J’ai un problème ca me mets analyse terminée et aucun fichier est en dessous de l’analyses et le scan a duré pret de 5 heures. Une idée ?
]]>Hello, I’ve been using Publish Press and noticed that it conflits with a database plugin called WPS Cleaner.
Publish Press Planner:
WPS Cleaner:
Here’s what happens:
Can you fix this, so that I can safely clean my database? I do this regularly.
Kind regards!
]]>Hello, can you help me fix this error related to your plugin and the recent update of my site to PHP 8.1? This appeared in the PHP error log today:
[12-Dec-2022 15:51:22 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/showmetechcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wps-cleaner/classes/helpers.php on line 803
[12-Dec-2022 15:51:24 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/showmetechcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wps-cleaner/classes/helpers.php on line 803
[12-Dec-2022 15:51:26 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/showmetechcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wps-cleaner/classes/helpers.php on line 803
[12-Dec-2022 15:51:52 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/showmetechcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wps-cleaner/classes/helpers.php on line 803
[12-Dec-2022 15:51:53 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/showmetechcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wps-cleaner/classes/helpers.php on line 803
[12-Dec-2022 15:51:55 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/showmetechcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wps-cleaner/classes/helpers.php on line 803
We were curious about this function in the plugin and so decided to test it on a new site in which the content is mainly built with elementor. According to the description it will detect all images in use by elementor.
The website has 1117 images in the media library. The Medias tab information indicated that all 1117 images were unused in the website. It did not detect a single image as being used.
There may be many reasons for its failure to do such but I think it worthwhile for the plugin authors and anyone viewing the plugin utilities to be aware of this issue.
]]>Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/ on line 803
]]>Does not detect image gallery used in WooCommerce Products, the built in Gallery feature on WooCommerce.
]]>Content analysis in progress in media for 8 hours
still didnt finish
doesnt show errors
Hi there,
thanks for developing this plugin. I spent some time implementing this plugin on my rather complex website.
To get the desired behavior I had to change some things in the plugin code and add some custom methods. As I think this feedback could be valuable, I’ll summarize the changes here.
1. I had to implement a custom WooCommere Product Image handling method. Because somehow the in-built method didn’t catch the gallery images. When looking at the source code I realized, that you directly access the meta data from the post id. I didn’t check if woocommerce changed meta keys lately, but I solved the problem by adding my own method which loads the WC_Product instance of each product and uses the woocommerce getters and setters. See my snippet below: (The Method GBWC_WPS_Cleaner::whitelist_attachment_id() is a custom method, which whitelists ids by interacting with the WPS Cleaner database.
public static function link_images_to_product( WC_Product $product ) {
$image_ids = $product->get_gallery_image_ids();
$image_ids[] = $product->get_image_id();
$image_ids = array_filter( $image_ids );
if ( $image_ids ) {
foreach ( $image_ids as $image_id ) {
I also implemented a similar method, to whitelist product category images when saving them. (I know at the momemnt there’s no way to remove the link, when the category is deleted, but I don’t expect category images to bloat my website).
add_action( 'created_term', array( $this, 'save_fields' ), 10, 3 );
add_action( 'edit_term', array( $this, 'save_fields' ), 10, 3 );
public function save_fields( $term_id, $tt_id = '', $taxonomy = '' ) {
// quick fix to also whitelist product category images
if ( isset( $_POST['product_cat_thumbnail_id'] ) && 'product_cat' === $taxonomy ) {
if ( $thumbnail_id = absint( $_POST['product_cat_thumbnail_id'] ) ) {
GBWC_WPS_Cleaner::whitelist_attachment_id( $thumbnail_id, 'woocommerce_product_cat' );
Then more technical aspect regarding the handling of the plugin.
My website generates post ids pretty much every couple minutes (orders, emails etc)., hence when I look at the media tool tab it is always waiting for the data to sync, which is triggered by a scheduled hourly event. My suggestion to fix this, is also to fire the hook (‘wps_cleaner_indexation_medias’) everytime the page loads, as it will only take a couple ms to update the small number of posts in the queue.
Lastly I had the problem, that when I manually whitelisted some attachments and had the whitelist button and table showing on the media screen, I couldn’t use the pagination anymore. The only way to solve this, was by commenting out the whitelist table. I think this requires some urgent attention from the developers.
I hope this post was helpful and once again thanks for developing this plugin. It allowed me to reduce the size of my wordpress installation by more than 50%, something which wouldn’t have been possible manually.
]]>Since I cleaned articles, comments, options and terms, Mailpoet doesn’t work anymore. I get this message on Mailpoet page: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 INSERT command denied to user ‘xxx’@’’ for table ‘wp_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks’
More, there’ a fatal error with WooCommerce (Uncaught RuntimeException) with table ‘wp_actionscheduler_actions’ and ./plugins/woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/migration/ActionScheduler_DBStoreMigrator.php
Now I don’t have access to Mailpoet and I can’t activate WooCommerce.
