Your Google App for the Automated setup appears to be blocked
]]>I have my website on WordPress hosted on Google cloud and I have bucket in the cloud. I have WP stateless plugin to transfer media and files from WordPress to the bucket. What happens, all media transfer correctly but media from registration form doesn’t show instead it has the correct path and when open the bucket I find the mentioned file empty, I am using ultimate member for registration.
]]>I was on version 4.0.4 and then when I logged into the WordPress admin, I saw there was an update for 4.1.0. I updated to this version and after it stated it needed to do the data optimization for it. I initated this process and it said it completed it and even sent me the email confirmation it completed it. I signed out of the admin area and a few minutes later I noticed I kept getting send emails saying it had completed. And then I got a Jetpack Plugin alert that my site was done. Upon checking to confirm this, the site was indeed down with the front facing site no long display the content and I was no longer able to get back to the WordPress admin area as the page was just replaced with a blank one with a rectangle off white box in the center. I had to contact my host to see if they could assist. They was able to deactivate the WP-Stateless plugin and I was able to get back into the WordPress admin area. When I attempted to reactivate the plugin, I was presented with page with the following and the site was down again. At this time, my site is up, but all of my images are gone and the WP-Stateless plugin remains deactivated. I’m hoping you can provide assistance here.
**Added Note** At the time of this post, I’m still getting emails saying it is completed 20 unread now and in total 425 of them that I can count so far.
This message was triggered by wp-stateless.
Call stack:
We have migrated our site to GKE with an NFS to manage the uploads folder. Our goal is to remove the NFS, and here is where this plugin comes to action.
The problem is that we have several sites with a lot of images (about 5k each), and then the process is very slow. In the meantime, pods can be created/destroyed and even the developers can deploy new code restarting all the pods, and then the progress stops.
I don’t know how the code is made, so the problem can be:
I have waited several minutes to see if maybe it continues, but nothing happens. It still in the same image and there are no logs about the images upload.
Another thing that I missed is the possibility of skip the already uploaded files, so every time the process is stopped I have to restart it from the begining, never ending the uploads. If the file link is already related to the storage, I don’t see a reason to reupload the file again. The only reason is an storage change, but in this case the link is different. Would be nice to have a checkbox to skip the images that already contains the destination domain.
The last thing I think is missed, is the upload status. I have got some problems when the upload process starts and suddenly stops after some images upload. The lack of status of the upload process doesn’t allow me to know if there was an error or the process was complete, it just shows the start button and you have to check if the images were uploaded (something hard when there are 5k of images). I have to be there checking the upload progress time to time to ensure that continues and all was OK. Maybe there are logs in the PHP logging, but they are sometimes hard to locate.
Best regards.
]]>I’m currently using the Stateless plugin with Google Cloud Storage (GCS) for image storage. My free credit period has ended, and I’d like to switch from GCS back to local storage. As I’m relatively new to this process, I would greatly appreciate step-by-step instructions on how to:
Thank you for your assistance in helping me make this transition smoothly.
Best regards,
]]>After updating to Stateless 4.0.4 and WP 6.6.1, the media-editor.js is giving me errors:
media-editor.min.js?ver=6.6.1:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘attachment’)
This is preventing the inserting of images.
]]>How can I solve this ploblem, please I need help to resolve this problem
table indexes wptd_stateless_file_meta
— alter table wptd_stateless_file_meta add primary key (id), add unique key post_id_key (post_id,meta_key) using hash, add key post_id (post_id); mensage do mysql:
#1071 – specified key too long. the maximum allowed key length is 1000
]]>We have recently been having a very slow ‘time to first bite issue’ on our website (around 20 seconds). After much troubleshooting, we have determined that if we deactivate our WP Stateless plugin, this issue is resolved (TTFB = 2 seconds)
From what I can see all our data has been optimised. I hope someone can help us fix this issue? We have no idea what to do next.
]]>I created my site last month and everything was working fine.
