Any way to change the faq slug from /wp_super_faq to something more reasonable? With the lack of updates, I’m guessing moving on from this plugin is a good idea…
I am trying to use your plugin on a new site and somehow the text of both the question and answer has a black highlight. I am assuming this is not normal?
This is a fresh install of this plugin, the javascript won’t start at all. Could you please advise?
I am testing on Chrome/Firefox/Safari on Mac.
I am using a simple shortcode on a page, no PHP or anything fancy.
I am using 3.2.1, updating WP does not fix the problem on my local instance
]]>thank you
When I click question, Anser can appears
But Triangle shapes don’ lay.
]]>Replace the following codes on line 6 and 16 of wp_super_faq.js
.live( ‘click’, function(event) {
.click(function(event) {
]]>Hello Sir
I want to print FAQ in my content area & top ten FAQ in sidebar ,When a user click on the top ten questions in sidebar ,its open in my content area.
My company uses a wordpress site as a blog and it recently added a FAQ page: (Dutch). However, the questions appear twice on the page and that’s really annoying for us.
The FAQ is added by this code: [wp_super_faq]
Does anybody have any idea what the problem is and how I can fix it?
]]>I think the feature was hinted at, but is it possible now to alter the shortcode to show ALL categories except ones to be excluded?
Reason: I want Guest FAQs to appear on a separate page from Member FAQs that are much more numerous and in depth and I don’t want Members to see Guest FAQs listed on their FAQ page.
]]>Hello, first of all I’d like to thank the developer for this great and simple free plug-in.
Here are some suggests :
1) User could submit a question and get notified when it’s answered
Like available in the plugin FAQs manager ( it would be great if the user could ask a question and have it submitted in a queue of pending questions. The webmaster would then at the same time answer the question, modify the title if needed, and have it published.
2) User could rate a question/answer
Like available in the plugin Q and A ( it would be great if the people reading the blog could rate the answer (hit a star if the answer was helpful, or rate out of 5 stars, etc…) so the webmaster would know which answers are most popular
3) “Expand all” / “Close all”
Like available in the plugin Q and A : the possibility for the user to expand all / close all the questions and answers.
Thanks a lot for reading these suggestions, I hope the plugin author will be able to work on this !
webmaster of
How do I remove the title that appears when you hover over the question?
It is blocking the view of the question and answer so I want to remove it.
]]>I’m setting up this plugin and have set up an events sidebar widget to display upcoming events.
when I view individual events though, it’s showing the events sidebar widget, which is fine but also repeating the display of the event in the sidebar three times too and I can’t work out how to make this disappear.
anyone else experienced this or has a fix?
]]>How would I set the first question of a FAQ page to be open when a user goes to the page? Then it would need to close once another selection is chosen.
]]>My individual FAQ entries show up as pages in the WP admin section, so I can link to them through the WYSIWYG editor that displays all pages. When I follow any of these individual FAQ entry links, however, I get a 404 not found page.
Here’s the URL for one such link:
Am I doing something wrong? Or is Super FAQ not configured to display individual FAQ entries as stand-alones?
]]>Is that possible? I need a numbered layout so that I can refer to them from another page.
]]>Can users submit questions for consideration in the FAQ?
When i change to “show_specific_category” the category name is not visible.
Do i need to add something within this statement?
if ( $show_specific_category ) {
$wp_super_faq_query = new WP_Query( "taxonomy=wp_super_faq_category&term=$show_specific_category&posts_per_page=-1&showposts=-1" );
because when i set i back to “show_categories” the category title gets pulled out from $term
like this:
$returner .= "<h2>" . $term->name ."</h2>";
Need some help… thanks in advance
]]>A problem occurs after upgrading 3.5…
Here is the short code that i used.
[wp_super_faq show_specific_category=faq]
after upgrading the wp into latest 3.5
the content got duplicated at the same page.
please check this.
]]>Is there a way to reverse the order items in a category are displayed?
The default is to display the newest post at the top and I don’t want to have to go back and edit the post date for each item.
I’m building a website that includes a search filter using a dropdown categories selector that uses the wp_dropdown_categories(); function.
This is all working nice and dandy, and it is very important for the site to employ this function because the categories are the organizational structure the site but the FAQ categories are not included in the equation.
Can anybody help me with this? The site is not online but the fucntion i have now is as follows
<form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" action="<?php bloginfo('siteurl'); ?>">
<label class="screen-reader-text" for="s">Zoeken naar:</label>
<input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" />
binnen <?php wp_dropdown_categories( 'depth=3&hierarchical=1' ); ?>
<input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Search" />
I’m guessing i should use some php code from wp_super_faq.php into the wp_dropdown_categories function within category-template.php but i dont know how to do that. Or perhaps a workaround can be arranged to just add the FAQ categories to normal categories…
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Nice plugin. Works fine on WP 3.4.1. But I want to know how to change or add custom CSS that I can change the font size and color.
Please help if anybody have any idea regarding this issue. Thanks in advance.
]]>How do i cross link 2 FAQ entries? Or how do i link directly to specific FAQ from a post? I tried the:
but it gave me a straight 404.
This is a brilliant plugin – I have tried so many and this one is by far the best!
The only thing I am struggling with is editting the fonts/styles. The questions are showing up in CAPS lock and the font for the answers is showing up as bold. I really need to change these…
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
]]>Hi – When I view the question the answer is stuck in the open position. How do I fix that?
]]>zNo idea why but when I use the shortcode on a page all I see is a very generic default FAQ page.
I’m using the basic shortcode for now but even the category shortcode doesn’t work. I’ve tried them all.
[wp_super_faq show_specific_category=general]
<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[wp_super_faq]’ ) ?>
Hi wondering if it’s a known issue for this plugin to not work with IE. It works fine in Chrome. I’m not sure if it’s something about the theme I’m using or if this is a known issue (hopefully that has a resolution already)
]]>Hello Im using WP Super FAQ and when I publish a question i can assign it to a category What am i doing wrong? I have created a list of FAQ categories.
Please can anyone help me??
The front end is not working correctly. Please see the link below. I added some alerts into the .js file and they do not fire when the page is loaded.
I tried deactivating all plugins for potential conflicts, but nothing changed.
Any suggestions? Thank you!
]]>I’m using sexy bookmarks. Usually there is an option to turn them off for a particular page / post. The option to turn them off for questions disappears in this plugin meaning that they appear for every answer. Do you know of a way to disable them just for the FAQ pages?
I tried disabling them on pages in the Sexy Bookmarks settings but I presume the FAQ’s use posts because they still appear.
Any ideas?
]]>I am VERY new to WP, as in started 2 days ago for first time.
I am using the shortcode method to ember the FAQ’s. I notice that the page’s CSS does not get applied to the FAQ’s. How do I get the FAQ’s to be displayed according to the CSS stylesheet for the theme?
This is hard to explain, but I’ll do my best. Feel free to ask for clarification.
I have my main faq page (id=584) that I’ve been using for a long time. it works just fine when this plugin is not activated. I can put in all the proper shortcodes to bring in the faqs from this plugin and edit properly. Of course the displayed result would simply be shortcodes rather than the desired content.
I installed the plugin and created my faqs. The page displays properly on the front end. Here’s where it breaks.
If try to edit the page, there is some sort of database confusion as to what it’s looking for. The url shows correctly (with id=584) however the content below is one of the faqs (fwiw, the final one on the page). If I click update, everything falls apart.
Here are two screenshots of when I’m attempting to edit the page:
fyi, there are a couple extra div tags, but the error ocurrs with or without them.
Again, the front end still works properly as long as I don’t update the post. Any ideas on what could be causing this?