When using the plugin on a Iphone 6 the responsive design doesn’t work well.
The logo and text are not visible in the middle of the screen. we have to wipe the screen to the left to see the logo and text.
I really like this plugin, with it’s simplicity and dramatic default background image, and I would like to vote a 5 for it – but I can’t! Because, to get past the Maintenance front page, all you have to do is to login as any user role.
Well, I have only tried with subscriber but that’s the group, together with not logged in users, that you are most likely to want waiting outside the door.
I know description says “Visible only non logged user”, which I assume is meant as “Visible to logged in users only”, but in my opinion that’s not good enough for a Maintenance page plugin, it should be visible to Administrators Only or better if there is the option to select roles who still can access the site. An IP option would also be something that would strengthen the case for this plugin.
I will wait some time to see if this will be addressed, in which case I will keep the plugin installed and activated, and vote a 5. Developer seems to be active so I have my hopes up.
how cain I remove clouds from WP Quick Maintenance plugin?
Thanks in advance!