Hi, I have added the social links to the side bar widget area and when I added them initially, it all worked correctly and I was able to enter the links in the input box that pops up below the icon. Now, that input box does not show up anymore. I cannot change any existing links or add any new links. I can add a social icon, but there is no way to enter the link. I have tested for plugin conflicts, but I couldn’t find any.
]]>I’m trying to add social icons to a theme’s Widgets area using the WordPress Widgets admin page, and this widget’s failing to open the text box to enter the URLs for the social media icons. I’ll click on, for example, the Facebook icon to insert my client’s facebook link, but no input box opens up for me to enter their URL in.
I tested the widget in Page Building and it works normally there, but not in the Widgets editor. Unfortunately inserting the social links using Page Builder is no good as I can’t access the right blocks on the page that the social icons need to be added to.
This is obviously a bug as I should be able to get full and normal functionality from anywhere in WordPress for this plugin.
]]>Blank (new tab) page is chosen, but is not working.
]]>Please add “Parler” to the social media options. Thank you!
]]>Hi, I would love to be able to link to my Goodreads profile: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/94134584-mike-nichols
]]>We ran into the problem described here: https://siteorigin.com/thread/hex-colour-picker-not-working/ and discovered that the conflict was this plugin.
When the WP Social Widget is installed and active the theme customization screens no longer have the hex input for colors. We’re using the Vantage theme with SiteOrigin CSS, SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle and SiteOrigin Premium plugins.
We are on the latest versions of WordPress, SiteOrigin, Vantage and WP Social Widget.
]]>How do I tighten the gap between each social icon? The gap is too wide and forces some down on to another line. We want all 5 to run next to each other.
]]>Just to let you know.
There is a conflict with NextGen Gallery Pro and WP Social Widget.
The site is no longer using this plugin due to that conflict.
Here is the information:
WP Social Widget v 2.1.2 = https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-social-widget/ —>2018-06-14
NextGen Gallery Pro / This particular plugin is overwriting a CSS class, causing in the color icon selector for Lightbox Effect to fail. The hex color input is not visible.
The class that is overwriting is “.wp-picker-holder” (changing the position attribute).
If you need more information I’ll be happy to provide it.
I would like to change the icon size. How can I do it?
]]>VK support is present in social-widget.php, but no css provided
should be added to shortcodes.php & social-icons.css (FA code – f189)
Is it possible to make the icons larger, and to have them aligned center instead of left?
Here’s the website I’m working on: https://techtalk-ciphe.org.uk/
]]>When using this widget for the mail link, I am getting strange results. On a linux computer, or an iphone when you click the email link it does not populate the To: field with the information entered into the widget. When used with outlook on a windows machine and on an android phone, we get this in the to: field – “mailt≯?眀漀漀搀戀甀爀礀昀愀爀洀洀愀爀欀攀琀?挀漀洀;;”
Not sure what I am doing wrong. In the mail field in the widget, I have placed “mailto:[email protected]” and just the email, neither of which seems to work properly. (when I don’t include mailto:, the button is not clickable) How do I fix it?
]]>I would like to remove the border on the icons – is this possible
Great plugin – thanks