Getting warnings from security in wordpress, that plugin is abandoned, and no longer maintaned, with advice to uninstall.
Is this plugin abandoned, or is it still active supported? Latest update was +1 year ago and supports wordpress 5.7????
I really like the idea of this plun-in, however is there a way of displaying 3 or 4 entries per row in grid view.
Also the image sizing does not appear to be working as intended. Do I need to do anything to ensure that images are sized appropriately?
]]>Hello. I have a need to exclude certain categories in a search. For instance, I use the shortcode to display sponsors assigned to categories A, C, and D and I want to explicitly exclude category B. I understand I can just not include B in the categories to search for but this doesn’t work for my use case where I have Sponsors that are assigned to multiple categories. For instance, I have a sponsor assigned to categories A and B. I would not want this sponsor to show even though they meet the criteria for being in category A, they are explicitly excluded because they are in category B.
]]>hello dear developer of the Sponsoren-plugin,
i am fairly new to this. but i have to say. i like all i see.
I need the plugin to run on a job-board side. Where i have installed the wp-job-manager.
Well: i am a big fan of WP-job-manager and i use it for a long time.
What i want to add is a partner or “sponsor” – Plugin – is this possible to add this.
I have seen lots of plugins like
a. extra fields
b. company profiles and so forth
but a plugin that functions like a partner or sponsor-plugin – (eg. like this one here: https://de.www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-sponsors/ ) i did not find.
is there a plugin that can be used – like this. note: i allready have had a closer look at the addon-page here https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/page/2/
what is wanted: i want to have the features that we can see eg. here: https://www.hub.berlin/partners
So i think i will have a closer look at this one here: https://de.www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-sponsors/
version: 3.5.0
last releasee vor 11 Monaten
Active Installations: 4.000+
WordPress-Version: 3.1.0 oder h?her
testet bis: 5.7.6
PHP-Version: 7.0 oder h?her
description: Ever had to add a bunch of images with links on them for your event/company partners?
With Sponsors, you won’t have to use a text widget for that anymore. The companies and people that support you, your company or your event now get a separate place in the dashboar where you can add a link and an image for each of them. Then you add the Sponsors widget to the sidebar of your choosing and the linked images will show up there.
well i guess that i will use this plugin – i hope that i will meet the needs.
what is wanted: i want to have the features that we can see eg. here: https://www.hub.berlin/partners
Many thanks for coming up with your sponsors-plugin. it looks great
]]>To the original author:
Thank you for making this useful tool available. The leadership team of our volunteer organization is delighted with it.
Believe me, I know that the worst nightmare of any software contributor is a feature request that is only applicable to the requestor’s special case. It’s been a while, but I’ve been there. Nevertheless, I believe my particular case has broad applicability.
Having browsed the forum, I also understand that you have ended active support on this block several years ago. Nevertheless, I would like to present my use-case in the hope that either someone else has assumed support for the Sponsors block, or that you could give me a general overview of steps to use to modify the block.
Finally, the use case
Our volunteer organization asks our member organizations (also non-profit groups) for dues each year. Some pay quickly. Some drag out for one, two, or three months. This is because they wait until they have (infrequent) board meetings to approve any payments.
Our leadership would like the page to always be up-to-date. That means leaving the page alone until about 25% of the dues have been received, then deleting the 75% of the elements, then adding them back in one at a time. For each restoration, that means finding the symbol in Media Center, checking that I have the formal organization name, and finding the most appropriate link for the organization (often not the home page).
It would be much easier if each element (each row in the editor) had one more cell, containing a checkbox to indicate whether that row should be displayed or hidden.
I’m not inexperienced. I have programmed since 1965 and created web pages beginning with HTML1 in 1995. I have used Javascript and PHP. WordPress is new to me. A year ago I was told “You have 30 days to port the website from Drupal to WordPress–and we’re using an undocumented theme.” I’m now comfortable with the UI side, but know little about the infrastructure.
