Hi James,
First, thank you for all your great work! I really enjoy your plugins – from simple ones to complex beasts ??
I’d like to ask you whether you could update the Tested up to
info in your plugins readme file, please.
Also, could you please remove the This plugin requires WP Term Meta
info from this plugin (and possibly others) as it confuses users?
The reason I ask is because I provide a theme that integrates with this plugin (and also with your WP Term Images plugin) and my customers get confused why I recommend installation of such “outdated” plugin, and even that it claims to require WP Term Meta plugin which is no longer available in WPORG plugin repository.
Thank you for consideration!
Best regards,
I’m using WooCommerce and a very weird bug happened. My product categories are missing when WP Term Colors and WP Term Images plugins are active.
Another person experienced the same issue here and discovered that was WP Term plugins conflict: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56337089/10692268.
My theme support developer sent me a code to fix this issue using functions.php. He allowed me to provide you with link to the support ticket so you can debug more easily:
]]>Hi JJJ, i would like to report this and hope you will provide fix for this issue.
i recently use WP term colors, and WP term images with woocommerce 3.6.x and experienced a problem: all product attribute terms added to woocommerce vanished. I tried to narrow causes by commenting this line from class-wp-term-meta-ui.php
add_filter( 'terms_clauses', array( $this, 'terms_clauses' ), 10, 3 );
and product attribute terms came back. This issue only occurs with woocommerce 3.6 and higher.
Could you please look into this issue?
]]>Please make it translation ready.
]]>public function add_column_value( $empty = '', $custom_column = '', $term_id = 0 ) {
// Bail if no taxonomy passed or not on the <code>meta_key</code> column
if ( empty( $_REQUEST['taxonomy'] ) || ( $this->meta_key !== $custom_column ) || ! empty( $empty ) ) {
// NEEDS return $empty;
I want the color show beside the category on my template. But i cant get the color to display.
Can you help me?
]]>Hello! I’m try to use this plugin and now it working and changing color. But I need to change background-color. How can I modify this plugin to get this result?
Thanck you!
Hi! I’ve installed the WP-Term-Colors plug-in, I see the color option in Categories – I make my choice . . . nothing changes. Do I need to customize my CSS or my Template? I might need some advanced assistance. Feeling dense. Thank you for your help.
we assign the colors by tag.
The problem is that some colors are displayed correctly other “tags” are displaying only our default color (red)
in the database the colorcode is saved correctly
in the backend the color is displayed correctly
in the frontend in the html-code sometimes randomly the style background-color is missing and therefore it displays the default then.
here you can see a screenshot shows you the problem:
and here is the website and for example “Human Trafficking” or “Freedom of Assembly” doesn’t work:
it’s not a problem of the Browser and not of the wordpress versions!!!
the funniest thing is, that I have a similar local instalation and there NO tag is working!!! They all have the default red…
the plugindescription want’s a plugin named “wp term meta”, I have not installed this and your link for this in the wordpress library doesn’t find anything
thankyou very much
Is it possible to display this color on the list of post? Thanks
Is it possible to show color circle in admin post edit page, near taxonomy name? Or show it any way, e.g. make it a color of label text? I use hex values as slugs for colors taxonomy.
]]>So this is more of a note than a support request. I struggled to find the value of the colour I chose. This worked for me:
get_term_meta ( $category->term_id, ‘color’, true );
Hope it helps someone.
]]>I installed WP Term Colors and assigned colors to each category, yet the change is not working. Is there any other code I need to add to my theme or css to make this work?
]]>Good afernoon,
I write to know if this plugin colors the tag also in the wordpress theme.
Best Regards
]]>I’m displaying my categories by the following:
<?php the_category(); ?>
Do I have to change my theme code to call something else for the colours to work?
]]>When editing an individual term, the colour input is just a text field instead of a colour picker. This only happens when the public
parameter for the taxonomy is false, when public
is true the colour picker is there and works.
Hi! How are you?
Sorry if the question is too stupid, I’m rather new at WP. I can’t find any documentation as to how to retrieve the color variable inside the category php.
Could you please give me a hand?
]]>Installed both plugins, but colors are not showing up for Tags. Using the Visual Template for WP. Please help