And now navigation in the admin of the site is very slow. It seems there’s a problem of request with the db. But no speed problem in the frontend.
Any idea of the problem? I can sent the whole alert messages if necessary.
]]>I was about to translate this plugin and I noticed that everything is in English apart from the plugin description which is in French…? Could this be changed into English for consistency sake?
Does WPS Cleaner support ACF? Specifically the image clean up.
]]>Hi! I ran this plugin a few times and because we hav a TON of images on our site, I was never able to download the zip file it created all of our media files. This is OK as I don’t need them, however our site’s storage is almost full, and has like 10 files that are 32GB large titled similarly to the one below. Am I able to delete these from our file manager or FTP site?
Thank you!
]]>Hi !
I received an automatic email from my WordPress, following an auto update.
An error occured during the auto update.
I just wanted to tell you. I will deactivate the plugin. I’ll retest the plugin later.
Here is the error reported :
WordPress version 5.6.1
Thème actuel : Twenty Seventeen (version 2.5)
Extension actuelle : WPS Cleaner (version 1.6.2)
PHP version 7.4.8
Détails de l’erreur
Une erreur de type E_COMPILE_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 34 du fichier /home/choraleh/www/wp-content/plugins/wps-cleaner/vendor/nicolaskulka/wp-dismissible-notices-handler/includes/helper-functions.php. Message d’erreur : Cannot redeclare DNH() (previously declared in /home/choraleh/www/wp-content/plugins/wps-bidouille/vendor/NicolasKulka/wp-dismissible-notices-handler/handler.php:629)
When I read it I understand that WPS Cleaner entered in conflict with another plugin of the same contributor. ??
I hope you will find a way for both plugins to coexist !
Bon courage !
Fredde Battel
Hi. My theme uses content blocks.
When sweeping for orphaned media the plugin is collecting active media from these content blocks.
Is there any way to stop this?
If anyone have an idea to understand, I am very interested.
I have a WP multisite. One principal (GB) and the second (FR).
On my principal website when use the plugin WPS Cleanner, the ‘Clear Duplicated Post Meta’ button works perfectly. When I press the same button on my second website, There is no effect for 1385581 files. Is it normal or not ? I don’t know.
Many thanks for an answer.
Have a great day or evening,
My website:
I have 10 pages of images to review and it will not allow me to go to the next page.
It always displays the first page of images no matter what you do.
I see this has been posted before and must still be a bug?
Please help.
]]>Hello everyone, I had a problem, going on the plug-in – media, the plug-in no longer finds me the images not attached, but I find all the images in the posts, as if they were not attached, I tried to delete one for trial and actually, delete it from the post, how do I? Everything worked perfectly before!
]]>Installed the plugin and found this in the query monitor, alerted as slow query:
First of all, thanks for your plugin. I used to clean my website but it shows 76 892 posts, 221 662 metadatas and 193 397 comments that i cannot clean
Before you ask, i have not been hacked, and i only have 5000 products on my website that is 2 months old, with comments disabled. I just use Crons and Woocommerce a lot
I browsed these tables, and found out :
posts : a lot of wc_update_product_lookup_tables_rating_count_batch
postmeta + comments : a lot a “action scheduler” comments and posts that are useless
Could you tell me how to clean (with your plugin would be nice)
I want to clean up media librairy. 199 elements has been found but I cannot scroll over the first page of media to check (and exclude some images) before cleaning.
The URL of the page is :
I cannot replace paged=1 by paged=2 because a redirection to page 1.
Sorry for my english.
PS I desactivated Imagify but no change
]]>Is it necessary to run a cron job every minute? I tried to edit it using wp-cron events plugin and it just replicates itself. Can you explain?
I clicked to check for unused media and I am getting a never ending loop: “Content analysis in progress.” It would be nice to stop the analysis. To then restart it later on. I also deactivated the plugin to see if that stopped the analysis, but noticed it was still going.
I am taking another backup of the site and then bringing the backup offline to recreate a local site, and take a few tests. As I am guessing it is the combination of some plugins that causes the never ending loop to happen.
A few things I want to give feedback on.
The description shows the French language at the top. In general it would be best to have the English description in the top and French language below.
Have a sentence that says: “Description in English is below the French description.” Or “Description in English below.”
In the WP backend:
“Do you like plugin WPS Cleaner?
Thank you for taking a few seconds to note us on”
Change the word note to rate. As one rates a plugin by giving it an amount of stars.
Another thing.
I have a client site with 341 unused images. Yup that is a lot. There are 16 pages of unsed media I have to delete. There could also be a button that says “delete unused media” that could show up after having downloaded the unused media.