If you could provide me an overview like the following, I’d be happy to make the update available to WordPress users without charge.
If Jan (the author) does not respond, could ANYONE please provide the answers to questions 1 and 4-6, I would be grateful. I’m sure my PHP and HTML skills and my decades of reverse engineering will permit me to answer questions 2 & 3 myself.
Thanks in advance,
]]>Hi there
I wanna customize the “class-wp-sponsors-shortcodes.php” so I get a button to link to the sponsors webpage. Where do I put the customized file?
I have tried /theme/wp-sponsors/includes/class-wp-sponsors-shortcodes.php but with no luck ??
]]>When I add a link to the sponsorship image it forces a larger size. When I remove the link, the size is correct again.
Can we set multiple description for a sponsor?
Our use case is
– we have multiple events and they have own pages
– each event has sponsors, and a sponsor has multiple sponsorship for multiple events
– sponsors want to change their description for each event
I know we can do that adding multiple “sponsor” post for each event and putting a description for each, but it’s not smart.
Ideally, we have one sponsor
post for each sponsors and there will be multiple sub-post (let’s say sponsorship
) associated to the sponsor
post for each event (event also may have event
post). Each post (sponsor
, sponsorship
, event
) can have title, image, description, category, order, and more fields. sponsorship
post may inherit title, image, description, category, order, and more fields from parent sponsor
post if they are defined in sponsorship
post) when creating.
Also it would be helpful to have a function to duplicate event
and associated sponsorship
Thank you for this plugin! I’m using it with links to sponsors website opening in a new window.
From what I’ve understood, it would make sense (from security perspective) to add the rel=”noopener” attribute to the links.
This page covers the issue https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener/
]]>Please fix this as my debug.log is full of these notices:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: image_size in wp-content/plugins/wp-sponsors/includes/class-wp-sponsors-widget.php on line 69
I’d suggest changing line 69 to:
$image_size = $instance['image_size'] ?? 'large';
I would like to set the sponsors block or shortcode to orderby=”Random” like I can do in the widget.
I cannot make work currently with this code:
[sponsors orderby=”random” style=”grid”]
]]>Hi there,
I really want this to work but absolutely cannot get it to display correctly. I am using the shortcode in a single page template to show different categories. The images are tiny! Each level is set to show a different number of slides at once but here is the basic shortcode I am using:
[sponsors style=slider category=equity-advocates centermode=1 slidestoshow=4 adaptiveheight=0 breakpoints=480;2;1|640;3;1]
(The sliders are at the bottom of the page.)
Thank you.
]]>Good morning.
I have just added your plugin (version 3.4.0) to a website (www.gsfonzaso.it). It works very good with the blog using the widget in the sidebar with vertical aligment.
So I tried to use it in the footer setting Display: horizontal (best for footers) but the sponsor’s logos are displayed vertically (you can see yourself reaching the website).
How can i display them horizontally?
Is it possible to:
– show only two or three logos and make vertical carousel (for blog widget);
– hide the bullet logo
– center the title?
I have only saved three sponsors and I’m waiting to add others.
Thank you in advance.
With the latest version, the widget only displays one sponsor (out of the 7) which, moreover, only scrolls once.
However the parameters of the widget remain unchanged with in particular the number of sponsor omitted to have them all.
An idea of the problem ?
Thank you for your reply.
I have been trying to get the logos of our sponsors appear in the Home Page, but it ends up just showing the titles and links. When I use the widget, the logos appear just fine.
I have tried the documented shortcode template. Also tried to modify it slightly to no avail.
Any ideas?
[sponsors style=slider arrows=1 image_size=medium slidestoscroll=3 slidestoshow=3]
Will it be possible to make statistics on number of clicks on each sponsor logo?
When I use the slider option, all my logos suddenly scale up really large (so they get all pixelated). I would like it, if they could stay the same size (or at least listen to image_size) and if they would just get centered above their text.
