I would like to remove the protection for my RSS feed page and category pages. My site is setup to were my post are not protected, just certain pages. So if you have a way to unprotect all category pages that would be helpful. I personally don’t need to protect/unprotect on a per category basis.
I see that there are post already addressing these topics from over a year ago, any chance you got to look into solutions?
]]>Do yourselves a favor and stay away from Zombaio. They are stealing webmasters money left and right.
Search any webmaster board for the horror stories.
]]>The zombaio login plugin will note login the costume ind after paying
We can se the costumer ind zombaio log.
So the biggest problem we are having right now is that there is a delay between when a user registers on zombaio and when their account in WP is setup of up to a few hours.
This is causing customer frustration as they expect to be able to access content straight away and end up sending in support tickets and/or requesting refunds.
Any idea what could be causing the delay?
My client tried to talk to Zombaio directly about the issue but they said they were unable to help as this plugin doesn’t log any information back to them about what’s happening like their provided script does. It this able to be added into the plugin?
]]>Everything seemed to be setup properly but when I go to add a user manually in zombaio but I keep getting this error message
(Add user to site…
Provided username: zebra0000…
Provided password: zebra9900…
Executing Password management script…
Password management ERROR…
Password management response time 359 ms…
Password management response (30 first bytes): <H1>ZOMBAIO GATEWAY 1.1</H1><H
Subscription could not be created!)
Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Hello Plugin Owner,
I am getting error. could you please provide me solution for this error.
Executing script…
Script error…
Script response time 437 ms…
Script response (30 first bytes): <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//IETF
Script response excpected OK or ERROR…
Any chance making this plugin Multisite/ Network compatible? I would like to use it on subsites but in a network/ multisite configuration that is controlled by the network settings and therefore requires “Anyone can register” by default to allow new users to the network…
Great work though – Thanks.
The feed link of rss does not work when zombaio plugin is on, because it is redirecting to login. How it is possible to add exclusion for /feed/ url that it will not be redirected to registration page and it would be shown public without registration on website?
Thank You.
]]>I am having an issue with no verification on the Zombaio side when I try to run through the install wizard.
I was using YourMembers, but have completely removed it, but am not sure if that is an issue or not.
The error I get on the Zombaio side says ‘Verication failed, you are not Zombaio.’
I had done a verification with Yourmembers before removing, and the verification passed with it.
I am desperate to get this issue resolved, or to find another Zombaio membership plugin quickly, as I am hoping to be back up and running by Monday. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>We set our news page to allow access to everyone but it only allows access to members. Any ideas?
Is the access flagged by the values 0 or 1 in wp_zombaio_redirect_disable?
]]>On one of the sites I run, a colleague installed WP Zombaio. Whether it is merely coincidental or not we are trying to discover but we began to experience random d/b connection errors immediately after.
On trying to repair/rebuild the d/b, we got:
“User Uxxxxx already has more than ‘max_user_connections’ active connections”
Tech support replied:
“The error that occurred happens when an account on the server is opening to many connections to mysql on the server This happens sometimes with poorly written code that leaves connections open and keeps opening more connections. When one account does this it effects the entire mysql server resulting in the error you received and is only fixed when we find the issue and stop those lingering connections.
When you tell your website to do anything with the database, remember to then CLOSE the connection. You are on SHARED hosting, so if your database is holding open half the doors – other users will suffer.
Very easy to add at the end of pages with SQL commands!
Max connections allowed at a time per database: 20 connections”
Is this related to WP Zombaio? As you will appreciate, previous experience with WordPress/Zombaio integration leads me to look here first.
Pending a reply, we have deactivated WP Zombaio to see if this does indeed cure the problem.
]]>WP Zombaio currently has options to allow posts/pages to logged out users however I can’t find a way to allow a category archive to be viewed publicly.
What I’m trying to have is a public category listing showing available posts but when someone clicks a post is prompts them to login/signup
Can we add the allow logged out user options to categories?
]]>I’m trying to register through the shortcode and widget, but when i hit submit i get an error on a zombaio hosted page that says
Invalid input parameters.
Please contact the webmaster!
Click here to go back to site
I ran the wizard, followed the guide but im not seeing what im doing wrong it what could be wrong..
Any ideas?
]]>Under website management it wants the Member URL:
Since this does not seem to use two directories, one for a member section, what would the “Member URL” be ?
]]>I’m getting this message
Invalid input parameters.
Please contact the webmaster!
When i do a test Join filling out my email, username and pass.
Validation works, I ran the setup wizard all seemed good.. ??
]]>Hello, it’s been a while since I worked on my friends dying adult site.. I thought I’d give it a shot and see if someone made intigration with zombaio for wordpress, I was absolutely stunned to see that you did, and cannot thank you enough.. this actually makes my job so much easier I might actually be able to get some things done, I hope to be able and donate soon since I can get his site back up and maybe make some money!
How is “Member Content” handled?
]]>I have tryed everything to get zombaio to work in my wordpress site Zombaio installed it there self and no pages were locked for the membership site i have asked them to help they domt know how to use there own program. I then uninstalled thre zscript and used a plugin that is in the wordpress plugin directory wp zombaio and still can not get it to work when i try the test and login and it thinks I am trying to log in to admin back end of site and says wrong username/password. I had someone one on freelancer check it out and after over an hour there were not able to fix it. Do I need another plugin to make this work please help thank you I got it installed in my opencart shop site with not much issue but this is driving me crazy asI am usually able to figure things out with some research on the internet but there isnt much out there on this any help woud be apppricated!!
[Moderator Note: No bumping. If it’s so urgent that you cannot wait longer than 1 hour on a volunteer-staffed forum, consider hiring someone.]
]]>Found this plugin and needed some assistance in getting it working. I see that yourmembers is no longer supporting the plugin. Do you offer commercial support or would you be interested in furthering the plugin where yourmembers left off? I’d like to have a fully functional plugin that meets our needs appropriately. Thanks.
]]>Running this plugin for the first time.
got a page set up with the following shortcodes:
[zombaio_join align=”left” width=”300″ join_url=”https://secure.zombaio.com/?287656198.1804506.ZOM” buttonalign=”center”]Pricing[/zombaio_join]
[zombaio_seal align=”right”]
The Seal loads fine however no form is displayed. Inspecting the page shows it loads just a <p> element in its place.
In Zombaio the site is setup, approved and in live mode, the join url taken from my pricing structure is correct and works when entered into a new tab.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: Discovered that the plugin hides the join form for logged in users. Silly mistake on my part to not check while logged out.
]]>Hello. I want to offer my customers the option to pay in dollars or euros.
In Zombaio not allow two types of currency.
So I have two accounts: Euro and dollars.
In the plugin I see that you can only add Zombaio account. My question is:
How I can add a second account?
I hope you can help me. Thank you and congratulations for your work.