Anyone else able to get this to work?
]]>Guys i have 1000 post , on my wordpress data to load on the timeline but it takes forever to load , is there a way to paginate it? or to load just a few?
… is that possible.
]]>I’m getting the message after loading the Timeline. So its wont stop loading with the message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘startdate’ of undefined
Have an odd thing happening. Timeline posts that are marked as Drafts and not published are showing on the Timeline on the frontend.
]]>Hi I think this is great but with security upgrades need to be able to use in latest wp versions. Can you please advise wehtehr you intend to do the upgrade at some point, or whether ifwe could crowdsource some donations you might consider doing so?
Many thanks
]]>Is it possible to have a feature image on the cover of the timeline as in the js version of this plugin?
]]>On the mobile version of the timeline, the next link or swipe to navigate skips the next slide. So for example, the next link on the first slide goes to slide three. On slide three, the previous link goes to slide one and the next link goes to slide five.
Anyone else experiencing this and know how to correct this?
]]>Plugin v 1.1.2
Won’t load timeline.
Tried the following:
? adding explicit start and end times
? adding values to wp settings> Cover Headline, Cover Text
? disabling all plugins
? disabling apache login
??try in chrome privacy mode
Here is timeline.json:
"date": [
{"startDate":"1999,1,1","endDate":"2000,1,1","headline":"1999","text":"<ul><li>Tahirih, in partnership with the Feminist Majority Foundation, establishes the Afghan women Project that enables several hundred Afghan women to receive refugee status in the United States.<\/li><li>Matter of Kasinga \u2013 Tahirih litigates a precedent-setting decision that clarifies that the mandatory detention provisions contained in the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 cannot apply retroactively.<\/li><\/ul>","asset":null},{"startDate":"1998,1,1","endDate":"1999,1,1","headline":"1998","text":"<p>Tahirih <strong>hires its first paid staff<\/strong> and begins representing women seeking asylum because of gender-based persecution.<\/p>","asset":null},{"startDate":"1997,1,1","endDate":"1998,1,1","headline":"1997","text":"<p><strong>Beginning:<\/strong> The Tahirih Justice Center is founded by Layli Miller-Muro, following the well-publicized asylum case, Matter of Kasinga, in response to an outpouring of need from women like Fauziya in desperate need for free legal protection from human rights abuses.<\/p>","asset":null},{"startDate":"1996,1,1","endDate":"1997,1,1","headline":"1996","text":"<p><strong>Inspiration:<\/strong> The highest immigration court in the United States issued a landmark decision, Matter of Kasinga, granting asylum to a young woman from Togo who fled \u201cfemale genital mutilation.\u201d This case established gender-based persecution as grounds for refugee status in the United States. Tahirih founder Layli Miller-Muro helped litigate this case as a law student at American University<\/p>","asset":null}
Here are google chrome console errors:
GET[email protected]?v3.4 404 (Not Found) (index):475
Anyway to make the titles link to the timeline entry pages? And then as an extension to this maybe the excerpt field could be used in the timeline entry so I could display that in the timeline and then the content would be seen onthe timeline post page?
Also, using the featured image, forces all the text to the right. I guess this is why I was hoping that maybe I could link to the post so I could have more freedom to format the content.
]]>Looks like the post type is generating content properly, but the javascript is not being written
can somebody to tell me how to change the height of the timeline are? The problem es if i have more then 3 entries at the same time they are not visible. Until now i didm′t find the right css class.
Can somebody help?
]]>Is it possible to create multiple timelines?
Firtsly, let me thank you for such a great plugin, I love it!
Secondly, I would like to ask for a bug… Lots of themes use avia layout builder, but with the last wordpress version, Veriteco timeline makes avia layout stop working. The editor stays in a loading loop forever… If I disable your plugin, then all works again. Do you have any idea about what could be?
]]>Hi, it’s great to have a resource like this – thank you for all the hard work.
Unfortunately, like others, I’m having problems getting the timeline to load. I see the “timeline loading..” message but nothing else.
Below I’ve pasted the console error I’m getting. I think I may be having problems accessing the json file (or getting the callback), but I don’t know enough to figure out the route of the error.
I’ve tried the following:
Deactivating all plugins
Setting the permissions of wp-content to 755
re-saving the custom post entries
Many thanks for any help
404 Not Found
jquery.min.js (line 4)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
<title>404 - File or directory not found.</title>
<style type="text/css">
body{margin:0;font-size:.7em;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background:#EEEEEE;}
fieldset{padding:0 15px 10px 15px;}
h3{font-size:1.2em;margin:10px 0 0 0;color:#000000;}
#header{width:96%;margin:0 0 0 0;padding:6px 2% 6px 2%;font-family:"trebuchet MS", Verdana, sans-serif;color:#FFF;
#content{margin:0 0 0 2%;position:relative;}
<div id="header"><h1>Server Error</h1></div>
<div id="content">
<div class="content-container"><fieldset>
<h2>404 - File or directory not found.</h2>
<h3>The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.</h3>
I changed the cover Headline and Cover Text under settings, however, the changes don’t show. After digging in phpMyAdmin, I determined that the settings are correctly in the database, yet – still not showing on the site. Then I found a .json file in timeline plugin folder and.. voila, it has the wrong entry. How do I correct that? Just edit the .json file with Notepad?
Hello, I’ve just installed Veriteco Timeline in my WP 3.9.1, localized as catalan (ca_ES), but translation doesn’t seem to be working.
You can see it in
Although contents are shown, timeline messges are shown in english. Please, can you have a look and see what’s wrong?
Thanks a lot for your wonderful work!
