Thanks for your plugin ! I had some problems to match keywords with special characters like [ ] so I made a small modification => I’ve escaped the “keyword” before the preg_match test (line 264 of class-search-keyword-redirect.php) :
$keyword = preg_quote($keyword);
Hope you could add this to your code ??
Multisite Deactivate Deletes All Data
My employee spent 15 hours entering data. We had a bug somewhere and we deactivated each plugin. Then started activating to find the bug. Unfortunately when we reactivated your plugin it had deleted all the data entered. I thought maybe something had happened so I entered a few rows. Then deactivated the plugin. Then activated it again to see if that was the bug. All the data gone once again. I don’t know what happened because deactivation is supposed to keep the data. Only deleting is supposed to delete the data in the data base. I used phpmyadmin and sure enough no data, not even renamed.
]]>Will this plugin detect what keywords were used to find my site, then redirect the user based on the keywords that were used in the search engine?
Or will this plugin detect which keywords are being used in the on site search and redirect the user based on my website’s search tool?
]]>I am wondering if it is at all possible to track searches that are redirected in Google Analytics. Site search can only track search terms with a search query attached (search, s, q for example). I am still interested in knowing searches people are making, even if they redirect.
Does this plugin allow for that data? Does anyone know how to set this up in GA?
]]>Any default redirect address?
]]>After reading comments here, and using this plugin for couple of days, I would like to share my experience with prioritizing links by ordering. Hope this helps.
Lets say I have a search keyword “lotto” to redirect to a page called “Lotto”, and another search keyword “lotto results” redirect to a page called “Lotto Results”.
On the plugin admin page, place the LONGER search keyword FIRST in order. The longer search keyword will be picked up first, if it exists, and if not the shorter search keyword will be picked up.
The plugin has no options for moving entries up or down, so editing entries may involve deleting and re-entering them in proper order.
I would like to make a suggestion for the developers, that would assist this process of ordering entries.
Suggestion: “Move Up”/”Move Down” buttons next to each entry – to allow moving entries up or down (in order/priority).
Thanks for this really nice plugin.
PS: I need to place 2 entries of search keywords (multiple words) to ensure the redirect works for all forms of the url.
redirect-entry1: lotto results
redirect-entry2: lotto-results
to catch url of the form:
lotto results
Being able to use a Wildcard (*) would only require one entry to catch different forms of url.
redirect-entry: lotto*results
This could even pick up words that are seperated by other words or characters.
Thanks for a great plugin. Basic functionality is wonderful.
I wondered about import. I know in previous forum posts you said this feature was ‘in the pipeline’. Unfortunately some clients won’t wait ??
Do you think it would be possible to use another plugin. Say, this one. It seems quite flexible.
Thanks in advance,
]]>hey, I’ve been hunting EVERYWHERE for a plugin like this, I’ve used Magento shopping cart in the past and it had this sort of feature built into it by default.
Is there any progress in the pipeline to add features to it? Such as exact matches, terms etc..
I’m definitely going to impliment it on my site, but I’ll need to keep an eye out for how it’s effecting the SEO
Are there any updates planned for this plugin?
It doesn’t seem to be working on my website so I figure it’s no longer compatible??
]]>Hi, thank you for this amazing plugin.
I will like to ask 2 questions.
Is mora like an advice.
1: is it possible to automatically call a specific css class for the link created by the plugin?
example: when the plugin find the word “EGG”, it automatically make the link BLUE
2: is it possible to export and import a list of keyword to be used in more then one site?
example: someone who is building a cross-site enciplopedya and will like to cenrtaint keyword on different site, all to one big WIKI like website, that contains an index of terms.
I will explain slowly myself better.
Im not English. Im italian.
Thank you so much. I will be happy to find a solution to my problme!
Thanks for the great plugin.
I’m just wondering about the following situation:
– I have a generic keyword (e.g. ‘food’) which I want to redirect to /food
– I have a more specific keyword (‘Thai-food’) which I want to redirect to /thai-food.
Is there any way to make this happen? How does the plugin handle conflicting redirects?
When I tried saw this plugin I thought that it was exactly what I was looking for but not quite.
I would like to be able to redirect searches that contain only the entered terms.
I’d like Star Trek to redirect to the Star Trek category but “Star Trek Star Wars” would show the regular results. (all posts including both Star Wars and Star Trek tags).
Do you think that this might be possible in a future release?