is it possible to import from csv to Formidable Forms entries? I would like to have same kind of “spreadsheet” view when you open csv in Excel to be viewed with Formidable Forms using it’s table view.
some time ago we tried your plugin as our solution to import an old (non-Wordpress) database into our new WordPress website. Back then everything was working as intended.
However, now that we want to actually perform the import, an issue has shown up with images in the post content. These images are successfully downloaded to the media library but in the posts themselves, they are still embedded from the old site. The featured images work perfectly fine on the other hand, they are imported to the media library and correctly linked.
Is there any setting we are missing or is this maybe a known (or unknown) bug with the current version?
Thanks for your help.
I have a category structure with 4 levels in my posts.
(some posts stay at level 2 or 3)
As you can see from the attached photo, I tried to write the category structure in several formats, but I could not figure out how to write it.
Hello, how would I import a list of pages and ensure each page is assigned a corresponding parent page if it has one, and then also import a menu with the same structure. For example, I might have the pages: home, about us, our school, and curriculum. ‘Home’ and ‘about us’ are top level pages without a parent while ‘our school’ and ‘curriculum; would have about us as their parent page. Thus the menu would have ‘home’ and ‘about us’ with ‘about us’ having a submenu with ‘our school’ and ‘curriculum’
]]>I’m importing as a taxonomy term, with custom fields. CSV is like so:
1,"Adak, Alaska",Aleutians West,55.999722,-161.207778,
It works, but the custom field data is then associated with a Page.
I looked in the database, and the taxonomy term gets assigned term_id of 398.
So I looked at Page 398, and that is where the custom field data is being stored.
So instead of term_id 398 getting Longitude
= 55.999722
, the post with that ID gets the custom field.
Any chance this could be fixed?
Super snazzy plugin though, its even fun to use!
]]>I would like to use the plugin on a multisite system. Is it capable for multisite?
]]>No Pause Option. And When try downgrading too, it’s showing new feature instead of old one.
Every time hang!!! when importing too.
Hi there. I’m having an issue with imports of a certain type of data into meta_value fields. It’s a field from a custom post type. I include the field in my import via the “Create WP Custom Fields” area in this plug-in. On of my .csv columns contains data such as the following:
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:21:"Link title here";s:3:"url";s:31:"/url-goes-here/";}}
After importing, something along the lines of “s:103” is added to the beginning of this value, making it:
s:103:"a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:21:"Link title here";s:3:"url";s:31:"/url-goes-here/";}}"
I’m not 100% sure if this is a PHP setting on my server doing this, Ultimate CSV Importer, or something else. I’m hoping someone can give me some pointers here. The main problem is that, with “s:103” added, the post is broken and throws the error, “Cannot access offset of type string on strong __file/path/here”. If I go into the database meta_value and remove the “s:103” the error goes away and the post works as intended, along with the imported data from this field.
I’m trying to achieve a thing that seems simple but I’m not able to make it with the majority of the importers, like wp all import
So I wanted to ask you if it is possibile with your plugin!
Pratically we use optimole and images are hosted in a third party server, so I need NOT TO CHANGE images URLs in a website migration.
It seems that every plugin on earth forces you to change image urls from the original to destination website…
Will you plugin have any option to avoid this behaviour?
thank you!
Is there a way to import posts directly as drafts?
I imported some posts, and they went live immediately.
]]>I don’t understand why I don’t load the WooCommerce products, I installed CSV or XML Datafeed with Ease import, WordPress All Export for CSV and XML, Import WooCommerce Suites. First I exported data to get an example CSV. I uploaded this CSV on Google Sheets I made the changes to the columns that interested me I changed the data to be entered. I then downloaded the modified CSV file and I only put 1 product for test. But nothing after 8 minutes still to zero.
Where is the mistake?
I’m trying to upload a CSV of countries to add them to a custom Category called Countries.
I’ve lint checked the CSV and all seems good but I keep getting Error During Upload, Tap To Retry.
How can I fix this?
The export and import run smooth but the import is missing a couple things
a) When I imported, no images were imported into the media gallery, the images are visible but they are being called from the old site, I chose option “Download external images to your media”
b) The posts are imported in classic editor format, not Gutenberg blocks
Thanks for the plugin, your help is appreciated
]]>Love your plugin and use it on many sites without a problem at all.
But I just started to use it on a new site, and no matter how I try to upload the CSV file, I always get that annoying error “file upload error”.
This is what I have tried so far:
– I checked the CSV file carefully and made sure it did not contain anything that could lead to an error, I also tried saving the csv with and without a BOM, and I also tried to create another CSV with only a few rows. Nothing worked. The CSV file size is only 54 KB.
– I have tried to disable all plugins except for your plugin, just in case its a plugin that cause this error – it did not help.
I have tried to clean the cache on server level – it did not help!
– I let a professional tech support guy from Cloudways work on this issue for almost 30 minutes (!!!) but also he could not figure out what is the issue.
– tried to upload the file via FTP, web browser, and URL – nothing worked.
The website is on a fast VPS server on cloudways, a strong server with an updated PHP version and all other settings are also updated.
What else can I do to make your plugin work already???
]]>I am trying to import an xml feed, upon import only the last couple of tags are fetched the rest is skipped. I verified the xml file with w3c and it’s valid but for some reason not everyting is being imported. please advice
]]>When I import posts they go in as a classic edit block, even if I’ve used the WYSIWYG editor to add paragraphs, headers, bold etc. All the carriage returns are missing too. Any way to debug?