Btw This is a really good plugin! I have been looking for something to clean up sites like this plugin for a long time. Thank you for creating it!
]]>Hi the plugin looks good, well done.
One issue is it found 38,581 Medias but there does not seem to be a select all / delete all option?
Selecting so many files manually is a pain.
Any ideas?
]]>I just installed on a staging server on a WPMU Multisite environment. After removing “unused” Themes and Plugins results were lots of broken sites. It would be better if the user could review changes before deleting.
]]>WPS CLEANER finds 460 transients to delete while WP ROCKET does not find any.
Probably does not he work on the same files?
What can I do to remove these 460 transients?
On the other hand, I must say that after cleaning the database via this function: “oEmbed caches in the metadata of the posts”, the backups of the database were twice as fast and the weekly general backup went from 6-8 hours to 4 hours 37 minutes, which is huge. A good point !
WPS CLEANER trouve 460 transients à supprimer alors que WP ROCKET n’en trouve aucun.
Sans doute ne travaille t’il pas sur les mêmes fichiers ?
Qu’est ce que je risque à supprimer ces 460 transients ?
Par contre, je dois dire qu’après avoir nettoyé la base de données via cette fonction : ? Caches oEmbed dans les métadonnées des posts ?, les sauvegardes de la base de données ont été deux fois plus rapide et la sauvegarde générale hebdomadaire est passé de 6-8 heures à 4 heures 37 minutes, ce qui est énorme. Un bon point !
Hello, I’ve got this wordpress error when I try to search for images to remove. How can I remove this message ?
Notice: Undefined index: action in C:\wamp64\www\tempsaveur\wp-content\plugins\wps-cleaner\blocks\settings_media.php on line 108
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0003 409776 {main}( ) ...\tools.php:0
2 0.0004 410448 require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\tempsaveur\wp-admin\admin.php' ) ...\tools.php:10
3 1.1632 31124456 do_action( ) ...\admin.php:253
4 1.1632 31124832 WP_Hook->do_action( ) ...\plugin.php:465
5 1.1632 31124832 WP_Hook->apply_filters( ) ...\class-wp-hook.php:310
6 1.1633 31125848 WPS\WPS_Cleaner\Plugin::admin_page( ) ...\class-wp-hook.php:286
7 1.1637 31126088 include( 'C:\wamp64\www\tempsaveur\wp-content\plugins\wps-cleaner\admin_page\plugin.php' ) ...\plugin.php:191
8 1.1671 31127680 include( 'C:\wamp64\www\tempsaveur\wp-content\plugins\wps-cleaner\blocks\settings_media.php' ) ...\plugin.php:45
9 1.1743 31227536 WPS_CLEANER_MEDIA_List_Table->prepare_items( ) ...\settings_media.php:846
10 1.1743 31227888 WPS_CLEANER_MEDIA_List_Table->process_bulk_action( ) ...\settings_media.php:23
( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: action2 in C:\wamp64\www\tempsaveur\wp-content\plugins\wps-cleaner\blocks\settings_media.php on line 109
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0003 409776 {main}( ) ...\tools.php:0
2 0.0004 410448 require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\tempsaveur\wp-admin\admin.php' ) ...\tools.php:10
3 1.1632 31124456 do_action( ) ...\admin.php:253
4 1.1632 31124832 WP_Hook->do_action( ) ...\plugin.php:465
5 1.1632 31124832 WP_Hook->apply_filters( ) ...\class-wp-hook.php:310
6 1.1633 31125848 WPS\WPS_Cleaner\Plugin::admin_page( ) ...\class-wp-hook.php:286
7 1.1637 31126088 include( 'C:\wamp64\www\tempsaveur\wp-content\plugins\wps-cleaner\admin_page\plugin.php' ) ...\plugin.php:191
8 1.1671 31127680 include( 'C:\wamp64\www\tempsaveur\wp-content\plugins\wps-cleaner\blocks\settings_media.php' ) ...\plugin.php:45
9 1.1743 31227536 WPS_CLEANER_MEDIA_List_Table->prepare_items( ) ...\settings_media.php:846
10 1.1743 31227888 WPS_CLEANER_MEDIA_List_Table->process_bulk_action( ) ...\settings_media.php:23
est-ce compatible avec multisite?
est-ce compatible avec multisite?
J’ai 30 pages de médias à supprimer, mais à ce que je vois il n’est possible de supprimer les médias que page par page ou média par média (ce qui est un peu long quand on a plusieurs dizaines de pages à supprimer). Est-il possible (ou le sera-t-il à l’avenir) d’avoir un bouton pour supprimer tous les médias d’un coup ?
Bon travail et continuez comme ?a,