I looked at it today and all of my images are now missing.
It appears that every single media File Url has been changed from directory 06 to 07
For example, this is the latest file url in my media library and it is a dead link.
I haven’t uploaded any media files in 07.
If I change the directory to 06, everything is fine.
How do I get ALL of my media files linked back to the correct directory, I am currently running 4.0.4 and tried restoring to abackup before the update, but that didn’t work.
The plugin is activated, the bucket name and json token is there but I get:
“Unable to create directory 06. Is its parent directory writable by the server?”
I get that message when I am trying to upload a file.
I have “Fine grained” bucket permissions (Object level)
### Server
Server architecture: Linux 6.5.0-35-generic aarch64
Web server: Apache/2.4.59 (Debian)
MySQL version: 11.3.2-MariaDB-1:11.3.2+maria~ubu2204
PHP Version: 8.2.19
PHP Memory Limit: 2048M
PHP Max Input Vars: 10000
PHP Max Post Size: 1024M
PHP Time Limit: 30
Max Upload Size: 256M
Allow URL-aware fopen Wrappers: No
Loaded Extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, ctype, curl, dom, fileinfo, filter, hash, iconv, json, mbstring, SPL, session, PDO, pdo_sqlite, standard, posix, random, Reflection, Phar, SimpleXML, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, mysqlnd, apache2handler, bcmath, exif, gd, imagick, intl, mysqli, sodium, zip, Zend OPcache
### WordPress
Version: 6.5.4
Multisite: No
Memory Limit: 40M
Total Attachments: 6422
Image Sizes: thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large, 1536x1536, 2048x2048, logo, small, medium-large, gallery, full-width, 16-9, 16-9-2x, square, post-thumbnail
Theme: Theme 2019
Active Plugins: ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO 3.1, Add From Server 3.4.5, Advanced Custom Fields PRO, Akamai for WordPress 0.6.0, Classic Editor 1.6.3, Go Live Update Urls 6.7.3, Redirection 5.4.2, Simple Custom Post Order 2.5.7, Single Sign-on with Azure Active Directory 0.7.0, WP-Stateless 4.0.3, Yoast Duplicate Post 4.5, Yoast SEO 22.8
### WP-Stateless
Version: 4.0.3
Database Version: 1.0
Mode: Stateless (Constant)
File URL Replacement: Disabled
Supported File Types: jpg jpeg png gif pdf
Bucket: Set (Constant)
Bucket Accessible: Yes
Service Account JSON: Set
Cache-Control: Default: public, max-age=36000, must-revalidate
Delete GCS File: Enable
Folder: %date_year/date_month%
Domain: Not set
Cache-Busting: Enable
Dynamic Image Support: Disable
Use Post Meta: Disable
Total Files: 0
Total File Sizes: 0
Compatibility Files: 0
Any idea of what the problem is?
after upgrading to 4.0.3, our multisite WP install required us to run the ‘Data Optimization’ step on each WP site. We triggered the process but it seems something went wrong at some point, because now on 2 of our sites the warning about “Data Optimization is required “still appears although it seems it has ran (at the bottom of the page we see a “Finished at June 5, 2024 7:44 am” and no buttons are shown to allow us to re-ran the process
]]>So I’ve been using the WP Stateless plugin for over 5 years now without any issues. Suddenly today morning, there was some notification from the plugin saying something about Google Cloud Bucket initialisation error or something similar – I don’t remember exactly the message. I dismissed the notification and went to the WP Stateless Settings to check on it but the page is now showing Critical error on website.
Also tried uploading a new image on the Media library and it seems to be uploading to the server instead of the cloud storage bucket.
If it’s relevant, I cleaned the Woocommerce Action Scheduler Logs and Action Scheduler Completed as well as Pending actions yesterday for the first time. Could this be related to the issue?
Can you please help?
I’m starting here because I need to start somewhere.
