I am using your WPMU Automatic Links plugin which is awesome! I used to use “Automatic SEO Links” by Emilio but it doesn’t seem to work anymore. You say yours is based on that one.
There is one feature that I used to rely on in Emilio’s plugin which I can’t seem to find in yours. He had a functions called “automaticSeoLinksChange” that I could use in my theme’s code to run any text through his filter and apply links to it as necessary. I have custom post fields which show up on my pages and I really want links to be active in these.
Any chance of you adding a similar feature?
]]>When I add new links an entry is made in the table of existing links, but the entry has no “word” or “url” information. Words in posts are not replaced with a link to the url.
]]>So… I have used this plugin for a while, it worked perfectly, I used it to link books (set the titles in “” as text) and authors (two links for each, one with author’s name with a space at the end as text, the other with author’s name with an s at the end, otherwise genitives would not link right).
Then I added a book that had a / in the title and it broke the plugin. Couldn’t figure out what exactly broke the plugin so I uninstalled and reinstalled and added the links again and now links won’t work anymore! Or, they do, but only it the text contains nothing but plain letters, no spaces at the end, no “, no ?, ?, ü or ? (which is kind of impractical since the blog is in German and there are a lot of umlauts in German…)
Any idea what might have caused the links to stop working?
]]>Tudo bem?
O campo que tem o css.
Coloco o código ou crio um custom css e apenas coloco a class?
The column visits in the admin what exactly does that track? Times the link is seen, clicked or how is that number calculated?
I want to change link background color , what can i do that?
Secondly, i want to linked my words by external link , how can i do that ?
Can I set that the link will work only one time per page?
]]>What settings should I use to get the link to open in a new window?
Installed the plugin an got a few keywords set up. Thought everything was great until I saved the draft of my post and ended up with broken tags due to what appears is the plugin trying to create links within them. You can see this happening here where “Dubtroit” and “Staticka” are both keywords and both in the paths for the image and link below it. Is there any way to disable the plugin from doing this?
Also, the plugin didn’t link the final instance of the word “Staticka” at the bottom of the post, so something seems amiss.
]]>I am using WordPress 3.1 Multisite, with multiple blogs and multiple plugins instaled. I have tried several plugins to insert automatic links, but this one, works best (does not broke other links, or html code ) and does all that I need, that is placing title, target and rel on the link.
This is absolutyl briliant.
Great work guys.