plz update
]]>As the subject say’s, is it?
It now more than a year since last update..
]]>This plugin should be banned. Twice I have been blocked from my own sites because of a supposed hacker attack when it was simply me logging in!
And at the same time in the giant pink box with flashing warnings I noticed that it was revealing my password inside the box!
Has not been updated in over a year.
]]>Any I idea I keep getting block, this is messgage:
Attack details follow :
- Variable 'content' of the POST method triggered the filter 'JavaScript location/document property access and window access obfuscation' for the content '<h2>Upcoming Event in the Next 10 days</h2>
[events events=10 days=11 listtype=1 cat=9 startoffset=0]
[events events=10 days=7 listtype=1 cat=7 startoffset=0]'.
This is clearly the code from the page I’m developing, using amr event list. I use similar in other pages and widget without problem.
After install and activate the plugin i am receive a ban then i try to login to back-end, here is the e-meil message i receive:
The Sun Nov 4 14:24:26 2012 has been detected an attack to your blog from the following remote computer :
IP Address : xxxxxx}
Username :
Rererer : https://xn--1001-t4dgt0q.xn--p1ai/wp-login.php
User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux) AppleWebKit/535.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.133 Safari/535.4 Midori/0.4Attack details follow :
– Variable ‘redirect_to’ of the POST method triggered the filter ‘common comment types’ for the content ‘https://xn--1001-t4dgt0q.xn--p1ai/wp-admin/’.
So i removed the plugin, log in to the back-end, install it again and add variable ‘redirect_to’ to white list, log out and then i try to log in again it banned me. E-mail received:
The Sun Nov 4 14:35:21 2012 has been detected an attack to your blog from the following remote computer :
IP Address : xxx}
Username :
Rererer : https://xn--1001-t4dgt0q.xn--p1ai/wp-login.php
User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0Attack details follow :
– Variable ‘login && password’ of the POST method triggered the filter ‘wordpress login bruteforcing’ for the content ‘here was login and password’.
What should i do to prevent these false bans?
]]>It says it won’t check requests from the user logged in as administrator, however, attempting to change the settings of this plugin gives me an attack warning, and I am unable to proceed.
]]>This plugin is GREAT! But with a whitelist it would be PERFECT!
A whitelist for Ip-adresses and domains. I am using it on several sites, but on e-commerce sites it breaks the communication with online payment solutions. With strict settings it also locks you out when hitting the WP “log out” button. And it has to be run with the strictets of settings, at least on my sites.
Is this in the making (I see others mising that option), or can anyone tell me how to mod the plug in to make one?
]]>Variable ‘qs’ of the GET method triggered the filter. It says nothing to me. I dont know what to do and mainly – I dont know what is the address of the blog which sent it to me. No way to check it up.
How does the Bruteforce Login thing work? I usually log in (as admin) with no problem, but today was locked out with a Warning message and received an email about a bruteforce login attempt (my ip address). The message was an Alarm email that mentioned ” Variable ‘login && password’ of the POST method triggered the filter ‘wordpress login bruteforcing'”
Did I do something differently today that could have caused that message? I have not installed any plugins, and haven’t done anything differently (that I’m aware of) other than the normal logins during the day. I deleted the plugin and re-installed it, then was able to log in, but I’m wondering how I triggered the alarm and if there’s something I need to be aware of, to prevent triggering another alarm.
]]>Carissimo, so che sei italiano e ti ringrazio molto per il tuo wp sentinel. Io non sono un esperto e sul mio sito funziona correttamente e per il momento non ho avuto alcun problema ad utilizzarlo, anzi, mi ha bloccato gia’ una 50ina di attacchi, automatici credo, e insomma si, funziona regolarmente e spero che continui a fare cosi ^^. Ho un piccolo dubbio in relazione ad alcuni reports di tuo plug in . E’ gia la terza visita dal Canada, su 18 avute oggi, che mi segnala questo log
COOKIE __gads data: URL injections, VBS injections and common URI schemes
non mi banna l ip però me lo segnala e poi mi chiede se voglio bannarlo manualmente. Ora io non so mica cosa fare..magari non è un attacco ma soltanto un piccolo falso positivo. Li banno questi utenti?? o no? Come devo comportarmi?