I’m running a WordPress site in Google Cloud Run. I’m using wp-stateless in ephemeral mode to serve images out of a Google Cloud Storage bucket. All that works great, no issues.
I’m also running wp-forms-pro for a couple of registration forms (register for camps, classes, etc.). At some point in the last few months (I wish I knew when exactly) wp-forms-pro stopped sending emails after a form submission. Now, you might be asking yourself, what does sending emails have to do with wp-stateless? I would ask the same question too, but wp-forms support is saying wp-stateless is the problem because it’s rewriting URLs to critical assets. That’s all they said, no details given and frankly, it sounds like a cop out.
All that being said, are there any known issues with wp-stateless and wp-forms? I looked through the issues on this plugin’s repo and only found two issues related to wp-forms from ~6 years ago.
]]>Hi. Thank you for the great plugin.
I seem to be running into an issue with the upgrade action that needs running following updating the plugin from 3.x to 4.x. When I run this, I encounter a critical error (white screen).
Error logs from this appear to be memory related:
“PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16384 bytes) request: “GET /wp-admin/upload.php?page=stateless-settings&tab=stless_status_tab HTTP/2.0”
Could the total number of photos on the site be an issue perhaps (c. 47k)? I ran the same routine on a mirror environment that has far less photos stored and that worked ok.
Many thanks for any help!
]]>Hello Sir,
I want to build a website like Unsplash ( ) or Pexels ( ) — using WordPress.
basically, People are going to upload pictures to the website.
I want to offload all these pictures to Google Cloud, but I want Admin uploaded pictures to remain in the Media Library, while all uploads by users should be offloaded to Google Cloud.
Can I achieve this, with your plugin?
]]>I have removed Wp Stateless plugin
my wp_postmeta is 3.6gb – the sm_cloud table is approx 2GB
Is it safe to delete the sm_cloud table if the plugin is deleted or is there a different approach I can use to reduce the size of sm_sloud?
We have deleted all products in the store and are planning to ulpload them again once our database is fully optimized
]]>Essentially the sync process never gets any further than queuing images to sync. Staying on the page sees 200 responses from [website]/wp-json/wp-stateless/v1/sync/getProcess/d3BDbG91ZFxTdGF0ZWxlc3NNZWRpYVxTeW5jXEltYWdlU3luYw every few seconds. Leaving the page and returning it appears as if there is no job running or even started.
]]>Error in [15-Apr-2024 05:01:36 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot use ::class with dynamic class name in httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-stateless/lib/classes/batch/class-batch-task-manager.php on line 233
Change in
try {
$object = $this->_get_batch_task_object();
$class = get_class($object);
$batch = $object->get_batch();
if ( !empty($batch) ) {
$this->_add_batch( $batch );
$this->_update_state( $object->get_state() );
Helper::log( 'Batch task completed: ' . $class );
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
Helper::log( "Unable to process next batch: " . $e->getMessage() );
Please update, my PHP is 8.1.27.
]]>After adding this plugin website is too slow now load time approx. 15sec.
]]>I’m testing this on an offline setup with a mirror of my database.
I’m seeing some errors, and have a few questions…
wp stateless migrate 20240219175240 –progress=5 –force
I run that, but there seems to be no progress shown, nor logs, should it?
I end up with a large amount of duplicate key errors (I guess during the migration?)
The migration does not finish. How may I debug this?
]]>WordPress database error Duplicate entry '2971901' for key 'wp_stateless_files.post_id' for query INSERT INTO
) VALUES (2971901, 'www/99cf42b7-authorisation.svg', 'agilicus', '1705615746660848', 'public, max-age=36000, must-revalidate', 'image/svg+xml', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '3.3.0', NULL, '', '') made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('plugins_loaded'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, UsabilityDynamics\WP\Bootstrap_Plugin->pre_init, wpCloud\StatelessMedia\Bootstrap->init, wpCloud\StatelessMedia\Batch\BatchTaskManager::in…"
There is a form below and in the form there is field for “File”, and when we are adding file in the form, The form won’t submit because of the file section of the form here (where there is the section for headshot): if we deactivate the WP Stateless plugin the form is working fine. Can you please help us if you can as we dont want to deactivate this plugin(WP Stateless).
