I’m on WP’s latest version. I installed and can’t find it nowhere in the dashboard.
]]>Im using WPThumb to build images for a slideshow
echo '<li><img src="'.wpthumb( $propertyimg, 'width=600&height=400&crop=1&cache=false' ).'" border="0"/></li>';
These images are likely to update but their filenames stay the same.
Im trying to set cache to false so that a cache/local version is not created. But it always seems to create a local version.
1> Is it possible to prevent caching?
2> Is it possible to clear the cache entirely so that all images are rebuilt?
I’m getting a double slash in my filepath for a generated thumb.
For example:
This trailing slash does not appear if we have cache disabled for the thumb, so only appears on cached thumbs. Anyone else have this issue?
]]>I get this on wordpress 4.0
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class WP_Thumb in /home/tabootou/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-thumb/wpthumb.php on line 44
Is that me or there is no documentation here ?
I had no clue how to make it work.
I found it here hopefully : https://hmn.md/2011/10/19/introducing-wp-thumb/
I hope you will continue to support it because it is awesome ??
]]>Can this plugin enlarge images width crop?
And retain the aspect ratio of images that is to small?
installed and activated, but found no settings, options or anything else that would indicate the plugin was working
]]>When I add the new image and click the “apply watermark”, it seems only have the default option but it prompt the following error message…
Warning: include_once(../../../../wp-load.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/web/gameover/wp-content/plugins/wp-thumb/watermark-actions.php on line 1 Warning: include_once(): Failed opening ‘../../../../wp-load.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php/lib/php’) in /usr/local/web/gameover/wp-content/plugins/wp-thumb/watermark-actions.php on line 1 Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpthumb_wm_watermark_preview_image() in /usr/local/web/gameover/wp-content/plugins/wp-thumb/watermark-actions.php on line 4
how to fix it?
Is it possible that there is a mismatch of the array index in the crop_from_position function in wpthumb.php:
if ( $position[0] == 'bottom' )
$crop['y'] = absint( $size['height'] - $height );
else if ( $position[1] == 'center' )
$crop['y'] = intval( absint( $size['height'] - $height ) / 2 );
if ( $position[1] == 'right' )1
$crop['x'] = absint( $size['width'] - $width );
else if ( $position[0] == 'center' )
$crop['x'] = intval( absint( $size['width'] - $width ) / 2 );
Changing in these lines the array indices as seen below lead me to a correct visualisation of the images
if ( $position[1] == 'bottom' ) // changed index 0 to 1
$crop['y'] = absint( $size['height'] - $height );
else if ( $position[1] == 'center' )
$crop['y'] = intval( absint( $size['height'] - $height ) / 2 );
if ( $position[0] == 'right' ) // hanged index 1 to 0
$crop['x'] = absint( $size['width'] - $width );
else if ( $position[0] == 'center' )
$crop['x'] = intval( absint( $size['width'] - $width ) / 2 );
I see that there is a new version for 3.5, but after updating, I don’t see the cropping position option anymore. Was this removed in the new version of the plugin?
]]>If you have the plugin installed then you can see that its impossible to use in the new Media Upload window. The select inputs are displayed in single row without labels..
Media sidebar is just too narrow to work properly.
It still works from the media library.
New media upload look nice, but is not as practical as the old one for now
]]>I want to resize a photo so to take a maximum width and if the height is bigger than my maximum height do a cropping. I use WP 3.42.
I use the code
echo ‘<img src=”‘.wpthumb($myimg,’width=780&height=358&resize=true&crop=1&crop_from_position=center,center&background-fill=solid’ ).'”/>’;
but it does not seem to do the crop
I noticed after activating this plugin that the admin meta box for featured image no longer keeps the image resized within the meta box properly.
Here’s a screenshot: https://imgur.com/6A3e2
Any ideas? Thanks!