Faced a problem that the tab with the addition of stickers only works in opera and only on PC, it doesn’t work at all on mobile browsers
]]>Something wrong with query
In console dont have error, need help.
]]>Hey there!
As a webdesigner i really like a tool to let my customer pin a note anywhere on a page so he can easyly tell me what/where to edit. This is helpful while construction of the website.
I tried installing the plugin and added some notes for testing.
But after reloading the page/changing sites/navigating the notes disappeared.
Any help for this?
Best wishes
Line 78:
- require_once( __DIR__ . "/pages/admin_main.php" );
+ require_once( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/wp-sticker-notes/pages/admin_main.php" );
Line 186:
- "target_users" => $target_users,
+ "target_users" => ($target_users != '' ? $target_users : ''),
Not a bug, but useless when reviewing page in less then 1280px resolutions:
Line 277:
-@media (max-width: 1280px) {
- .wpst-sticker-note {
- display:none;
- }
Additional Fix for fixing positioning issues when page is scolled:
Line 239:
-return jQuery(document).scrollTop();
+return 0;
Very nice sticky notes plugin. We use it to put review comments throughout a site, to communicate review points and feedback.
Was working fine in 2015, then just recently (Feb 2016) it stopped working! I recently did all updates… to WordPress 4.4.2, to current “X Theme” and all associated plugins. When clicking the “WP Sticky Notes” tab in the left sidebar of admin interface, I was getting a fatal error due to this line in plugin.php:
require_once( __DIR__ . “/pages/admin_main.php” );
Although it’s probably not the best fix, I used a similar line from later in the file, and repaired this include of admin_main.php like this:
require_once( ABSPATH . “/wp-content/plugins/wp-sticker-notes” . “/pages/admin_main.php” );
Now the plugin works again! Don’t know what the problem was. Maybe even a hiccup in my hosting, rather than a problem with recent WordPress and theme updates?
Anyone else experiencing this problem? Any other suggestions for how I should fix this? Any alternative tweak to the code, rather than using ABSPATH and specifying so much of the path explicitly?
]]>Once I installed and activated, I get the following error message:
“The page at pvgweddingphotography.com/ say:
Something wrong with query”
Unable to figure out what it means or how-to fix.
Re: https://www.staugustineloveslions.com
I just installed your plugin and the following error showed up at the top of my WP dashboard. I couldn’t see the beginning of the first line, hence the dots.
“….supplied for foreach() in/home/staugus1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-sticker-notes/plugin.php on line 60
Headers already sent in /home/staugus1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-sticker-notes/plugin.php on line 60. This is not a good sign, it may just be a poorly written plugin but Headers should not have been sent at this point. Check the code in the above mentioned file to fix this problem.”
Do you know what may have gone wrong and how I can fix it?
I use a child theme if your knowing that helps any.
Thank you,
Hi, I was wondering if you can modify the plugins that stick notes only by the user who created are seen, that is, to have personal notes stick, each user can create their own and only those can see it.
]]>It looks like that plug in causing problems with the CSS in some part of my theme. Any proposal of solution?
]]>Love this plugin brilliant makes my work so much easier!
I was just trying to work out if it was possible through CSS to make the notes all align up on responsive when viewing through Mobile some how with a media query?
I have got all these notes staked up on a workspace layout I use and would be great to shave an option to stack them 100% on a smaller layout with a breakpoint.
Just food for thought!
]]>I installed the plugin – no error. No side menu or + sign to add a note.
]]>I’m in the Edit post page, but I don’t see a button added to the edit page to add a note. Where does it appear?
]]>Clicking the + button to create a new note initially appears to do nothing, but toggling the hide/show button will reveal the note. Saved notes also do not appear until the visibility is toggled.
The following diff is my quick fix. It’s probably not the correct fix, but does appear to create correct behavior.
*** wpst_script.js.orig Wed Nov 12 23:36:32 2014
--- wpst_script.js Wed Nov 12 23:34:14 2014
*** 136,141 ****
--- 136,142 ----
css: { top: this.menuContainer.offset().top + "px" }
this.allStickers.push( this.currentSticker );
+ this.currentSticker.show();
return this.currentSticker;
*** 221,226 ****
--- 222,228 ----
sticker.find(".resize").css({ width: sticker_properties.width+"px", height: sticker_properties.height+"px" });
this.bindEvents( sticker );
this.allStickers.push( sticker );
+ sticker.show();
I would love to have the note that I created and it sticks on every page I go to on my site
]]>Excellent job!
A couple of minor suggestions:
1) Change breakpoint for hiding notes to => @media (max-width: 800px)
Appeared not to work on laptop (Macbook Air) w/Safari and Firefox until I changed breakpoint.
2) Allow per user note color change.
Works great with 3.9.2! Thanks.
]]>Not sure … it won’t save because of this…
]]>Is it possible to put the sticky notes on selected pages only? I don’t want it to show up on every page.
After installing the plugin and trying to open the link from the sidebar of my WP dashboard to be able to go to the settings I get an error, but if I am in the site I can see the floating image on the left and I am able to attach notes anywhere I want:
Warning: require_once(__DIR__/pages/admin_main.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/64/8946364/html/test/wp-content/plugins/wp-sticker-notes/plugin.php on line 78
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘__DIR__/pages/admin_main.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php’) in /home/content/64/8946364/html/test/wp-content/plugins/wp-sticker-notes/plugin.php on line 78
any ideas?
]]>I was expecting to be able to color the notes? The graphic on the screenshots does show color.
I’m guessing this is next?
]]>I have your fix about that problem.
The question is how can i fix that?
Just realized this, for some reason when this plugin is active the admin menu links to Forums, Topics and Replies are removed completely from the page.
]]>Just realized this, for some reason when this plugin is active the admin menu links to Forums, Topics and Replies are removed completely from the page.
]]>Is there a way you can add an option to allow this plugin to do the same in the admin area. Would LOVE to leave stickies for admins/author pretty much all over the admin section. Like why a plugin was added/removed. What plugins to NOT TOUCH. things not to change in post, pages, other plugins.
Anyway thanks great plugin.
I’m updating plugin readme file but nothing happens on wordpress plugin directory page https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/wp-sticker-notes. I know time is needed but since first update has passed about 24 hours.
I was able to change readme before yesterday. Also i checked my readme file on wordpress readme validator ant it’s ok.