Hi there,
My site was locked down for the past week by my host. Not good.
Reason was due to significant CPU overload, caused by what I initially thought must have been a brute force attack on the admin login page.
I have since found out the excessive CPU was caused by the WP Visual Adverts widget making requests to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
The POST’ed data was:
I’ve had no other plugin or widget cause such issues. I would like to know why WP Visual Adverts might be doing this, and what, if anything, can be done to resolve this issue?
Why is it necessary for your plugin to hit the admin-ajax.php script when general users are viewing pages on the site?
]]>Each time you click on an ad it opens in a new browser window or tab. This is bad behavior and really should be configurable on per-ad basis. For example, if you want your link to take you to an external website, then you should have the choice of setting for a new window, but if it links to, say, a featured article on your blog, then opening in a new window is just bad manners and pointless.
Can you please alter this in the next release?
]]>For some reason the ads just aren’t displaying on my site. Any ideas?
]]>I’ve been having a problem with this plugin the last few days, including after the recent update, that causes the plugin to stop functioning after a few refreshes. You may see an example of it on our website, here.