]]>I moved a bunch of sites to Multisite, the plugin was both activated on the sub-site and the network. The Cache-Busting select option field was both disabled on both the network and a single site, and even the original site that was transferred to the WPMU had Cache-Bustingit didn’t work on the multisite.
I needed to manually remove the “disabled” select attr on the network level, select Don’t Override, and then save. This allowed me to go to all sub-sites change and select Enable for Cache-Busting (they weren’t disabled anymore). Saved and it worked as before.
The network option still showing disabled but I guess the db option was added. So, underneath everything works as it should, maybe a simple check when displaying the form was messed up.
This is more like a bug to me, and I should’ve reported it on the GitHub repo.
wp-stateless has connection with the bucket, I know that works. Also the permissions.
The problem is that the url’s are wrong.
In the media library in admin i get url’s like: “…..test-bucket/2024/03/2024/03/” multiple year and month.
In the frontend, the url’s are still pointing to local media. Many of my images are displayed from ACF content.
Can I just upload the images to the bucket, activate the plugin and the replace some url’s in the database?
Is the plugin changing something in the database when running the sync? I think it’s the sync that duplicate the year/month.
Thanks in advance
]]>We’re using WP-Stateless for backup mode. And recently discovered that an audio file (136M) not uploaded in gcs as intended. But it wasn’t our first time uploading file around the same size. It was working fine last month, but this time it’s not working.
We also found that in sync page in the setting for this plugin shows this error: “Errors encountered. Try reloading the page. Algorithm not allowed”.
I reloaded the page but nothing happens. Also downgraded the plugin to 3.30 but it won’t help.
Here some details for our wordpress site:
Only file with the size but smaller ones work fine.
Currently we’re using WP-Stateless version 3.41
WordPress version: 6.4.3
PHP version8.0.28 (Supports 64bit values)
PHP max input variables10000
PHP time limit 300
PHP memory limit 512M
Max input time 300
Upload max file size 256M
PHP post max size256M
]]>We have hosted a wordpress website in Google Kubernetes Engine cluster inside a docker container. We have a cloud storage bucket in the same project. we can upload to that cloud storage using custom code inside a plugin without passing project id $this->storageClient = new StorageClient();
Can we upload the file without service.json file using this plugin? Which method we need to override?
Hi thanks for your plugin!
I would like to use your plugin to upload my entire media folder of around 90GB to the Google server, so as to lighten my server by freeing it from this burden.
I ask you if it is possible to connect my Google Workspace account, where I have a Drive of about 10TB.
Thank you
]]>In my wordpress site I change my storage bucket which was google to digital ocean. it was okay and I didn’t deactivated the wp stateless plugin. then I turn off the goole bucket and delete it. when I deactivate wp stateless plugin the images are not loading from the new bucket. when I activate it again it shows. is it okay to keep wp stateless plugin on even though the google bucket is turned off?
]]>How we are handling the update urls on widgets section after sync existing images
]]>After installing the plugin I selected Automated Setup but the “Login with Google” button is disabled and clicking it doesn’t do anything.
It is an only button on Setup page so I don’t know how to proceed and manual setup looks quite cumbersome.
]]>Trying to connect many times wp-stateless to GSC (not working) I have tried to restart by deleting previous bucket to create new one in GSC.
I thought it would be then possible to change the setting of wp-stateless in wordpress. That was a big mistake because now my site is broken. This happens everytime I activate the plugin.
I have downladed Advanced Database Cleaner hoping that would fix the problem by reseting the tables but still have same problem.
I have been searching hours on internet, I have tried to modify the wp-config file or looked any other files but nothing could solve my problem
Any advices about what I should do to get this fixed?
Thanks in advance