Rating: 5 stars
this is the most benefit plugin i have never seen such as it
but i saw it in 2023 and it doesn’t work now , it was created i think from 10
years ago , we need update for it , it is fantastic idea
]]>Rating: 2 stars
Задумка хорошая, но он плохо работает, вернее вообще корректно перестал работать…В панели администратора даже в настройках не переключается…А на самом сайте блокирует содержимое страниц сайта, но и сам толком не работает
]]>Rating: 1 star
Dont work!!!
]]>Rating: 1 star
ok …. wp-trader is real b…sh.t !!!! I think you have to remote it from the wordpress page. Nomore support, a lot of bugs, homepage of wp-trader down, home-page of creators = down, no help for installtion, no help for configuration and it doesn’t work with wp 3.7.1
So ….. forget it !!!! and please ….. stop to propose us such bloody bullsh.. like this.
Rating: 5 stars
This plugin really rocks!
Hats off to the author.
I am getting “Warning: Division by zero in /home/content/08/11103608/html/torrent/wp-content/plugins/wp-trader/admin/templates/admin_trader_free_leech.php on line 77” error under Peers List under Free Leech.
Any fixes?
]]>Rating: 4 stars
Love the idea but plugin has issues and cant get to work on wp3.5
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I’m watching this plugin 1 year.
ofcourse there is so much to need. But at this point plugin ready to use and we can integrate to theme.
I wait 1 year beacuse of some problems.
But now I started to develop a torrent theme and fully integrate this plugin. ? think its gonna be awesome.
Keep up! You guys making awesome thing !