Grazie se potrai aiutarmi!
Due to suspicious activities, you are temporarily banned from this site.
Oh, how long will it take? I was kicked off my work, my site … putting iframe into your head is not so safe … and the whole area under our provider is out. Helpless! Thiw SW actually hacked my site so quickly … as no one! ?? Congrat!
I’ve been using Sentinel for awhile now, no problems. But hadn’t logged into my site for awhile so don’t know for sure when this issue developed but found myself banned for SQL injection and brute force. And that was just accessing the site page as a user (no login required). Went into myPHP admin, cleared my banned IP, but immediately rebanned whenever I tried to access the site. Tried from multiple IPs, tried from home and now office. Just for the heck of it tried it from Firefox — prior attempts were with Safari (Mac) v5.1.1 and v5.1.4. No problems with Firefox both as a user and logging in as admin. Tried again with Safari, immediately banned. Reset IPs, tried from Firefox, no problem. Have repeated the process five times now to confirm that there is definitely seems to be an issue with Safari and Sentinel 2.0.3.
]]>Is there any way to configure WP-Sentinel not to treat WPs’ PressThis as an attack?
]]>causes your own ip to be banned,,,you have to ftp and change the foldername to access/login to your admin…had it on 3 sites,,,did the same on all…..great idea though…….
]]>This plugin bans way too many legitimate users for simple things that many commenters do, such as including — in their comment.
]]>I just installed the wp-sentinel plugin and broked my site. Hoplefully I deleted the plugin from the ftp account and the site is fine now.
Prinstcreen Link
In case that maybe is incompatibile with other plugins, Here is the paste bin link with all plugins that are active.
And some other security / maybe compatibility related settings.
I received this email alert that my site was ‘under attack’
This from the google bot – this is not bad but good –
Has this system blocked google from coming to my site ? or effected my SEO?
The Wed Feb 8 02:42:13 2012 has been detected an attack to your blog from the following remote computer :IP Address :}Username : Rererer : User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; + Attack details follow : – Variable ‘{VARIABLE}’ of the {SCOPE} method triggered the filter ‘{ALARM}’ for the content ‘{CONTENT}’.
Banned google from my site ?? Brilliant Wed Feb 8 02:42:13 2012 1 day 6 hours, 17 minutes, 29 seconds Surely the system knows if this is good system, surely google does not seem like an attack and that type of call to a site should not be seen as an attack?
There is another one below
The Wed Feb 8 12:53:32 2012 has been detected an attack to your blog from the following remote computer :IP Address :}Username : Rererer : User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ezooms/1.0; [email protected])
This seems common too – is this an issue
There does not seem to be a white list for friendly sites?
Although my site is 3.3.1 I was getting these false positives with 3.2.1 too. I don’t have this problem, but two of my editors are getting locked out. My editor just got blocked after one try.
I think it might be a conflict between her browser and the plugin. I use Chrome and I don’t have problems with it.
Is there anything I can have them try to resolve this issue? I love the plugin otherwise.
]]>Great plugin. I would like to hide the attempted user name and password from both the alert/error display and the email report. I couldn’t see where to do this.
]]>Received this error…
syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE upon activation
]]>Hi, I use wp-Sentinel pleased, but I have a compatibility problem with the plugin jetpack.
It sends me a lot of mail with the following details:
Attack details follow :
- Variable '<?xml_version' of the POST method triggered the filter 'script or html injection' for the content '\"1.0\"?>
I have tried to enter the Settings page and to add a new whitelisted variables. i have tired with ‘<?xml_version’ end ‘xml_version’ unsuccessfully.
Anyone have a solution to my problem?
