When clicking on Settings on the Disable User Login plugin we receive a critical error. We are running WordPress 6.7.1 and Woocommerce 9.5.1. The plugin website said the app was compatible with our version of WordPress. We would like to use the plugin but at the moment we cannot.
]]>The control panel appears to be dead. It worked when we installed. I checked this morning and only a blank page is loaded when i click the block user link.
WPVulnerability plugins says:
Disable User Login [wp-users-disable] <= 1.0.1 (unfixed)
CVE-2022-2350, WordPress Disable User Login plugin <= 1.0.1 – Unauthenticated Settings Update vulnerability
Please check it.
I just run into an Error of undefined constant dwul_disable_user_email.
The solution is:
– Search for dwul_disable_user_email in custom-ajax.php
– Replace it with ‘dwul_disable_user_email’
Happened after switching to PHP: 8.1.10
WP: 6.0.2
Best, Daniel
I’m using Memberpress to give access to some people to a free course, however when someone creates the account and try to login again this message appears:
Warning: Use of undefined constant dwul_disable_user_email – assumed ‘dwul_disable_user_email’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/lexiusme/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-users-disable/custom-ajax.php on line 91
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/lexiusme/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-users-disable/custom-ajax.php:91) in /home/lexiusme/public_html/wp-content/plugins/memberpress/app/lib/MeprUtils.php on line 1839
I already spoke to Memberpress support, and they suggested contacting you guys for assistance.
Is there something you can help me with?
]]>There are 4 errors in the code. Those result in the WP Dashboard showing the user as “disabled”, but that is technically not soand the user can still log in. ??
The created custom database table also remains empty, btw.
The update & check when a users tries to log in have the same “undefined constant” error -> “dwul_disable_user_email”. So nothing can be saved to the database and nothing can be checked.
The solution is simple: ??
In custom-ajax.php:
Change lines 38, 91 & 139 to:
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'dwul_disable_user_email';
And line 39 to:
$exitingusertbl = $wpdb->prefix .'users';
Hi there
I got this Message today, while i was trying to login.
Warning: Use of undefined constant dwul_disable_user_email - assumed 'dwul_disable_user_email' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /wp-content/plugins/wp-users-disable/custom-ajax.php on line 91
How to fix that?
Thanks, Daniel