Hi there,
I am looking for the possibility to setup the sending of the notification mail to the author of the post – is that please possible? Currently the mail notification on the new post is sent to the other forum users in my forum. I know there is a possibility to see my activity in the forum, where I can check what I have posted, but for such a check I have to be logged in.
Many thnaks
]]>When I click on a category, I think I am redirected to a fixed page and the page for the category I write in is displayed, but is it possible to turn this into a posting page?
]]>I got an update notice for WPforo Advanced Attachments and the update fails each time. I am using the free version, and it appears that the advanced attachments is a paid upgrade? If it is a paid upgrade, how do I resolve this update since it will not install? I keep getting a notice from WP to upgrade, but I cannot upgrade it and get an error stating “An error occurred while updating wpForo Advanced Attachments:?Update package not available.“
I assume I should not have received this update, but I did, so how do I resolve it?
]]>Hi, is it possible to setup, which users (their posts) have to be moderated by admin before they are presented at forum?
I have more users setup in the forum, theior setup appears quite the same. But one of them is not able directly send a post, it is always waiting for my moderation / approval.
Is there any way to avoid this please?
]]>I am unable to remove post ID from my url, let’s say, websitename / forumname / forum / postname /#post-id I want to remove post-ID.
Right now I don’t have any cache plugin install, In face never installed any Cache plugin. and followed this guide as well. (https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/url-on-posts/)
How can i remove id from url?
]]>La migración mundial ha sacado a millones de personas de la pobreza y fomentado el crecimiento económico, según concluye un nuevo informe del Banco Mundial.
Sin embargo, si los países de destino no implementan políticas que aborden las fuerzas del mercado laboral y gestionan las tensiones económicas a corto plazo, corren el riesgo de salir perdiendo en la competición mundial por el talento y de dejar grandes vacíos en su mercado de trabajo.
Las conclusiones principales más destacadas del informe incluyen lo siguiente:
Is there something in the WP Foro settings (rather than adding a new plugin) to make any external links open in a new tab?
]]>When I try to change a profile photo then the old photo is showing after saving. With a new member I can set the profile photo but after saving I cannot change it another time. I use Kadence theme but already tried twenty-twenty four theme, switched off all the plugins, cleared the cache but problem persist. I have installed Ultimate Member plug in and this plugin give same result. New profile photo is not saved. So I think this is a WP issue but I’m not sure. Any idea how to solve this?
]]>Hello there,
As your Forum supporting Arabic and RTL, So I use it with Arabic site and everything working well till now, but the issue is when user creating account, it did not allow them to write their username in Arabic!
I would love if you share some functions that can add to my theme file to force username to be in Arabic letters and spaces with limited between 5-25 characters.
I tried many AI generated code, but seems there is something done by you.
Thank you.
]]>Hello there.
It seems there is an issue with viewing forum pages, when going to Boards >> Forums >> Turn WordPress to this forum board >> Disabled (It showing only Forums home, but inside pages are empty.
I followed your documentation:
but still not showing anything!
If that option Turn WordPress to this forum board >> Enabled, all pages showing normal as standalone, which is I do not want!
Please help to fix this issue. I am testing both Astra theme and GeneratePress to make some customizations into my pages and theme and use shortcode to view the wpForo.
Please check this layout to get exactly what I want: https://prnt.sc/3fjUAaY1naGk
Thank you.
]]>Hi there, I’ve just started using your awesome plugin, and I am in need of your little help to edit / add a short message at the footer. I am attaching a screenshot of an example. How can i display a message like below given image.
I have installed the wpforo plugin. This is the core of the site. wpforo has a login ability but this includes the forum being partly visible to geusts who are not registered yet. The plugin “user registration” allows to register without using wpforo so wpforo can remain hidden. Now the probleem is login: How can I allow registered users to use a login form avoiding wpforo? Is a plugin available to provide login not using the wpforo-login?
I’m currently testing wpFofo and am impressed so far. It might be the solution I’m looking for.
However, I have a big problem.
I would like to set a subforum so that all new posts have to be approved by a moderator before they are visible.
However, all other posts in all other forums should be excluded from this.
Is there the possibility? I couldn’t find a way
Thanks once again
I made a clone of a development site for specific testing. The links on the forum pages still go to the site I cloned it from instead of the current site. How do I change them? I have tried looking at the database but cannot find where the links are stored.