If this plug-in is not working on your site, most likely it is not the plug-in’s fault. You have other (greater) problems. WP-Sentinel is functioning super on mine (more than 10). Conflicts can occur–google the error message (I have not received any to date.)
Excellent plug-in; smooth operation. You receive notices of attacks at designated email address daily (can be alternate or admin address).
Go to plugin interface and see the attacks blocked and IP origin. Manual ban is great!Ability to manually override automatic 24 hr ban and increase offending IP ban to your chosen length (300 hours, 300 days or more–NICE).
Many well known international hosts don’t understand WP and appear to have no desire to do so. Get a WP host who caters to WP and has the current minimum requirements (php and mysql)–many don’t and don’t care. Their laissez-faire attitude causes you problems with plugins and installations. Don’t except lame excuses from hosts…
Generally the WP installs (code) and plugins are well-tested. WP authors respond to cracks and errors quickly making it a dependable relationship. If your site/plugin is not working, first make sure your site is a perfect (error-free) clean install and your files are up-to-date. Then you have minimum hosting requirements (many hosts are weak on updating to current versions). If you can’t do that yourself–get professional help. Get professional help if you need it. Did I mention, “Get help if you need it”??
scrivo in italiano al max dopo traduco, praticamente uso un tema che permette quando fai il quote di un messaggio inserisci il codice html e dopo puoi scrivere il commenti fin qua ok, ma agli vengono bloccati per questo motivo:
Variable comment of the POST method triggered the filter ‘script or html injection’ for the content ‘
Paolo: <div class=”comment-text”> <p>Utile</p> </div>
Test Quote’.
Che fare?
English Version:
i’m using a theme that insert in the comment box the html code for quote, but when the comment is sent the user is blocked.
What’s happened?
This is the result:
Variable comment of the POST method triggered the filter ‘script or html injection’ for the content ‘
Paolo: <div class=”comment-text”> <p>Utile</p> </div>
Test Quote’.
]]>I have installed this on my blog and now I have a blog that I can no longer access! I guess I will roll back to a backup, not much choice at this point. I suggest that you fix this.
It gave a Authentication bruteforcing after I changed my password. Not sure if this is related.
Variable ‘- WordPress Authentication Stream -‘ of the POST method triggered the filter ‘Authentication Bruteforcing’ for the content xxx (my userid and pwd)
]]>This most excellent plugin does a fine job however, I had to delete the plugin using my FTP client and go into PHPmyAdmin to removed the plugin tables as it did not play nicely with another one of my plugin…
WP-Sentinel saw an image being placed from one of my posts and did not like that the image did not reside on my server by was accessed through the server. I got blocked out of my site while logged in as an admin. Ouch.
Anyway I have moved on to but I still beleive you an excellent plugin here, just not to friendly of a WP plugin setup options, I am more of a security novice.
]]>When I preview a new post that contains the “pre” tag, WP-Sentinel is triggered and blocks the previewing page and warns of HTML code injection attack. The message given in WP-Sentinel’s alarm report is:
- Variable content of the POST method triggered the filter 'script or html injection' for the content '<pre>test</pre>'.
I’m not sure why this normal activity of previewing is blocked by the plugin. Sounds like a bug to me.
]]>Hi, Great plugin!
But…. (its always a “but”:-), I had to turn it of today.
My WPMU blog has signups from schools. So, when 60 pupils signs up at once from the same IP bad stuff happens… Could I turn this flooding chek of, or can it be configured?
]]>Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in C:\xampp\htdocs\xxxx\wp-content\plugins\wp-sentinel\php\settings.php on line 251
]]>WP-Sentinel keeps throwing errors when I make changes in WP-Admin.
Warning: stripslashes() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/nitestic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-sentinel/wp-sentinel.php on line 108
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/nitestic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-sentinel/wp-sentinel.php:108) in /home/nitestic/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890
]]>How server intensive is this to cross reference to HTTP requests? Let’s say a site has high traffic (e.g. 500k per day)… will it considerably slow things down?