When deploying to wpengine.com, I found I couldn’t log in as super admin if my site was down, even though it had worked fine on my dev box. I had also discovered a case of where your could trick a the plugin to show a page by hacking the url. I think the following might be a good update for in the ‘shutdown’ function:
//jjr better login detection -begin-
# Motivation:
# 1) handle case of wp-admin/page=update.php?ILoveHacking&blah=wp-login.php
# 2) On standard wpengine.com multi-site install, could not login as site admin while in maint mode
#if ($wpdb->blogid == 1 && $this->urlend('wp-login.php')) return; //I told you *not* to log out, but you did anyway. duh!
global $pagenow;
$isAtRootLogin = ($wpdb->blogid == 1 && $pagenow == 'wp-login.php');
if ($isAtRootLogin) {
return; //I told you *not* to log out, but you did anyway. duh!
// jjr -end-
]]>If there a way to put single sites on maintenance mode and not all the sub-sites.
]]>Thank you very much for this plug-in. Exactly what I was looking for.
I recently upgraded my WP multisite installation to WP 3.7, and WPMS Site Maintenance is generating some errors, though it seems to be functioning OK. (I have not tried this plugin on any other WP version.)
When first entering WPMS Sitedown, at the very top of the screen is:
Notice: Undefined index: action in {pathtosite}/wp-content/plugins/wpms-site-maintenance-mode/wpms-site-maintenance-mode.php on line 136
Just above the options (SITE UP, USER BLOGS DOWN, etc.):
If you log out (and lock yourself out of the site) visit Notice: get_bloginfo was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.2! The home option is deprecated for the family of bloginfo() functions. Use the url option instead. in {pathtosite}/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3017 {siteurl}/wp-login.php to log back in.
When I save any change (including SITE UP or switching between any of these options), at the very top:
Notice: Undefined index: reset in {pathtosite}/wp-content/plugins/wpms-site-maintenance-mode/wpms-site-maintenance-mode.php on line 137 Notice: check_admin_referer was called incorrectly. You should specify a nonce action to be verified by using the first parameter. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.2.) in {pathtosite}/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3060
Same error as initial entry just before the SITE UP, et al options.
Plug-ins in use:
(This is on an internal network, so public URL is not available.)
PS Something that would be of significant value would be the ability to include PHP code in the generated “site down” message. This would allow a variety of options, including an actual start and end time to be configured on a per-site outage basis, include CSS according to theme, etc.
Thank you again, and I’m looking forward to seeing at least the errors generated by this plug corrected.
]]>Heya Joshua!
You’ve got a solid plugin here & I really appreciate what you’ve done with it. I’ve been making a minor change to it when I upgrade since 1.0 to let my site admins see their sites while they are in maintenance mode. All I’m doing is changing line 122 from
if (is_super_admin()) return;
if (is_super_admin()) || current_user_can('manage_options')) return;
Not sure if that is something you’d want in the plugin or not, but I thought I’d pass it along if it’ll help.
]]>Hi, in a multisite set up when I try to put the site in maintenance mode it says
“Are you sure you want to do this?
Please try again.”
If I click please try again it takes me back to
How do I fix? It never lets me go in to maintenance mode/
Seems a nice plugin.
I tried to Network activate it as described in the Install section.
It was activated but :
Did you plan on updating the plugin to work on latest WP version?
]]>options do not show up under Tools.
Very stable and clean site, all other plugins behave.
]]>I modified this plugin to allow site admins to access their site by changing line 124 from
if (is_super_admin()) return; //allow admin to use site normally
if (is_super_admin() || current_user_can('manage_options')) return; //allow admin to use site normally
Figured someone else may run into that same challenge.
]]>version 0.1.1 of the original plugin still works for me so what did you change or improve?