I’ve a number of columns I’m wanting to import in as headings, separate sections of the post and this is a showstopper for us. The plugin looks amazing but need this bit to work
]]>I have just updated to Version 7.10.16 and get the message:
Warning: Undefined variable $nextnotice in …\plugins\wp-ultimate-csv-importer\wp-ultimate-csv-importer.php on line 103
I am running WordPress 6.4.3 and the “u3a SiteWorks theme” on a Local installation.
]]>hi, i create my posts by this plugin, like this:
category,fulltitle,<bigimage>fullcontent,publish – works great but i dont know how create small post (post list) like:
category, shorttitle, <miniimage>nocontent,publish
and display full post after click shorttitle. sorry for the bad english, I hope its clearly
]]>nowa Wersja 7.10.12?zle mapuje kategorie i s?owa kluczowe z pliku csv. zamiast zawarto?ci kolumny uzupe?nia tylko komend? np: {kategoria}
Anyone here using this plugin successfully with cloudways? Since a year I can’t import images.
All images are replaced with some kind of loading thumbnail picture.
It is with all cloudways applications.
Anyone familiar with this problem or anyone who can fix it. Can pay for it
All images are replaced with https://interculturel.info/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer-pro/assets/images/loading-image.jpg
i tried multiple files, at last with the sample file.
Fields are imported ok, only a few are problematic.
i have a cell “tag” with 3 rows, each row has content, but after import all 3 products have a tag with the name of the leading line instead of the content.
the tags are added in the site that i am importing to, so the plugin doesn’t have to add them. just read them and assign them.
The same, when i try to parse a column with the slug of the custom taxonomy, the imported product just adds a custom taxonomy {Column12}
instead of values.
is that maybe because of the free version ?
]]>Hello! I am trying to follow the steps in this article (https://www.smackcoders.com/blog/add-external-urls-to-featured-images-wordpress.html) to bulk import posts and external URLs to featured images. I have properly prepared a CSV file and installed the Fifu plugin, but after uploading the CSV through WP Ultimate CSV Importer, I don’t see the Fifu Post Fields section like the screenshot in the article (step 5 of the section “Importing bulk External URLs to featured Images in WordPress Posts, Pages, and Custom Posts”). Therefore, I’m unable to upload posts with a featured image from an external source.
Hi there, I noticed that there are two files in your plugin that seem to contain an unnecessary eval statement.
The files in question are /importExtensions/ImportHelpers.php
and /importExtensions/CoreFieldsImport.php
And the matching code for both of them is:
@eval("return " . $matched_element . ";" );
I’m a bit confused about the way that line is written; it seems like it could just be replaced with a normal string concatenator and/or return statement without carrying any of the risks or performance hits of a dynamic eval statement.
]]>Hello! I have one question…
How can I make sure that the plugin imports the posts in the exact order in which I put them in the xml file?
Thank you very much
]]>When I try to import new posts from even the simplest CSV, the import progress indicator seems to show that the import was successful, but no posts get created and the “Manager” tab indicates no new rows were inserted. I even tried it with a very simple one-row CSV with these contents:
This is a test title,This is test content,2023-11-27 13:41:20,draft,closed,closed,This is a test AIOSEO meta description
My site is on a server running PHP 8.2 and I have all the minimum requirements as indicated in the “Settings” tab of the plugin. I am not sure if it is related but for what it’s worth, these are the errors that I am seeing in my php error log:
[19-Jan-2024 02:13:14 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer/extensionModules/MappingExtension.php on line 59
[19-Jan-2024 02:13:40 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer/importExtensions/CoreFieldsImport.php on line 171
[19-Jan-2024 02:13:40 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer/importExtensions/ImportHelpers.php on line 207
[19-Jan-2024 02:13:40 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined variable $post_values in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer/importExtensions/ImportHelpers.php on line 313
[19-Jan-2024 02:13:40 UTC] PHP Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer/importExtensions/AllInOneSeoImport.php on line 39
After dropping my CSV file and mapping the headers, clicking on Add Custom Field button returns the following console errors:
ReferenceError: pluginField is not defined - admin-v6.1.js:2:1487773
ReferenceError: pluginField is not defined - admin-v6.1.js:2:2151241
Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: https://website/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer/assets/js/deps/bootstrap.min.js?ver=6.4.2 Source Map URL: bootstrap.min.js.map
Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: https://website/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultimate-csv-importer/assets/js/deps/popper.js?ver=6.4.2 Source Map URL: popper.js.map
After upgrading to WordPress 6.4.2 Ultimate CSV Importer started giving errors “post_title is mandatory field” implicating that the Post title column is blank (which is not the case). This error started after the upgrade to 6.4.2. (might be a coincident, not sure!) I also upgraded to Elementor Pro (latest version), and tried to rollback to the previous version, but the problem still exists. I am basically importing 100s of rows from a csv file, one column holds the post_title, and it is not empty. I have been importing for months with no issues.
Can you please help? Thanks.
]]>I’ve created Meta Box fields and mapped them during the import but they are not populated. What am I doing wrong?
]]>i want to bulk upload my posts which consist some ACF’s but iam unable to get my all ACF’s.some of the ACF’s are not rendering when i am trying to upload csv
]]>I have an old website that I need to move. The site has been heavy during the year and when I use wp migration I get more than 44,000 files even when I only choose database and media files, although the site only count 100 posts and not too many images…
I want to only import the posts with the featured images.
A minimalistic export would make the site lighter, and that is what I’m looking for. I haven’t found a good way to include the featured images, and when I found this plugin today I had a chat with jiju fabio that recommeneded me to post my question here.
I downloaded the free plugin of “Import All Pages, Post types, Products, Orders, and Users as XML & CSV” and chose Export Posts, and then XML format. but there is no option to include “featured images” there neither. So I would like to know what I need to do so the images are included in the backup. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your help.