Because of incorrect condition there’s no way to detect right publication date for invalid value.
Here you can find fix:
when publication date is -0001-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 – it’s not fixed.
I have created a sitemap, when submitted in Google maps, it shows two category error.
“Too many tags describing this tag. Please fix it and resubmit.”
My question is will it work with self hosted videos? I upload all my videos in my server and play them with latest JW player. Will it work for my site too? Thanks in advance.
Hi Im getting a 404 error with the plugin –
Any suggestions on how to get it working properly?
Thanks in advance
]]>I have multiple shortcodes like this:
[yt_playlist playlist_id=”PL3tFpUJA9H0BKV_CJ28KsqXKG_ilu0-eQ” width=”310″]
They generate all thumbnails form the videos in the playlist with lightboxes.
Can you help me for generate a video sitemap with all videos
I have had the Yoast seo-video plugin since it was released. It used to work great ?? Today I noticed that it does not appear to be generating a video sitemap – I just get a 404 message.
I have read the faqs and support paged. I have edited my .htaccess file as Joost suggests and I have re-saved my permanlinks settings too. Nothing solves it.
All of my other sitemaps are present and correct.
Site is:
Sitemap Index is:
I have disabled all caching. Any suggestions would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you in advance ??
]]>Hi, I have cloned the code from the GitHub WP Plugins Mirror repository and have made several changes to comply with the current Schema definition for Video Sitemaps.
This is the commit URL with the diff:
And the changes made are the following:
This code needs to change to this so &’s and other characters don’t break your XML (like mine did)
if ( isset( $youtube_data[‘title’] ) )
$video[‘title’] = htmlspecialchars($youtube_data[‘title’]);
if ( isset( $youtube_data[‘description’] ) )
$video[‘description’] = htmlspecialchars($youtube_data[‘description’]);
I’ve tried using this plugin to generate a video sitemap but found it only recognised two YouTube Videos that were embedded using the YouTube iframe embed code. Videos that were embedded using my themes portfolio system were not visible.
In the end I installed the Yoast Video plugin and found it discovered all videos on my website irrespective of how they were added.
Thought it worth a mention in case anyone else is having similar issues. I know I spent many hours messing about trying to find a solution.
I have tried and tested the video sitemap plugin, but it doesn’t generate output in sitemap-video.xml
My guess is that a lot of issues people are experiencing is related to the use of custom post types and/or placing the embed-code in an alternative (meta-)field. All webadmins should be able to discern if they embed their videos on a custom page template. In order to check what the name of the field is, in which you place your embed code, I recommend to make use of the ‘Post Meta Inspector’-plugin.
This plugin doesn’t support both of the above scenario’s!
And now for (part) of the solution…
In the file ‘plugin.php’ that is included in the plugin-folder, we can find the database retrieval on line 101.
$posts = $wpdb->get_results ("SELECT id, post_title, post_content, post_date_gmt, post_excerpt // defines the fields to be retrieved and parsed
FROM $wpdb->posts, $wpdb->postmeta // make the selection from the 'posts' and 'metadata' table
WHERE $wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id // synchronise selections from both tables by post ID
AND $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish' // check if the post has been published
AND $wpdb->posts.post_type = 'videos' // in my case, the custom post type is videos
AND $wpdb->postmeta.meta_value LIKE '' // in my case, the embed code is placed in the meta_value field
ORDER BY post_date DESC"); // a reversed chronological sort
I have insuffiencient code experience to find any error, but I know I am missing something. Can anyone, or the plugin author, help to make this plugin (more) applicable?
(implementation needs to be done on
]]>I’m getting the following error and it’s not being recognized by Google’s Webmaster tools.
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 14 at column 22: xmlParseEntityRef: no name
It looks like line 14 column 22 is an “&” symbol in the description. I don’t know if this helps you.
I’m disabling the plugin until it’s updated.
]]>Google Webmaster Tools gives me this error:
“This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit.”
I have to replace every occurrence of empty video ratings – “<video:rating></video:rating>” – with “<video:rating>4</video:rating>” in order to make the error message go away.
I chose “4” arbitrarily. I am sure the number does not make a difference.
I find that no value in the video rating field <video:rating></video:rating> is the source of the problem.
Is this a plug-in problem or a GWT problem?
]]>Google Webmaster Tools gives me this error:
“We were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting.”
I have to replace every occurrence of the ampersand character – “&” – with “&” in order to make the error message go away.
I find that ampersands in the video description field <video:description> are the source of the problem.
Is this a plug-in problem or a GWT problem?
I started using this plugin and it seems to work fine for videos inserted in the content but doesn’t work for custom fields.
I use this plugin to retrieve some videos from a youtube playlist and convert each video to a post:
The problem is that the plugin adds the youtube video link in a custom field which doesn’t seem to get picked by wp-video-seo.
Any way to fix this?
]]>I reinstalled the plugin twice, still same error on google webmaster
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit.
After I generate with this plugin and visit the url page I get this message;
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Also, as expected, when I try to submit the sitemap to Google webmasters I also get an error message. Any ideas what may be causing this?
I get this error when i try to see my sitemap
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: https://www.*****.com/sitemap-video.xml
Line Number 10, Column 147:
Whats wrong?