i have a problem when i try to activate the plugin:
Wordpress version: 4.6.1
wp-swimteam: 1.45.1085
work flow:
download and activate phpHtmlLib: ok
download and activate wp-swimteam: wrong.
Warning: Declaration of FooterNav::push($url, $text) should be compatible with Container::push() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 289
Warning: Declaration of FooterNav::add($url, $text) should be compatible with Container::add() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 289
Warning: Declaration of ImageThumbnailWidget::push($url, $text, $selected = false) should be compatible with Container::push() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 688
Warning: Declaration of NavTable::push($url, $text, $title = NULL, $target = NULL) should be compatible with Container::push() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 313
Warning: Declaration of NavTable::add($url, $text, $title = NULL, $target = NULL) should be compatible with Container::add() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 313
Warning: Declaration of TabList::add(&$tab_obj) should be compatible with Container::add() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 658
Warning: Declaration of TextNav::push($url, $text, $width = 100) should be compatible with Container::push() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 184
Warning: Declaration of TextNav::add($url, $text, $width = 100, $target = NULL) should be compatible with Container::add() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 184
Warning: Declaration of TextCSSNav::push($url, $text, $title = '', $target = '') should be compatible with Container::push() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 229
Warning: Declaration of TextCSSNav::add($url, $text, $title = '', $target = '', $selected = false) should be compatible with Container::add() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 229
Warning: Declaration of VerticalCSSNavTable::add($url, $text, $title = '', $target = '') should be compatible with Container::add() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 197
Warning: Declaration of ErrorBoxWidget::add($label, $message) should be compatible with Container::add() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\widgets\ on line 96
Fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $swimmerid in C:\xampp\htdocs\ivan\wp-content\plugins\wp-swimteam\class\swimmeets.class.php on line 2384
I am looking for code to read the event details from Hy-tek files and came across your plugin!
I am not using WordPress so cannot use the plugin directly, so I wondered if it would be OK for me to extract the code that reads the Hy-Tek file?
]]>.css file missing.
Where to find it?
Ryan from here.
We’ve had a report of a public vulnerability in the wp-swimteam plugin. I could not find your email address so I am making you aware of it here.
I have not verified this vulnerability.
The public report is here:
I was looking to add some additional text to the email that users receive when they register or pre-register a swimmer. Is there a way to do this? I didn’t see anywhere to change it on the wp dashboard, besides choosing between html and plain text formatting. I also looked through the plugin files but could not find where the email was generating text.
]]>Issues with paths to files in jobs.forms.class.php… Missing a slash in multiple places in the file when trying to include the textmap.class.php file.
require_once(WPST_PATH . ‘classtextmap.class.php’)
And Warning: require_once(\wp-content\plugins\wp-swimteam/class/events.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in \wp-content\plugins\wp-swimteam\include\user\swimmeets.php on line 357
And Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in \wp-content\plugins\phphtmllib\tag_classes\ on line 719
]]>Hi Mike,
I may have an easy issue for you.
Under swim team options, the registration tab, it contains the Registration Terms of Use URL. Well this has information in there since a version ago. New Version upgrade 1.40 no issue.
Except when I change the TOU to a NEW html page to be viewed. It will not store it in the options table. I check both option tables (Swimteam and WP) and no defined variable meta “WPST_OPTION_REG_TOU_URL” listed. Like it is total gone or not saved. But yet it shows on the registration tab. Is stored somewhere else? I doubt it since you are using get_option to retrieve it.
Need a point in the right direction to start to stored this URL properly and visible see it in the Database. I want to use another HTML page and try something.
Also, I may look to place some context help on the screens. But I read that you solved it a while ago and now Jquery is being used to show the tabs with help. I was hope to show only ONE tab of help per tab it needs to reference. If not, multiple help (per tab) based on admin page it is on.
Do you have something or point me in the right direction.