]]>On saving a timeline (a new one or an updated existing one) I get two of these errors:
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /pathtowordpressinstall/wp-content/plugins/wp-veriteco-timeline/wp-veriteco-timeline.php on line 60
Followed by two of these errors:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /pathtowordpressinstall/wp-content/plugins/wp-veriteco-timeline/wp-veriteco-timeline.php:60) in /pathtowordpressinstall/wp-admin/post.php on line 235 and pluggable.php on line 1121
I also had the never-ending “loading” problem until I updated an already existing timeline entry. After that the timeline loaded.
This is a development site and dns for the domain is not pointing to it yet. I don’t know if that could be having an impact.
Actually for being exact, if the first page returned in search result (becoming the $post global) contain a timeline shortcode (WPVT).
The shortcode is actually displayed when shortcode processing is done by process (before theme display).
It results in a timleline outputed above the doctype that break the whole page.
The bug is in the term “outputed”. It’s not returned as given in ex. in wp doc there :
So i suggest you replace the “echo” call in wp-writeco-timeline.php by a “return” ??
]]>Any support for BC dates? I was able to hand enter dates as early as year 1.
]]>Hey all,
I just noticed the thumbnails in the flags not working. Anyone else having this issue?
]]>Any chance there is a plan for categories and tags? I would like to use these for internal WP search and menu options even though I am aware they will not show in the timeline.
Ultimately it would be cool to use tags and or categories to custom colour the flags in the timeline… or even to hide/show certain flags… this I would be well desired by sooooo many people…
I like the integration into WP… so much easier than going out to a google spreadsheet. Thanks.
I WOULD LOVE IT IF THERE WAS A PHP insert an not just a shortcode… any chance of that?
]]>When saving a Timeline entry I got multiple: Warning: Creating default object from empty value in… etcetera, on a blank page. This was with a new install (v. 1.1.1) on a server new to me. After googling on the issue I managed to fix it in wp-veriteco-timeline.php. Find:
if ($thumbnail_image && isset($thumbnail_image)) {
$this->asset->media = $img[0];
$this->asset->caption = $thumbnail_image->post_excerpt;
Replace this with:
if ($thumbnail_image && isset($thumbnail_image)) {
if (!is_object($this->asset)) {
$this->asset = new stdClass;
$this->asset->media = $img[0];
$this->asset->caption = $thumbnail_image->post_excerpt;
I suppose you have to do the same with the next lines for video. And maybe more, but I have to find that out yet.
]]>just spins and spins and spins, and the timeline never loads.
]]>A simple dash in the text was causing the text for an entry to not be displayed. I commented out lines 48 and 49 and the problem went away. This is the string I tried to enter into the WYSIWYG for the timeline custom post type.
In my day, there was only one show in town — it was called “Stare at the sun!” … That’s right!
$text = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content);
// $text = preg_replace('/\v+|\\\[rn]/','',$text);
// $text = $this->undoTexturize($text);
\v actually replaced instances of the character “v” and not vertical whitespace characters as intended. I think there is an issue in PHP where \R and \v don’t work as expected when run in classes. Rethink the \v. I have php 5.3 and \v was introduced in 5.2, so my version of PHP is not the issue.
Also undoTexturize was causing non-utf8 characters to show up as that annoying black diamond on the front end. Rethink that filtering process. json_encode takes care of a lot of stuff directly. I think you’re overthinking the filtering.
]]>I have a problem my Timeline (using short-code) only works if you are logged into WordPress. If you aren’t logged in then it doesn’t work. Any ideas..?
]]>The plugin was working fine with the previous wordpress version and right after updating wordpress to V3.8 the plugin stopped working and now the page keeps loading. No plugins were added and just the wordpress update.
Any advice is really appreciated.
I am using your wordpress plugin WP VeriteCo Timeline, and a theme. I have set my posts to show above the number of actual timeline posts I have (40 timeline items).
However, I still ONLY GET the ten most recent posts showing in the timeline.
I am using [WPVT] as the shortcode for the timeline placement on the page.
Am I doing something wrong, or is there somewhere in the plugin where I can actually set the number of posts for the timeline to go beyond 10. I have edited the settings for reading and post display settings in the theme. I also tested the plugin using the default wordpress theme (Twenty Thirteen), using 100 post as my reading settings and still I get only 10 posts in the timeline.
I really need help to figure out what I’m doing wrong. Is it the short code? Please help urgently.
To be able to include anything other than text in the timeline and avoid the Loading problem, edit WORDPRESS_ROOT/wp-content/plugins/wp-veriteco-timeline/wp-veriteco-timeline.php, replacing line 360:
$string .= stripslashes($entry->toJSON());
$string .= $entry->toJSON();
Optional but recommended step: update TimelineJS code. Download the latest TimelineJS code from here (2.25, as of this writing). Unzip it and copy everything under TimelineJS-VERSION/compiled/js/ to WORDPRESS_ROOT/wp-content/plugins/wp-veriteco-timeline/js/ and everything under TimelineJS-VERSION/compiled/css/ to WORDPRESS_ROOT/wp-content/plugins/wp-veriteco-timeline/css/. And that’s it. This way your timeline will look just like the one at
Tip: To pull media from Google Maps/Twitter/Flickr/SoundCloud/Vimeo/YouTube/Wikipedia/etc include a link to it in the Timeline Meta Data > Video Embed field of your post.
]]>Can you let me know how we can change language settings?
The default settings for the date format in en.js are American English which causes the month to be displayed before the day. I’ve tried hacking by renaming fr.js and doing the translation in there, but it does not work and I noticed that there’s also date settings in the other javascripts.