]]>I been thinking about installing this on my website, to make the forums page look prettier and customize it, but one thing worries me: Performance.
My webhost, like most, doesn’t offer that much processing power/memory, and currently I already make use of 13 plugins(essential stuff only). How much of an impact does this plugin make?
I imagine the answer will be something along the lines of “Not much” but I’d like numbers/any data if possible
]]>I don’t see how to apply wpForo User Profile & Notifications
And @nickname is not sending out emails.
Can you point me to where to activate this.
Server email is working as I have WP Mail SMPT installed and all tests work.
I’m using BetterDocs pluggin to build my encyclopedia, for each term of it, I’ve created a single Doc page in BetterDocs. As you know, on authors’ page in wordpress, all the regular posts created by the author are listed, but how can I get all of my betterDocs’s docs to be listed on my author’s page too?
Thank you
]]>Hi there,
I have 233 user and everything was working fine until I added the last 3 user. All 3 of them are not able to add any attachments to any new post or any comment. Doesn’t matter if the user an admin or moderator I tried all possible scenarios.
Could you please help?
Hi, first of all thank you for making this plugin it is very nice and we’ll make great use of it. So I have a site with 700 members on which we want to introduce a forum. On the staging copy the user count is not growing, but that’s we use to sandbox ideas and setup/config the forum. For other reasons, we can’t just transfer back the entire staging to live, as that one is gathering new users and new content in parallel. Can I just export all the wpForo tables and import them (using phpMyAdmin or a backup plugin, etc) and do a re-sync to catch any new users, check if the page ID of the main board is right, and expect stuff to work, or am I missing something? Thanks
]]>I am using Page Builder because I like the classic editor it offers. I found a login widget to add to the forum menu bar but it doesn’t work from all devices. This one: Login Widget With Shortcode
Can you suggest how I get a forum login widget for the forum menu bar, and/or the sidebar that works with wpForo, and is hassle free for phones and tablets. I had to create a custom login as an option for the members who can’t get in from their devices using the one above.
Any suggestions?
]]>Our forum is set up to be completely private, such that the public cannot see the forum and members need to log in to view it. This is easy to do for the forum categories themselves as there are settings for that, but I just realized that from the Forum menu bar for ‘Members” and “Recent Post” these aspects are completely viewable without login in.
Can you help me makes these hidden unless logged in?
Update – I was able to hide the content of ‘recent posts’ by setting each and every subcategory to ‘guests-no access’, but the members list is still wide open for view. This shouldn’t be available to the public at all under any circumstances. How can that be hidden.
]]>Are there instructions regarding moving a thread/comment/reply to its proper category by the moderator?
]]>When clicking the links for forums and topics feed from the breadcrumb beside the Forum Title I get
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
The page shows up as a plain text xml tree and not a proper page. Where do I style those 2 feeds?
I am experiencing an issue with attaching video media on our platform. Whenever I attempt to attach a video, I receive an error message stating that the file type is not allowed. The video file I tried to upload is an .mp4 with a size of 1.1 MB.
Could you please investigate this issue and provide a solution? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Hi team,
I would like to request a feature enhancement for our community chat platform. Specifically, we would like to enable a rich text editor (including functionalities like bold, italics, etc.) for admins while creating community chat posts. This feature should be available exclusively to admins, not regular users.
Thank you for considering this request.
]]>I wish to create a forum where people need to upload pdf files to discuss on them.
Is it risky to allow pdf upload in forum ? If yes, is there any recommended plugin that scans the pdf files while they are being uploaded for malware etc.?
I just published a question titled “Board shortcode to show a Forum topic” and it has been marked as spam and it is not.
Please review it.
I’m trying to set forums by boards. Then to show the topics of the Board forum separetely on a page so people can discuss after some explanation.
1.- I’ve set my boards and create one called “Narrativa24”.
2.- I include the shortcode on a page calling the Board and the proper topic of the forum:
3.- On the page I can see the first one but not the second. Neither the third or so. For some reason there is that message that my user level does not have permissions. The user level are the very same for all the forum and topics
Thanks for the help!!!
I would like to report a fault, the regular WPFORO messages and alerts sent in the language: Hebrew, from the website system.
They come from left to right and not from right to left as they should.
for your care.
Is there a way to send out a personalized link/email/invitation for just about 20 members to be able to create an account, but still prevent other people without an invitation/link from registering?