I am wondering if anyone has experienced a Fatal Error when trying to activate SwimTeam and what you did to resolve it. I installed and activated the phphtmllib library but get the following error when activating SwimTeam:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare html_link() in /serverpath/wp-content/plugins/phphtmllib/tag_utils/ on line 948
(serverpath = the actual sever path)
Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi Mike,
I’m trying to use your plugin for our swimming clubs website, we’re based in the UK.
We want to create meets/events, so that club members are able to register for them through the site and then we can export the entries for import to Hy-Tek (MM 5 & TM 7). Can this plugin do that?
Other event management plugins only export CSVs not HY3s, so your plugin appears to be ideal.
I’ve installed the plugin, after installing and activating phpHtmlLib and all appears to be working fine.
I’m unfamiliar with Hy-Tek myself, which is managed by the club chairman who has provided me with some HY3 files which I have so far been unable to import.
Unfortunately I really don’t know how to configure the plugin, so I’m hoping you can provide some guidance! I had a look through the support page and the official plugin site but I’m non the wiser.
First I went to options but couldn’t configure the SDIF profile.
I spoke to our chairman and he has no idea what Org Code or LSC Code are?
I then went to manage but didn’t know what I should configure first.
I decided to create a season. What does swimmer labels unlocked/locked/frozen mean?
I then went to events – manage events – import events, using a HY3 file I had been provided with but received errors.
What are the basic steps for configuration, importing events etc? What needs to be configured first?
You’re help is very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
wp-SwimTeam v1.40 has finally been released. There are lots of changes and improvements in this version, check the change log for full details.
]]>Hi Mike,
I have some code I want to share with you. Maybe you can include this code in your next release
I changed the following objects:
OPTIONS.CLASS – Add three new URLs
1) Code of Conduct Policy
2) Liability Waiver Policy
3) Attendance Policy
1) Add to Form
Add to Email on Register
Added – Some hard code team name or code of the team
I want to generate the team name from the Team Profile and make it dynamic for other clubs. For now it is a place holder that works.
Can you include these PHP updates in your next release?
I can send them to your Gmail.
]]>Hi Mike,
Hate to bother you again.
I have some problems.
Error #1)
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 52166656) (tried to allocate 69158 bytes) in /homepages/14/d185101007/htdocs/mac/wp-content/plugins/phphtmllib/ on line 145
And getting this error message
Error #2)
Loading Event Group with events – Great. They load and Load with Meet ID ZERO as expected (hence no match to meet)
Go to Meet tab. Load events, choose the group that contains events. It loads. Great. Now I have two sets of events (one with MEET ID ZERO and one with correct MEET ID number). Not a problem to have extra data as ZERO is the template to load.
The issue is after registering the swimmer for the right events. They show on the report so META is OK. The HY-TEK export of the event roster list is not. Looks like only one record is showing and not looking correct?
Hi Mike,
swimteam_add_default_capabilities functions.
I was using one role that I created called “swimteam.” This allowed certain individuals to dump rosters and see certain lists because NOT all parents should get access to this info.
I ran into issues when assigning the one role without the subscriber role included. The issue did not allow them access to other subscriber functions and areas in the website.
This is what mine would looks like
This is what your looks like
I will test with your new role to see if it given the correct access.
Some of my actions hide the tabs during swimteam overview.
Also, some reports that I custom built for woocommerce.
Do you know what areas your manager role will have access to and which the parent or swimmer will access? How much are you hiding?
Hi Mike,
I created a group. I wish to import a file from TM. TM creates the ZIP file with both ev3 and the hyv files. The ev3 has the events list for the meet. Can this file be imported into the event group and it creates a new meet number during loading?
I can extract into a CVS and reformat the data to align with your table and import into table using the PHPMYADMIN – this is the long way.
]]>Hi Mike,
Getting error on user export of cvs under manage
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 52166656) (tried to allocate 1804 bytes) in /homepages/14/***/***/***/wp-content/plugins/phphtmllib/ on line 145
Have you seen this before?
