Great plugin, thank you. I was wondering if it would be possible to open the link of an ad in a new tab.
Thank you a lot.
All the best,
We have some 17,000 pages, most of the main pages should have 3 ad’s (not the same ad’s).
We are using the side bar for advertising but as soon as we add a short code its populating all of the pages on the free plugins that I have tried. Where as I need specific ads on specific pages (and no empty blocks).
An example being on our old site “La Rouge” pay to be on our weather page https://www.verbier.com/en/weather/
“Contact” pay to be on https://www.verbier.com/en/lifts/
The directory has what I describe as child pages ie if you Search “Ski School” I would place the Ad on the primary page, and as you go through the pages of ski schools the ad would show for ski schools.
We need the plugin that can track the click and control the ads.
If we have to add groups to specific pages then they need to auto rotate (none of this on refresh stuff), and ideally a way to weigh them (set priority)
Can you, and your plugin help?
]]>I deleted an add, but on my site i still see the add?
]]>Hi, nice plugin. Does it provide any ads payment management (for example through Paypal) ?
GTMETRIX speed report recommends the following:
Specify image dimensions – The following image(s) are missing width and/or height attributes.
and go on to list my wp125 ad images.
I have set the 125×125 attributes in the media section of wp, but it seems to want hieght and width attributes in the wp125 code. How / where do I edit that?
]]>Since so many visitors are using mobile devices now, I have WP Touch installed. But I can’t figure out how to get the ads showing up in the mobile version. Is anyone familiar with this enough to provide some guidance?
]]>It is no longer possible to set the title in the plugin – like it was on the prior version of the plugin –
there is a location on the plugin to set up a title, but attempts to set up a title and save within the plugin failed.
After exploring around a bit, as a fyi, I did find that I was able to set the title on the actual Widget however and continue working with the plugin.
Here is an alternative I found in case it is helpful to anyone, as I was searching about when I thought there was not going to be a way to set the title on the new upgraded version of this one.
]]>When updating to WP125 v.1.5.4 the left sidebar menu option for WP125 (Ads) no longer displays again.
Some sites harden their WP installations: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Hardening_WordPress#Disable_File_Editing
One common tweak is to include:
//disable file editing for security purposes
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
in wp-config.php
Since file editing from within WordPress is disabled for enhanced security, download and edit the file: wp125.php
Note: Create a backup first
define("MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION", "edit_themes");
change to:
define("MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION", "edit_users");
upload back to the server.
After the above edit and upload back to the server, the menu option now appears.
]]>I can set up one ad just fine but when I add a second ad there is not opotion to assign it a slot number. It gets the default slot number of “1” and then neither the first ad nor the second will display
Probably something simple, but I don’t see it.
]]>I need a plugin like this but having looked at the reviews I get the impression there is no support or updates? is this the case ?
Should i be looking elsewhere?
]]>The beauty of WP125 was that it was relatively simple to set up.
As this plugin doesn’t work anymore does anyone know of a similar replacement?
]]>WP125 won’t show up no matter whether I try to place the widget in a sidebar or footer.
After update my wordpress to 4.3, the WP125 area has disappeared complete from sidebar on my blog, any ideas ?
Just a suggestion. MANAGE_PERMISSION constant in the plugin is set to ‘edit_themes’. On some managed WP hosting, this permission is disabled so the plugin menu won’t appear like the experience I had. Maybe ‘manage_options’ permission should be enough and works in most hosting environment.
]]>Everything works fine except the random image load.
My host, wpengine, server admin said the plugin is based on PHP which gets cached by their HTTP accelerator software Varnish. They said to ask the developer if the plugin works off cookies or sessions.
If it runs off of cookies, then I just need the cookie name and they can block the cookie itself from caching and have it working. But if the plugin runs off of sessions then they wouldn’t be able to block the session. The session would require more than just the plugin to not be cached.
I’m using wpengine.com as the hosting server because this client needs their anti hack guarantee.
I’ve used this plugin on several other sites and LOVE IT!
Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to help.
]]>We recently moved a client site from an Apache host to nginx. All of the ads links are no longer working.
The URLs for the ads are:
All of these URLs result in 404 pages. But if you remove the page slug and just go to domain.com/index.php?adclick=X it works fine.
Do we need to add another rewrite rule to the system, is there a function we can use to override this behavior or (I shudder at asking this) should we just modify the source of the plugin?
]]>This is the error I get when debug mode is set to true:
Notice: Undefined variable: altclass in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp125\wp125.php on line 150
Please how can I fix this?
]]>I noticed that the number of ad clicks for each of my ads seems very high. Is there a chance that the ad clicks number is being influenced by search engines or other items crawling the pages? I am afraid to report such a high number to the purchasers of the ad. If it is possibly due to search engine spiders, is there any way to exclude this from the count (at least going forward)?
I would like to chan”ADS” to “SPONSORS” at the top of the widget. It just looks and sounds better for my business. Is there a way to do this?
Thanks so much!
Would it be very easy to make a WP250 version of WP125? One 250px wide block per row ??
Using WP4.1 and WP125 plugin version 1.5.3 – There is no link to manage/configure the plugin displaying within the wp-admin interface.
]]>Sometime between Jan 1 and now the slot dropdown in the edit/add has disappeared.
]]>What am I missing? I’ve installed this plugin, but can’t find anyway to add/edit ads? Where should it be installed within the backend of my WP install?
]]>Hi I’ve read your blog about blocking adblock. But I dont know how to figure it out. Please help. What do i need to change
]]>Seems okay at first, and I put in some local businesses as a test.
That said, I INITIATED these. How does a marketer, advertiser get in contact with me to participate in this lovely tool. Some sarcasm here.
Seems I need yet another plug in to plop underneath it to allow these persons to “CONTACT ME” My comment page would not be equal to this.
What am I missing here?
]]>I seem to have the basics down, but I am puzzled as to how potential advertisers would contact me. Do I need to add another plug in to do that?
I have put up friends and local businesses as a test sample, but I INITIATED them. How does a normal marketer get in contact with me?
]]>I am using WP125 to display ads randomly from the same slot number on a sidebar widget as well as using shortcode before comments. For some reason the shortcode is not displaying ads randomly even though the setting for the slot is set as random and the sidebar widget displays randomly. Hope you can help troubleshoot this…
]]>so this is not working? tried diffrent themes cant even get the ads to show backend to manage
any ideas for a laternative
]]>Hello, I am trying to run WP125 Plugin on my site and am having issues. I do have the All In One WP Security Plugin Running, but didnt think that it would interfere with this plugin working.
]]>Yeah it’s not working!!!! On WordPress 4.0