The plugin breaks the classic editor from showing on WordPress 5.5. Could you please take a look
Trying out your plugin. It seems to work well, except that the title of the video splits into two — there are a few words to the right of the video image, and then the rest of the title text below the video image.
I would like the whole title to appear below the video image.
Is there some .css I am missing?
Many thanks for any assistance!
I’ve installed this addon and have activated.
After placed widget i insert a wrong apikey and my admin panel neverending load, and my site is down.
I can restart manually deleting plugin folder with filezilla ftp.
If i install again & activate my site broken again and I’m not able to reenter in widget page to modify api..
How to totally reset plugin configs to enter a new api key?
Plugin not loading more than 50 videos version 2.0. could you please fix this…
Just a suggestion to auto play video when opened, and also don’t show related videos after video completion.
Just so happened across this while building a new site; wanted to drop a line to let the developers know: The .ui-widget-header{background: #3e3e3e;}
class used in the custom.css
stylesheet of this plugin causes the header navigation in the Breadcrumb NavXT plugin to change color.
Otherwise, the plugin has been working really well. Wish it had an opportunity for customization, or addition/removal of the titles and styling (or is there a hook in the plugin that would allow a custom version of the .PHP config file in my theme folder?). Just wondering out loud here.
]]>hi, this is the message I got trying to use the widget.
message :
There is a per-IP or per-Referer restriction configured on your API key and the request does not match these restrictions. Please use the Google Developers Console to update your API key configuration if request from this IP or referer should be allowed. – See more at: https://mywebsite.com/#sthash.bs8V3YBw.dpuf
But cannot figure out where this IP thing is set
I didn′t set anything into the API
any help would be appreciated.