Also, when i want to show more than one slider per side (for example slidestoshow=3) then their texts have absolutely no space between. I would like to have an option where i can influence that space. (Same goes for the list-style, there is no space between logos and text, so when my logo has no “free space” in the picture then there is no space between logo and text, neither above nor under it.)
If I missed something and there is an easy solution for this, then i would appreciate quick help. Otherwise I hope it will get build in. (:
]]>Hi there!
I’m using your plugin and it works well on desktop. But on the mobile version, logos get so tiny, that you can barely see or understand. I think the logo quantity should be cut at the half on mobile or something like that. I understand that logos are tiny because it’s trying to fit 6 logos of the slider on the small screen. Or could be an option of how many images on the slider for the mobile version.
]]>I use a slider at the bottom of the page. The logo of my sponsors doesn’t always fit. Is there a way I can make the full image fit. FYI…Height isn’t an issue.
Is it possible to show more than one logo at once in a slider? I want to have four or five logos next to each other and after a couple of seconds they slide away and four or five new ones show instead.
Like this: https://logichunt.com/wordpress-logo-caurosel-slider-demo-page/
I don’t want to use that plugin since I really like your backend better.
I want to display all my sponsors on a page using the shortcode.
It works, but I am not able to resize the sponsor logo using the shortcode argument ‘image_size’. The logos are big and resizing does work in list style.
Can you please make the images resizable even in grid style?
Why did you insert line 207 in wp-sponsors/tags/3.1.1/includes/class-wp-sponsors-shortcodes.php:
$style[‘imageSize’] = ‘full’;
it seems to me that this line is responsible for this behavior
]]>Is there a way to show the logos in a carousel format? Thanks!
]]>Hello. I have the sponsors listed in order on the right sidebar of the page. I would like to show the different tiers (e.g. Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc) Also want to change the sizing of the logos (e.g. smaller size as your down the tiers). I could change the size of the logos in the media file if that is the easiest way.
thank you for your help.
]]>Would it be possible to pass style arguments into the shortcut – that way I could determine how many columns are displayed, which background color for each category… and so on. Plus I would not need to “hack” you’re stylesheet and fear to be over written in future releases…
Thank you in advance,
]]>Since the last update image size setting in the widget is being ignored on some sponsors logos but not all.
I have it set to ‘full’ but on small logos it shows the thumbnail version. Tried changing the size to medium, large, and others sizes from my theme but nothing changes.
if it helps the listing at wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=sponsors shows the same thumbnail version on those small logos instead of the full one.
if the logo uploaded is large enough to create any other image size, everything seems to works
Hope this helps.
]]>Since the latest update all sponsors are shown in the widget. It is set to show just one.
]]>Hello, dear users of Sponsors plugin,
I have acquired this plugin so I can maintain it and provide new features with new updates.
Priority on feature requests and bugs, for now, will go to the old tickets in an ascending order (starting from the day of writing this). That means that I will go over each unresolved ticket from newer to older and try to solve them.
I’ll try to handle as much as possible in each new update.
Also, I will make it so that it is compatible with my other “Simple Sponsorships” plugin. By doing that, if anyone tries to use that one or both, they will work nicely together.
Topic are closed for new replies so I won’t be able to reply to them but you can follow the updates of the plugin and also the status of the ticket.
I’m using the plugin to create some sponsor categories with images, link, etc
I’d like to have the same sponsors inside a different wordpress site.
Trying to recreate the same structure, upload images, etc is cumbersome.
How can I export all these and import it at the other site?
]]>Hi there,
I just ran into some highly annoying quirks with @jjj Post Type Switcher plugin and I found a previous ticket for it, with no more comment.
When did it trip me up? It was in Quick-Edit. I changed the category for sponsors and the were automatically converted to posts. Then I wasn’t able to switch them them back to the “sponsor” post types because the choice didn’t show up in the drop-down box.
Here is a video: https://recordit.co/9RNQThpBg0
It would be very usefull an orderby = title
Is this already possible? Or could you consider to add this functionality? ??