I have same case as twistandshout28 at previous topic, how should I put it back to normal?
Please help Step by Step would be great.
]]>Hello. I just downloaded and activated this plugin, and now all of my pages are WHITE. https://www.kelyrin-bento.com/wp-admin = WHITE
https://www.kelyrin-bento.com = WHITE
https://www.kelyrin-bento.com/wp-admin/plugins.php = ALL WHITE
Impossible to login through FileZilla
What happened ? What can I do ? Hope this plugin didn’t ruin my whole website -_- !!!! Please answer this is very concerning !!!!
]]>Please you can rewrite your plugin to qtranslate-x because mqtranslate is DEPRECATED.
Thanks a lot.
]]>After the message that mqTranslate is DEPRECATED in favor of qTranslate X i uploaded qTranslate X, uploaded settings from mqTranslate, than deleted mqTranslate. When i tried to delete Integration of Yoast wordpress SEO module with mqtranslate module i got these messages. Now my site is unaccesible. What should i do???
Warning: include_once(/home/content/p3nexnas05_data02/75/2102475/html/wp-content/plugins/mqtranslate/mqtranslate.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data02/75/2102475/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-seo-yoast-integration-mq-translate/wp-seo-yoast-integration-mqtranslate.php on line 30
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening ‘/home/content/p3nexnas05_data02/75/2102475/html/wp-content/plugins/mqtranslate/mqtranslate.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php5_4/lib/php’) in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data02/75/2102475/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-seo-yoast-integration-mq-translate/wp-seo-yoast-integration-mqtranslate.php on line 30
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/p3nexnas05_data02/75/2102475/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-seo-yoast-integration-mq-translate/wp-seo-yoast-integration-mqtranslate.php:30) in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data02/75/2102475/html/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate-x/qtranslate_core.php on line 398
Fatal error: Call to undefined function qtrans_getSortedLanguages() in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data02/75/2102475/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-seo-yoast-integration-mq-translate/inc/class-sitemaps-mqtranslate-integr.php on line 48
First of all I would like to thank you for the great plugin.
Good Job!
Since I’m using it, I have found only one issue: the handling of slug translations.
Additionally to mqTranslate I’m using the “qTranslante Slugs”, so my site (https://coastline.life) has different slugs per language.
Since the plugin was not developed for this scenario, the site maps show the links with main language slugs.
This is NOT a bug but a feature request, to have the option of integration with “qTranslate Slugs”.
Looking forward for your feedback.
Kind Regards,
Can not save the following fields on Home page:
Focus keyboard
Seo title
Meta description
On the other pages works great.
When I fill these fields and update the page, after saving and reloading the fields come empty again. I tried many times with all the three languages and I can not save the new values for these fields.
Any idea?
The website has is running latest version of worpress. Activated plugins are: Akismet, Contact form 7, Google analyticator, Integration of Yoast wordpress SEO module with mqtranslate module, mqTranslate and WordPress SEO.
]]>Hello, is it normal state of the plugin behaviour?
When i fill in both languages title and description and save, then return back to the editor, everything is ok. But when i put the main keyword to run the analysis. I cannot edit metas more excepting of getting in phpmyadmin and work in database even to show the analysis.
It is not really usefull “feature” of the plugin if you want to tune up your SEO.
]]>hi there, i’m running a site https://analyticsblog.mecglobal.it/ whith 2 languages : it and en.
When i use the plugin, for the main language (Italian) i have the SEO title who concatenate italian and english together (e.g 2015 nuovi trend – 2015 new trends).
In the alternate language (EN) instead the title is perfect.
Can you help e plase?
thanks alot
]]>Official thread with the working directory
]]>Hi rufein,
I was looking for a plugin like this, so I am glad you are working on it.
Do you realise that you packaged the old version of the plugin with the new version?
]]>I installed the plugin, but the plug-in deletes the meta description in the html <meta name=”description” content=… When I disable the plugin the meta description is back again in the code of the yoast part of the head.
After the installation, how do I use it?