is restricted, even after logging in and having the appropriate level of access, if they click on the homepage link that led to this page, they’re still being redirected instead of seeing the unrestricted post.
Any other restricted posts are working normally and can be accessed except for that original link.
I am looking for a solution to password protect/restrict access of 1 or more pages to only 1 user.
Is this possible with your plugin?
I tried adding a user or one page, but it didn’t work on the front end, https://www.screencast.com/t/A0UbNwul4U there appeared to no restriction.
I want it so each of my clients can view a specific gallery page I have created for them.
Many thanks in advance
]]>Hello. I have reached out via the pro site for support but have not received a response. Is it possible to have the Private User Page tabs separated and used via separate shortcodes? For example, I would like “Content” on a page separate from the “Files”. And I do not need the other two tabs. Thanks for your help.
]]>Hi, i like to know if there is a way for the user to be redirected to another page after succesfull registration. Now when you register in my account page you stay in my account page.
]]>Hi. I have about 2000 users, and 25 groups. I would like to export the users of each of the specific groups in a csv file. Is that something you can help with?
Hello Dear Support
I’m using child theme with custom CSS inside style.css but it does not work on pages generated by “WP Private Content Plus”
Custom CSS is working on other pages. Only not working inside pages generated by “WP Private Content Plus”
Please do you have any suggestion on how to solve this issue?
Thank you for your help.
]]>Hi! Maybe I am doing something wrong, but when i want to protect page, where is shortcode, it doesn’t work.
I created page, insert private page short code [wppcp_private_page]. Then i set it in WP Dashboard > Private Content Settings > Private User Page and there i want to use another short code… Everything works fine, but shortcode content isn’t visible. Maybe screenshots will help.
I have Enabled Private Content Module of course.
Thanks a lot for you support!
Case: restricts access by pages by roles. It works fine, but when you deactivate the plugin for X reason and when you activate it, the action does not work despite being activated and setting the conditions. You must save the page again and it works.
That should not happen
]]>Good morning,
I’m a free version plugin user. But soon as possible I will get a pro version if we resolve this problem.
I use WordPress Password Protect Page �C PPWP Plugin to set passwords into my page.
So I have a private page per user inside of your plugin (PRIVATE USER PAGE).
My problem is every time I write a password it says that is wrong but is not wrong.
It turns out that our shortcode is displayed within the plugin’s content, which is outside of the standard the_content().
That’s why the entered passwords always return wrong.
How I can fix it?
Thank you have a good day!
hi, have a good day to all.
I use WP Private Content Plus to share content to member of my site.
may I send a email notification to private content user every time I upload a new page?
]]>I want to display only the users who have selected the forum.
Currently, hiding hides the forum for selected users as well.
Administrator cannot select as an individual user
adminnistor role select..
]]>This is a follow-up to https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/removing-message-with-private-content/
As people have pointed out there, removing the message “You don��t have permission to access this content” is not possible.
I did some digging and found out that this is because in the function get_restriction_message of the file class-wppcp-private-content.php in line 535, the code is if ($message != '') {
Specifying the message=”” in any shortcode will result in $message
becoming ''
. Consequently, the line ($message != '')
evaluates to false and we jump to the else
-bracket. There, the default message will be displayed.
Workaround 1: Use a non-empty message when using the shortcode (maybe message=” ” (i.e. a blank space) will work, but I doubt it).
Workaround 2: Change the default message by adding a filter to wppcp_content_restricted_default_message
Fix (for the devoloper of this plugin): I suggest tracking in some other way if no message has been specified. Maybe using null
will work, or maybe another parameter for the PHP-functions or the shortcode is needed.
is it possible to hide the Private Content Settings menu from the Admin sidebar?
Also, is there are possibility to even hide Profile menu too?
I want this to be for all Subscriber users.