Hi how to contact with you?
]]>Would it be possible to add WordPress 4.1 support, because this plugin just looks amazing and I could definitely use it!
]]>Your sample file has error
and is not validated on https://jsonlint.com
I have a lot of plugins running, including
siteorigin- page builder
black studio tinymce
With blackstudio tinymce enabled the button doesn’t show. If I hook the button_adding to init instead of admin_head, the button shows.
Additionally the dropdown is empty. 3 hours of ajax-learning later it seems like getJSON is ansyncronously processed so that at the time “return value” is fired there is no value to return. AJAX request gives a standard 304 so this shouldn’t be the problem.
As I couldn’t get it to work I just copied the json data into the plugin.php and hooked it to init.
The possibilities are awesome!
Thank you for the plugin.
]]>Hey there, this plugin looks very promising. I am hoping to accomplish two things with it and I can’t deduce from the sample JSON how to do them… hoping it’s possible, or that they are features you could consider adding.
1) I’d like to be able to highlight some text and after clicking the shortcode in the dropdown, have the selected text wrapped in the opening/closing short-code tags.
2) I’d like the above happen without having to see a popup window.
Are either of these things possible? If not, is this a feature you’d consider adding?
]]>I copied the sample shortcodes.json file you supplied, and I saved shortcodes.json to the root of my active theme folder. I went to the plugin settings and selected “theme-directory” and clicked the “upload” button and hit save (and vice versa). Nothing appeared to happen other than the success message that said “Settings Saved.”
When I go to my visual editor, there is no icon for the shortcodes.
What am I doing wrong?
What I’ve tried so far, which didn’t work:
– I tried 755 and 777 permissions on the shortcodes.json file.
– I tried putting it into the plugin directory instead.
– I deactivated all other plugins other this one.
– I hard-coded the URL to my shortcodes.json file into shortcode-button.js
Would be cool to see image as an option to replace the shortcode and then have it pop back up like some of the built in wordpress shortcodes work…
Here’s an example of what I’m referring to : https://generatewp.com/take-shortcodes-ultimate-level/
Actually here’s an example of a plugin that implements the functionality with a filter but doesn’t seem to work well: visual shortcodes
The filter lets you map shortcodes to images with filter like this :
function add_visual_shortcode_image($shortcodes){
$shortcodes[] = array(
'shortcode' => 'gravityform',
'image' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/images/form.png',
'command' => NULL,
return $shortcodes;
I’m having an issue when using the following settings in shortcoes.json:
“text”: “Small Caps”,
“value”: “small-caps”,
“content”: true,
“hideContentInput”: false,
“description”: false
There is a textarea for me to enter the content, but it is not inserted between [small-caps][/small-caps] as I assume it should be.
Love the plugin! This is a huge time saver.
Please correct me if I’m wrong but from the documentation I’m guessing the shortcode popup doesn’t have an image field?
If not maybe an idea for the future…
– Ideally this would integrate with the media library, so you can select the image to include
Another idea for the future, I appreciate this is a big one but the ultimate goal would be to have the shortcodes already placed be able to be edited without interacting with the text shortcode in the editor.
P.S. to the author, great job! This plugin is so clean.
]]>Hi there, this plugin really does what it says and plus, does it very nicely! Thank you! I am using this with my shortcode plugin. I am wondering if it is possible to read json file from plugin directory? In shortcode-button.js i see you define template_path.stylesheet_directory as the location of json file. I do not want to directly modify the code to make that happen personally, wishing that the feature would be added in coming updates…
Thank you.
]]>cant find template folder. found template-parts in another plugin, do you mean theme. if so that would just be in the current theme I am using.
must be specific.