]]>Hi Mike,
I know you answered this and gave a few suggestions but….No Swimmers are registered for swim meets. We have the swimmers registered for the season, but the registration for the meet / event is not getting used. At least at the moment. So without the details getting generated, I have a hard time to dump a meet that is gender specific. They are empty. Some meets I will require this registration process. Then I should be able to send a file over.
Trying to call class object function directly. See below with example.
I can gather swimmers by gender and then trying to pass them into these functions but it is not generating hy3 files.
I get the message “No Season Id.”
Any help to dump a roster file only by gender. I thought if I can get just a gender in the form, that the form would pick up the split/filter records and produce a gender specific file.
Declare class with include or required.
create instance for needed class.
$hy3->generateHY3($swimmerIds) ;
$Base->generateHY3File() ;
$Export->setExportFileExtension(‘.hy3’) ;
$Export->setExportFile(urlencode($hy3->getHY3File())) ;
Any idea on what I can do to create this needed file?
If I used the roster file – > Export Hy3 – it does create a FULL team file. Genders mixed (ALL). At least through front end (form) it is working. Only issue is too much data like parent info and other stuff. I think this can be commented out later.
Thanks for the help.
]]>HI Mike,
When doing the roster, I can create the HY-TEK HY3 file as all. I want to create a GENDER specific load.
I change the roster class (added GENDER to the table display)
I change the roster include (add gender to column default)
It shows.
I cannot search on it and filter even though I added it and made it searchable.
Do you have an idea on how to get the roster dumped by gender and create to separate files?
Seems like other dumps I can manage gender splits. THis HY-TEK dump looks for the entire active roster. Normal but what if genders need to be kept separate for loading.
Thanks for you time.
]]>Hi Mike,
I created a new ROLE = swimteam
Added the capability author
When check it on simple plugin or templates works fine.
When I check the user meta – its there as
When they access swim team from main menu and use
I get
You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
Is there something your are checking in ADMIN to allow subscribers into Swimteam? I am trying to hide TABs in the user menu if they are nt in the new role.
Can you assist?
]]>Hi Mike,
Do you have plans to include some additional counts on the event page under manage? Adding info in grid for a dashboard feel.
Additional Counts for
(Registered Swimmers per Event)
(Events Registered total per event group)
– Under Meets (Swimmers Registered) This is under reports – any way to show it in the grid as a dashboard view.
]]>Hi Mike,
Based on your suggestion, I installed woocommerce. So far, it is doing what we need. Additional registration and payment area, ability to purchase items from store, and register for invitational and pay for them.
Is there a way to merge woocommerce data into your application? I would like to see if there is a way to capture a couple woocommerce fields and move them to swim team so I have one place to look.
What did you do for TSA based on swimteam / woocommerce?
Are they separate? Did you capture some data and move it over to swimteam.
Hi all
Just install this plugin I got this message.
what does that mean, that Wp bdd is not on day, or the plugin database is wrong ?
what can I do.
thanks for help:)
Couple of issues I am running into.
– Duplicate team roster
– Overview page is counting users too for the counts. Swimmers should be the only active from roster and assigned agegroup not add in users table entries.
– email issue on registration. Using WP-MAIL-SMTP and not working to send registration out to email address. Not sure if I need to reconfigure mercury mail?
I will send this to your gmail account too.
Working on xampp XP machine – still testing before opening to public soon.
Is this plugin still being supported? I can’t get to any of the pages or demos.
1) When selecting jobs (or a primary contact field) it shows the name as N/A, N/A even though the First and Last name values are populated in the MySQL Database
2) Parents can register any child, not just ones who they are listed as the primary contact for in meets
3) Parents can register their children for meets even before the children are set as active for the season
I am not sure if any of these are by design, I would have fixed it my self but I didn’t know what files did what!
I have installed phpHtmlLib and wp-SwimTeam on WordPress version 3.4.1 with no other plugins. When I go to the options page I see all the tabs across the top but clicking on most of them produces blank pages. The same happens on the manage page and SwimTeam page, but the reports page works fine.
What do I need to change in order to fix this? I installed both plugins from the built-in plugin installer.